Minutes 1936/10/05 r :irjG Gilroy, California October 5th,-1936 The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor, Mayor S. D. Heak. Present Councilmen were: ~at Heiner, George M. Mason, George C. MIlias, Jr., H. L. W~lkin~on~ Absent. Councilmen were, J. H. Rush and Ben Stewart. The Committee on securIng an Aroh:j.teat stated that they had seen Mr. Curtis of the firm of Binder and Curtis of San Jose. Motion by TIilkinson, econded by Nat Heiner that the Mayor be authorized to senu a letter to the Architects relative to appointment. The letter mailed by the Mayor was as follows: "The City of Gilroy notify the firm of Binder and Curtis, Architects of San :Tose, C~lifornia, that the City desires their services as architects in connection with a proposed municipal auditorium to be built in conneotion with a Grant from the Works Progress Administration, the employment to be subject to an election approving a bond issue by the electors of said City of Gilroy in the sum of $31,000.00 and the allocation of funds in the approximate sum. of $75,000.00 by said govern- mental agency; that an appropriate agreement be entered into between said firm of architects and the City conforming to the terms hereof, the City not to be obligated until assured said AUditorium is actually to be aonstructed." The minutes of the meetings held during the month of September were read and ordered a)proved. Motion by Harry L. Wilkinson, seconded by Geo. C. Milias, Jr., and carried that the bids for improving Old Gilroy street be ordered opened. Two bids were presented, one by the Raisch Improvement Co. and the other by the Union Paving Co. Motion by Geo. C. Milias, Jr. seconded by Nat HeMner: That we recommend to the State of California that the contract for im~roving Old Gilroy Street be awarded to the Raisch Improvement Co. Motion by Heiner, seconded by Wilkinson that the Finanoe Committee consider the Library Fund and report back. Motion by Milias, seconded by Heiner and carried: That the oost of new well on Sewer Farm land be ~aid to Allemand. The regular monthly bills were-read and by motion of Heiner, seconded by Wilkinson and oarried.~.ere ordered accepted and placed on file. The Buildings !nd Grounds Committee was instructed to see about improving roof of building at the Golf Club. ~ Harry Wilkinson moved the-introduc$1on of an Ordinance and the same was (uly seoonded by Nat Heiner. This being the first ~eading of said Ordinance which is designated by title as follows: AN ORDINANCE C'LLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF GILROY FOR THE PUR-'OSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THE PROPOSITION OF IN- CURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION A~1) COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT, TO Vi!T: A MUNICIPkL AUDITORIUM, ASSEMBLY AND CONVENTION HALL, INCLUDING ALL LANDS, BUILDING, FURNITURE, FIl'TURES AND EQ,UIPMENT 1TECESSARY FOR MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM, ~. ~ r-W,Q,~ ~ )~) , ASSE1ffiLY Ab~ CONVE~~ION HALL PURPOSES; DECLARING THE ~STI1~TED COST OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPROVEIE3T\J"'T, THE AMOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEBTEDNESS TO ~!-,,-n~&~!HDDAnR~H~ORAID1lLE~IMAXJ:Mm.! RATE OF I~'TERCST TO BE PAID THEREON; A ~ ' ,J 1. >.J, J ON, THE MANNER OF HOLL ING THE SAME, ESTABLISH- ING ONE ELECTION PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE FOR SAID ELECTION AND APPOI1ITING A BCt.TIn OF ELECTION THZ=:EFOR, .AJ\TD PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF. Motion by Geo. C. Milias, Jr., seconded by George M. Mason that the City Clerk be instructed to publish the ne~essary notices. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of George C. Milias, seconded by Nat Heiner, were allowed and warrants ordered drawn. There being no further busirrnss to come before the Council an adjournment was taken until Tuesday October 13, 1936 at the hour of 8: 00 0' clock P.~1. C'rO r ~ G, j.Vl~,.~ - E. F. R~ers, City Clerk ,.