Minutes 1937/02/01 ........ ...',.... - 4: .Jij...."...,,,,- ..1"1'" .. "'} Q'~ ~)(!d (~ Gilroy, California February 1,193U,. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was was called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck,all members of the Council being present. The minutes of the meeting of January 4th were read and approved. Motion by Milias,seconded by Heiner and carried that N.H. Bowman's application for taxi stand at Monterey and Martin sts. be granted. J\lotion by Wilkinson,seconded by Heiner am carried that A.J.Raisch be granted a resaonable extension of time such extension to not vary the terms of the contract. I'i:otion by 'Silkinson, secq;mded by Mason and carried that taxes of Bank of iunerica,Assessment No.35g,be cancelled for year 1936-37 on account of duplication. Motion by Milias,seconded by Wilkinson that a refund of $92.00 be allowed the Cemetery Association on account of water charges. Motion by Milias,seconded by Mason that i;>5,000.00 be transferred fram the Water Fund to the General Fund. Two applioations were received for City Clerk vacancy. Motion by Wilkinson,seconded by Milias that P.A.Cox be appointed City Clerk and Ex Officio Assessor for the unex- pired term of office commencing February 1st. VOTE: Aye s: NatHe iner ,George IiI. Mason, George C. Milias , Jr. , J.H.Rush,Harry L.Wilkinson. Noes:None Absent:None. Motion by Milias,seconded by Heiner that the salary of City Clerk and Ex Officio Assessor be ~150.00 per month. VOTE: Ayes:Nat Heiner,George C.Milias,Jr.,George M.Mason, J.B.Rush,Harry L.W&lkinson. Noes: None Absent: None. Resolution No.73 was presented and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Nat He1ner,George C.Milias,Jr.,George M.Mason, J.H.Rush,Earry L.Wilkinson. Noes: None. A hAAn +. . l\TnTl '" B~() Resolution No.74 was presented and passed by the following vote: Ayes:Nat Eeiner,George C.Milias".Tr, ,George M.Mason,J.H. Rush,IIarry L.Wilkinson. Noes: None Absent: None. Motion by Rash,seconded by Wilkinson that $150.00 be allowed towards defraying funeral expenses of N~.Rogers. Resolution No.75 was presented and passed by the following vote: Ayes:Nat Eelner,George C.Millas,Jr.,George M.Mason,J.H.Rus4, Earry L.Wilkinson. Noes: None Absent: None. A comrlunioation was received from Logan and Frazer stating that they had audited the books for the six months' period ending December 31,1936,and reported everything in good order. Eotion by Ialias,seconded by Heiner that Reports of Officers be accepted and placed on file. N~.E.E.Eustice submitted a plan on behalf of the Golf Club for the erection of a Club House on the Golf Club property. Motion by ',iilkinson, seconded by He iner that the City allow 0200.00 to move the present house to where the barn now stands and rebuild tool shed. },lotion by Millas ,seconded by Rush that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasury. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~v@~ Deputy city Clerk UJ - .......... CO l:'r:l Q .... iIIw;d IIIlIII ....... .... ....... [ .. ( qR"';" i)ct: RES 0 L UTI 0 N NO. 73 ---------- BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that Victor Oddie, Deputy City Clerk, be and he is hereby authorized to execute as such Deputy City Clerk, all warrants of the City of Gilroy, until such authority is revoked by further R'esolution duly passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. That the signature of said Victor Oddie is below affixed. The foregoing resolution was duly passed, approved and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 1st day of February, A.D., 1937. AYES: ~sunc ilr:.an La t Ls ine 1', C C():4;~8 ~ ,., .. 'n .,' -.;' I' .' C" Jr ........ lJmS011, vn.:..:CJ..oC ",;.J.d.....,.L Gl..., J .L. :1ush, ;.,UJ'ry L. iiil son. NOES: ::one ABSENT : =~one Approved: Attest: I~$~~~t, -- M yor ~~ Ueputy City Clerk ,.... i'- Signature ~~ C)~(\ ')'J.J "..... Il...r B. 1& E. .Q. 1. !!. .! 1. .Q. 1:! 1i Q. ~ WfrF'Plid~S. E. F. (Gene) Rogers for many ye,jrs last past was City Clerk of the oity ot Gilroy. California, and has passed trom amonr us. NO~V. '1'HT"REF'OR}'" be it resolv d th~.it his passing be noted on the minutes of this tady; thHt said E. F. (Gene), , Rogers served the oity faithfully and well; that 6 oopy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of this body, and a oopy be se~t to h1s w1dow. r \- ArC:;ouncilman l~a.t neiner. ~}corge~. l,:illas Jr. J. L. Lush. George 1:. I:ason, Enrry L. \,{ilkinson. NOES: ~ one AP SE"TT : i. ~.one Approved: /~~ ~ . ayor Attest: ,.. <---~t4U-~ Deputy C1ty Clerk ....