Minutes 1937/04/05 I (, a I. ~) ;,1 ..,~.li' Gilroy,Califorrlia. April 5,1937. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present Councilmen were:George C.Milias,Jr. ,H.L.Viilkinson,Nat Heiner,George Mason. Absent:Councilman J.H~Rush. Minutes for the meeting of March 1st were read and ap0roved. The Clerk is instructed to send letters to Congressman John J. ~cGrath and Senators Hiram ~.Johnson 'and William G.McAdoo urging them to support H.R. 4215 said bill apnertaining to the continuance of payment of interest to municipalities on bank deposits. The Clerk is instructed to senG a letter to E.A. Teubner,Dist- rict Freight & Passenger Agent for the Southern Pacific Co.,thanking him for his efforts in securing a flag stop here for the Del Monte. A petition signed by Sam and Dorothy Newton and J.W.tee and Lucy Lee asking that the Council petition to Southern Pacific Railroad Co.to construct curbing along the westerly side of Rail- road Street between Sixth St.and Old Gilroy St.,1s' presented. No action is taken. A resolution is presented by Sydney S.Johnson. By unanimous consent the matter is laid over for one week. I,1r.George:J.Renz appears before the Council to discuss contem- plated changes to the front of a garage located at the corner of 6th Monterey Sts. The matter 1s referred to the Fire and street :Jo:tnlli ttees for investigation and a report one week hence. kotion by Jouncilman Wilkinson seconded by Councilman 1iilias and carried that reports of officers be accepted and.placed on file. Motion by Councilman lIilias sec onded by Counc ilman VJilkinson and carried that the sum of $601.28 be accepted from the Gilroy Tennis Club as full settlement for all Special Assessment Taxes-delinquent, current and advance. Mr.George Smith ap~ears before the Council to discuss insurance on various city properties. '. Motion by Councilman Heiner seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that no payment be made to A.J.Raisch Co.until Old Gilroy Street work is completed and finally accepted. L:ot ion by Counc ilman Milias se conded by Counc iIman Heiner and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered ", (6) (.I "'" t drawn on the Tresaury. Adjourned to IAonday,April 12,1937. . r-,,,", ~ - --- - u.,., tl-:1 ~ (3. 0... C2~ City Clerk