Minutes 1939/04/17 486 c:v ~ w Gilroy, California. April 17,1939. - , rl.~ Q This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor LIayor S.D.Heck. Present: Councilmen George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilmen None. Dr.E~er J.Chesbro appears before the Council to discuss the replacing of the present tank at the reservoir with a new steel tank (20,000 gallon capaCity) for the purpose of supplying water to the proposed C.C.C.camp on the Beauchamp ranch on Burchell Road, the Federal government to pay for all water used. Ivlot ion by Councilman Milias, seconded by Counc ilman Mart in and carried unanimously that a new 20,000 gallon tank be erected at the reservoir to supply the proposed C.C.C.camp and the golf cbu~se with water. A letter from the Goodrich Tire Co.,requesting street space for a demonstration,is read. It is unanimously agreed to allow the use of ThirS street from Monterey street to Eigleberry street. Councilman Heiner discusses a reque~t from the Poultry Producers of Central California to make certain extensionsto their property on Railroad Street. It is unanimously agreed that any improvements made should comply in all respects to the regulations set forth by the City Planning Co~nission in the request of the Gilroy Commercial Company. A petition signed by fourteen persons asking the Council to refuse permission to allow a carnival to occupy the lot know as part of Lot 1, Block 5,North Range 1 ~Vest and 10 cat ed on :F'ir st street between Monterey and Eigleberry Street~. The N~yor announces a committee will call on the signers of the petition and explain the matter to them; the permit to hold the carnival at this location having been prevmuusly signed. Unanimous consent is given to Victoria Council, I.D. E. s. to hold . their annual parade and celebration,May 21st al~ 22nd. This being the time specified for opening bids for the Garbage Dmsposal contract for the ensuing five year~, seven bids are presented and read: Edmund Piedmont';i~135.00 per month;Luigi Poire,~:~52.50 per month; Richard Piedmont,$lOO.OO per month;George S.Cline,$75.00 per month; Bert Martini,$6,450.00 for five years;Horace C.Willson,~~7,050.00 for five years;Peter Scagliotti,~~7 ,050.00 for five Y"J98.rs. 487 Motion by Jouncilman Milias,seconded by Jouncilman Heiner and carried unanimously that the bid of Edmund II.Piedmont for $l35.00 per month for the Garbage Disposal contract for five vears be accepted,providing said bi~der enters into an agreement pursuant to the terms of the Garbage Disposal ordinances and the proper bond given in the premises. The 1~yor instructs the Clerk to hold the next two highest bidders checks until the contract is properly executed. . The Mayor instructs the Jity Attorney to draw up an agreement with the successful bidder. Counc ilman L~artin reJX>rts that an asbestos roof with a 20 year guarantee is recommended for the li'1re House, The Glerk is instructed to write .to';Mr.E.N. Curtis ,archi tect ,San Jose,requesting him to inspect the City Hall building for the purpose of preparing specifications for painting and renovating. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.~.~ City Cler . ..