Minutes 1937/08/03 400 . Gilroy, California. August 3,1937. The regular meeting of the Common Counoil is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heok. Present Counoilmen George Milias,J~,J.H.RuSh,NatHeiner,George .:101 Mason. Absent: Councilman H.L.Wilkinson. Minutes of the meetings of July 6th,July 8th and August 2nd are read and approved. City Planning Commission Resolution No. 1 is presented. -. Resolution No. 78 is presented and read: ~ =it 3 RES 0 L UTI 0 N N o. 78 ---------- r --2". a ,.. C_ c..ol1 ot tM Cl. ot IUro" 0&11tOl'.1&, tiel. ., a r...1...tlo. tMreot adopted. o. tM :t(Q~ .Y ot A~'(\l ,1''''. _tn. the Cl. Plualac a_l..tea ot _14 Olt,. to propare a aoaJ.a& 01' 41.-10.. lag pla. tor 1&14 al_ all4 to _ko tM ro,..t. thore. a10h aro re,all'M. by 1a., &Ild. tS;: 1I~.&~a 8a14 2..~Pl&lUl1D& a-'-881. au. ~ a ro..lattoa tUnot a40pttKt _ tU~ .., ot~k"'''~ 1''''. Wa_~1...oly a.....,.. a pro- ,..04 "-lac orl11"riot1Jlc plaa tor _lel alV aa4 414 -.to a .....'1... roport tAoreoa It)' roportlac t1Iat aiA C1t)' naaa1Jlg C.....l.. laa4 pro- par_ &ad apprOY04 .. prltpe.. a-lac or 4i.trl.tlai pl&A tor _14 al. a. '" ..... i. .-.4104 aa4 .ot t..ta la .. oertala propo", .rtl.... fit _14 Clty a_ .. a oortala .p, a. .,.oltl04 ill _14 n.ol.'Ha. aa4 It)' 1'0."'_<<1111I tat _i4 a..... C....11 la.truet aid C1V Plua1a& 0.-18- 810n to ho14 pu.lJ1i. "'1'18&' .. _id prope.. a_~ or 4inrln1a& p1&D. a. pl"OYi4e4 .. 1a.; .ow. therotoro. 'be it ~f..t _14 a_ a_no 1a _~ ..oMltleol .. ~"! .., or . 1'31, cloo. heroby tutr".' a14 01',. P1ua1Dc ao.a1..1oa W ho1a oerta1a pullo hoariaC. oa a14 propeH4 --lite or 41aV1otiq pl_. n1eh "'.rlag. .laal1 bo ..14 at tM tOll_iDe tiM. aM ~1&.... to-w1ta 1. At the hOG' ot g P.M... ~o IK~ day ot ~. 1''''. 18 tho aOD011 CbaaNr la tU ait,.11, IUr.,. Callt....1&. 2. At the "'1' ot 9 P .11. .. tho 3 A _y ot ~~- 1931. ill the OOWlO11 a.....r la the Cl'ty Hall. IUrOJ. CalIt~~~ . IT P'OI..,D IlISOL'Va fBat 't1\e aity alork be aDd tM __ 1. _reby 4ireoted to traal&1t a .ortin. oopy ot .1. re.o1at108 t. _i4 aity PIam1Dg C~1..ioD. . ..... r l. I hereby oort:U) tlaat ta~ teragolag 18 a tt.1l1. tn. aM eonoot oow or a 1'...1,,1;1_ ..40p\0ci Dr t.. a_ a....u.....ot ~ ct. .t Cl11r.,.. 0a1irorat.., at .. ...tl8& thoreot u14 Oft tIa.;J"::!"" at nJ~~ -'. 1937. --y--- G<~<~ aity al.rk ot tM 1" 0 <<li1r.,. calilerata 402 U,;l - .......... t:O ~ Q Ayes:Counc1lmen George M111as,Jr.,J.H.Rush,Nat Heiner,George Mason. Noes:Councllman None Absent: Councilman H.L.Wilkinson. The City Assessor presents the 1937-1938 Assessment Roll. ....... By unanimous consent meeting of the Board of Equalization are set as follows: August 16th, August 23rd ,August 25th,1937. The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to 1~.A.J.Raisch j thanking him for his fine cooperation in placing Old Gilroy in first class condition same being entirely satisfactory to the Mayor am Common Council. The Clerk is instructed ti write to 1~.Raymond W.Fisher in- forming him that his bi11 of $403.44 for services in connection with the Old Gilroy street paving Job will be paid as soon as the City receives the $1000. from Santa Clara County. Motion by Councilman Rash seconded by Councilman Milias and oarried that $2395.75 from the Special Gas Tax Fund and $377.77 from the General Fund (making a total of ~2?73.34 due on the Old Gilroy Street paving job) be paid the A.J.Raisch Co.,said $2773.34 being the final payment as per contract. A letter from the State Board of Equalization calling attention of the Mayor and Common Council to their authority in passing on applications for Liquor Licenses is read. The Clerk is instructed to present all future Liquor Applications to the Mayor. . \ , ...J Motion by Councilman Milias seconded by Councilman Rush and oarried that reports of various City officers be accepted and placed on file. The Clerk is instructed to order a seal ~ar the Poliee Court. . , Motion by Councilman Milias seconded by Councilman Rush and oarried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered ':J drawn on t he Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. eQ,-0~ City Cler