Minutes 1939/03/06 478 Gilr oy , Cali for nia . Y.a.roh 6,l939. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent: Councilmen: None Minutes if the meetings of February 6th and 2?th,l93~,are read and approved. The matter of the business license of Mr.J.P.Steinmetz is discussed. No action is taken. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried unanimously that Building Permit Applications NS Nos.55 and 56,signed by Foster & Kleiser Company,to erect two signs on the East side of North Monterey Street between First Street and Casey Street and one sign on the East s ide of North Monterey Street between Mart in and Lewis Streets,be refused and the $2.00 fee be returned to the applicant. A com:mnicat ion i s re~ from Mr .K. Sakata requesting permission to erect a directional sign at the intersection of North Monterey street and Leavesley Road. This matter is referred to Councilman Heiner. A Jetition from the Gilroy Commercial Company,requesting the West side of Railroad Street between Martin and Lewis Streets be taken out of the Fire District,is read. The petition is referred to the City Planning Commission for action. r 4-9 '. ." ,- Mr.E.J.Fabbri,chairman of the CO~lunity Recreation Uommission, appears before the Council to request a subsidy for the 1939 rec- ceation program. Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried unanimously that the Recreation Comrnission be granted the sum of $320.00 for their program for the year 193~. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman Mason that RESOLUTION NO.105 be adopted; RESOL~T!.ON NO~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Comrnon Council of the City of Gilroy: That the intersection of Fourth Street and Hanna Street vdthin said City, is hereby designated as a public high- way; t~'lat vehicles shall be stopped before entering Hanna Street at both entrances thereto from said Fourth street; that such entrance to Hanna street from Fourth Street shall be clearly marked and signposted to give notice of such fact, pursuant to 'the provislons of Sections 466, 468 and 471 of' the Vehicle Code r- of the State of Califol~ia, and/or other sections of said Vehicle Code applicable thereto. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 6th day of March, A.D., 1939 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: George C.Milias, Jr., Jack Rogers, James Battersby, George A. Martin, George M. Mason, Nat Heiner NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ~ :l6Rc:t Mayor Attest: GCL~~ City lerk The matter of a gra<\13 fa r No rth Chestnut Street is di scussed. This matter is referred to the Superintendent of Streets. The bill of th e Rye Tractor & Equipment Company for repairs to the tractor working on the Carnadero Levee is discussed. The Clerk is instructed to write to the Rye Tractor & EqUipment Co. an inform them that no more repair bills would be paid on the tractor unless the work is properly authorized. 480 w Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Martin that - ........ CO ~ Q RESOLUTION NO:l07 be adopted: RESOLUTION N 0 l07 RESOLUTION OF' THE COMMON COUNCIL OF' THE CI'l'Y OF GILROY RESCINDING RESOLDrrION NO. 98 RELATIVE TO THE DEPOSIT OF 'l'RE 3U11 OF' ~::9 ,105. 8l IN A SPECIAL ACC OUl;-T CALLED r:l'HE lIAELORY BUILDING ACCOUE'l',lI SET UP WITH 'I'HE AI-:JERICAN TRUST COI'tPAlTY, GILROY BRANCH, GILROY, CALIFORNIA. The Common Council of the City of Gilroy hereby resolves as follows: That Resolution No. 98 of the City of Gilroy, be and the smne is hereby vacated, rescinded and set aside, and that the moneys in that certain account called the "Armory Building Accountll heretofore deposited with the American Trust Company, Gilroy , Branch, Gilroy, California, in the sum of Nine Thousand One Hundred Five and 81/100 ($9,105.8l) Dollars be and they are hereby trans- ferred to the "General Fund" of said City of Gilroy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV'LD THAT a copy of this Resolution be furnished to and deposited with said American Trust Company. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 6th day of March, A.D., 1939 by the follovving vote: A l~S : Councilmen: George C.Milias, Jr., Jack Rogers, James Battersby, George A. Martin, George M. Mason, Nat Heiner Councilmen: None NOES : ABSENT: Councilmen: None d:if.J(;~ C/~ Mayor Attest: G.(l,.~ City Clerk ~.:'- Coune ilman :Mason, chairman of the Water Committee, recommends that the water rate for those persons residing on the south side of Tenth Street remain as at present. The matter of sidewalks on the west si de of Church Street between Eighth and Ninth Stree~ is discussed. The Street Comrait~ee is instructed to inspect all sidewalks in the city and report their condition to the Council. Unanimous consent is given to the Safety Committee to place bicycle racks on Montere y Street. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried unanimously that bills as presented be allowed and warrants 481 ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Councilman Rogers discusses the matter of long distance telephone tolls for the city with reference to the franchise 0 f t be Gilroy Telephone Company. This matter is referred to the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Rogers amd carried unanimously that advertisement be made for bids to furnish the city with one Buick automobile for use of the Police Department. The allotment of gasoline to the several oil companies,made January deliver 500 gallons each in the following order: l4,l939,having been completed,a new drawing is made,companies to __' /~ ... 1. Shell O~l Company;2. Associated Oil Company;3. Seaside Oil Company; 4. Richfield Oil Corporation; 5. standard Oil Company;6. Union Oil Company;? General Petroleum Corporation. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried unanimously that the Mayor and City Marshal investigate the type of car,equipment,etc. to be purchased for the Police Department. Motion by Councilman He iner,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that reports of city officers be accepted as presented and placed on file. Adjourned subject to the call 0 f the cha ire (] r:~.@fIrt City Cle k. .