Minutes 1937/12/08 1 i~. .i' /L tl,l I "'1,,,,,,,- Gilroy,California. December 8,1937. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen George Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,J.H.Rush,George Mason.George A.Martin. t Absent:Councilman Nat Heiner. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Mason that the Resolution Adopting Plans and Specifications be adopted. RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. RESOLVED.that the plans and specifications for the work to be done and improvement to be made in the City of Gilroy ) A 22(' "1: L.U to wit: ,"'--. ,.,,-. ~""" 1..1"; "t".;:j Q- The improvement of Leavesley Road by constructing a reinforced concrete culvert, as prepared by the City Engineer of said ci ty and submitted this eighth day of December 1937,be,and the same are hereby adopted as the official plans and specifications fordoing said work and mak- said improvement. -... ~~411 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a regmlar meeting thereof held December 8,1937, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmen George Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers, J.H.Bush,George Mason,George Martin. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilman Nat Heiner. (Seal) P.A.Cox City Clerk The Clerk is instructed to write to the Coast Counties Gas & . ... Electrio Co. advising them that they must secure permission from the chairman of the Street Committee of the Common Council before '- any pavement is broken or excavation made for the purpose of repairing or replacing gas lines,or for any other reason. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman Martin that RESOLUTION NO.88 be adopted: ~. "'~ "- " "-, ~ "-, ,t,. ~..~ '~ ~ "',,- '~ ',,- ...... :J'''''''''''.'l'nift't''1'!;1!i; ~ 88 i,J~z;..V.wu''''.V.1 &nJ. '"',1,": ~'\.; v.: ',;' .... i.' '.'.'\ \. ~lati;"t1Jl'lon ow TB~ 01'1'1' J.OiJ>>OI~,* i'lL'~ or ';"1 t~J.KH,?Tt;:;J riJIL;~ cr ,ItT ~'.7:' I.ll Tit~..:; t~ ,~!'1 (.Ii' (l.A~:;; . ,;, f ~j pro'oot statement for the $X}-'GDd1 turf! of the: otmt gtl8 tax *'- tor 'he 193'-1939.. 1tltmm.UII aI-la_tad tor state hlgbwal8 and . portion ot tbe ;~ cent e:a- tax for tb;) :t1solll1 Y4iflr $niSln! June 30, 1938 allooatGd for s t1...ts of ]:aj~)l' Iri1~)rtamo ill thev1 tj ofGllro3t hee been presGlltoo to tlHJ ':= 1 ty ,}ouDo11. and t the C1tJ OounoU lias hear,u 1".1 _ld projeot stntomont and 1s 1'am111ar With the oontenta tb9.r$Of t ,i.2.. be it reeolve4 bJ tne C~l tl OQUOOU oj'; tho ,; 1tl orGill"oj' that15814 pro3"' .1WlhmGGt be qd 1 t 1s h(}rebl aioptoo o.athe btJ4pt oZ th. propoH4 apendltve of' tb.,~ oo.ot p. tl1% allocated tor _.to ~8 &DO aponloo of the'L oet SQS 'ex $llooaW tor ut:reets of j,ia~Cl' Importanoo. ana the aUNt oomm1ssloDel' Wld th.Jlty':~lm1or aro dlrooted to sign the &Qt;')t) on behalf of &ald 01t7 ot'kllrol_ -'.~. JJ U.'!L. J.~~.1II;"'1 .......,...~~ P39$ad fUld adopted this o1gh.th dS3 of: -:-:'eO$Il1ber 19:1. b4" the fOllo\"f1l1g vote, tQllt: l · ;;m:mal1men. George Iv:ilias, Jr. ,Jack Rogers, J.H.Rush,George Mason,George Martin. ,,::i. Coun0 l1JosD.. None .)ott.'lal1Ilal1. Nat Heiner :~lgne4 (] ~ ,~~ offJ d!erlt "" J The Clerk is instructed to order four 1 hour parking signs. Adjpurned subject to the call of the ohair. G ' Cl- .~\Y'i City Clerk .