Minutes 1936/09/22 'Tn 354 Gilroy, Calif. Sept. 22nd, 1936 The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council of Sept. 18th, 1936, was called to order by His Honor ~ffiyor s. D. Heck, Present Councilmen Nat Heiner, Geo. M. Mason, Geo. C. Milia s, Jr. J. H. Rush, Ben Stewart, Harry L. Wilkinson, Absent Councilmen, None. Motion by Nat Heiner, seconded by ~. H. Rush that Reso- lution !fo 69 be passed and adopted as follows: Determining that the public interest ahd necessity demand tbe acquisition, construction andc completion of the tollo~ing municipal improvement of the City of Gilroy, to-wit; A Mu- nicipal auditorium, assembly and comvention Hall, ~ncluding all lands, Building, furniture, tixtures and equipment necessary for municipal auditorium,tassembly and convention hall purpose~, the cost of &\Vl&h said municipal improJlement is and will be too g.eat to be paid out ot the ordinary inoome and revenue ot said City. BE IT RESOLVEr; by the Common oouncil of the City ot Gil- roy as tollows: That the public inter:t and necessity demand the acquisit- ~) ,~' ,- daD ion, cGnstruction and completion of the following municipal improvement of said City to-wit: A municipal auditorium, assembly and convention hall, including all lands, building furniture, fixtures and equipment necessary tor municipal audi- torium, assembly and convention hall purposes That said municipal improvement is neceassry and convenient to curry out the objects, purposes and powers of said City and ~ that the cost of said municipal improvement is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of Sept. 1936, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Nat Heiner, J. H. Rush, Ben %tewart, George M. Mason, Seorge C. Milias, Jr. Barry L. Wilkinson, Noes, CQuncilmen, Nene, Abxent, Councilmen, None. Motion by George M. Mason, seconded by Harry Wilkinson th*t Ordinance No. 418 be passed and adopted after being read by title as follows:- ~ An Ordinance regulating the hours of business when and the :\ place of -business where, uncured and uncooked meats are sold, offered for sale, received or delivered, re)ealing Ordinance No. 388 Of the City of Gilroy, relating to the sale of uncured and uncooked meats, and prescribimg a.penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof Vote, Ayes, Nat Heiner, George M. Mason, George C. 1.111ias, Jr., J. H. Rush, Ben stewart, Harry L. Wilkinson. Motion by George C. Milias, seconded by George M. Mason; That J. H. Rush be granted permission to leave the ctate for a period of thirty da~s.. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair (I {[ {) CO. :l ((~ ~~l E. F. ~gers, City Cler}t. .