Minutes 1937/11/08 4. ;.... ".Y / _ f '" . .;'.. t I Gilroy,Cal1fornia. November e ,l93? A speoial meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.H~k. Present Counoilmen George Milias,Jr.,J.H.Rush,Nat Heiner,George Mason. Absent Councilmen None. The Council prooeeds to canvass the vote of the Speoial Mun- icipal Election (to fill vacancies on the Council-two members) held November 5,1937. One absentee ballot is recorded in the total the final count being is follows: "1-g R UJ f_ ji.\.. _ - --.. Jack Rogers 335 votes ~ ~ George A.Martin 306 votes Q Charles R.Avis 198 votes Lee Mathison 194 votes Hall S.Schrader g2 votes Motion by Councilman Heiner,secon&4by Councilman Mason and carried that Jaok Rogers and George A.Martin be declared to have received the highest number of votes cast and each elected to the offioe of Common Councilman of the City of Gilroy. Motion by Councilman lvIilias, secondeClyby Councilman Heiner am carried that the City Attorney and City Treasurer be authorized to execute deposit agreements with the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association and the American Trust Company. Howson Brothers,contractors,appear before the Council to discuss building permits. The Clerk is instructed to write to Supervisor Henry Hecker and thank him for the use of the power shovel in cleaning the slough east:-s.nti west 0 f the bridge on Fore st Street. Adjourned subject to the call of the ohair. G.Q.~~ City Clerk .