Minutes 1940/04/01 i 555 Gilroy, California. April 1,1940. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heok. Present:Councilmen:George C.Mi11as,Jr. ,Jaok Rogers,George A.Martin, George M.Mason. Absent:Counoilmen:Councilmen:James Battersby,Nat He iner. Minutes of the meetings of March Ist,4th,lSth and 2Ist,1940,are read and approved. A petition is presented, signed by five property pwners,asking that the following desoribed property be aocepted into the City bound- aries of Gilroy: "All that portion of land, with improvements oom- mencing at a point at the interseotion of the northerly line of Fifth street with the City of Gilroy boundaries, and extending northerly along the City of Gilroy boundary line to the southerly line of the interseotion of Fourth Street, thenoe westerly along the line of Fourth Street a distanoe of 200 feet, thenoe southerly and parallel with the present line of the City boundary to the interseotion of the northerly line of Fifth Street, and thenoe easterly 200 feet along the line of Fifth Street to the point of beginning". Tb); matter 1s laid over for later oonsideration and t he Clerk is instructed to write to the League of California Cities for inform- ation with respect to a oity taking in additional territory. Motion by Counoilman Milias,seoonded by Counoilman Martin and oarried that the sum of $1089.26 be transferred tram the General Fund to the Speoial Gas Tax Fund-Major Highways. 556 A petition is.prese;nted,signed by: eighty-seven residents in the vicinity of llifartin and Railroad streets, setting forth their objeotions to the establdshment,by the Salvation Army, of a club house for in- digents, a soup kitohen and wood yard,at the Northwest oorner of Martin am Railroad streets. The Clerk is instruoted to notify the Salvation Army representatives to appear before th~ Common Counoil,Thursday night,April 4th. Mr.George C.Renz appears before the Counoil and offers $50.00 per year rent for a portion of the Old Septio tank, Old Gilroy and East street. Motion by Counoilman Martin,seconded by Counoilman Milias and Oarried that the Old Septio tank property,Old Gilroy and East street,be rented to Mr.George C.Renz for $50.00 per year. Applioations of: Ray Stevens and Bernice Harrigan for On Sale Beer and On Sale Beer and Wine lioenses,respectively,are presented. No objeotion is made. Motion by Counoilman Milias,seoonded by Counoilman Rogers and oarried that the sum of $50.00 be donated to the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department. A lease,city of Gilroy to the State of Ca11fornia,oovering the Munioipal Auditorium, is presented and referred to the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO.124 is presented and read: Motion by Counoilman Martin, seconded by Counoilman Rogers that RESOLUTION NO.124 be adopted: i""'.'4 I ...... - , I fi~ 55'7 RESOLUTION NO.124 RESOLUTION OF 'l'HE CITY COUNCIL OF mE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMEN'l' FOR EXPE:NDITURE OF 1/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED FOR STREETS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE. o WHEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been presented to ee entered into with the State of California in aocord- anoe with the project statement for expenditure of the 1/4 oent gas tax for the fisoal year 1940 allooated for streets of major importanoe other than State Highways in the City of Gilroy; and \~EAS, the city counoil has heard read said agree- ment in full and is familiar with the oontents thereot; THEREFORE, be it resolved by ,"the cd: tycgunc il of the City of Gilroy that said projeot statement b~ and is is hereby adopted as the bUdget for proposed expenditures of the 1/4 cent gas tax allooated for, streets ot major importanoe other than State highways, and said agre8Rent be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city olerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding upon the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED A1~ PASSED this 1st day of April,A.D.,1940 by the following vote: ." y , .U Ans: Counoilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,George A.Martin,George M.Mason. NOES: Counoilmen: NODS. ABSENT: Counoilmen:James Battersby,Nat Heiner. Approved: ~~JW~ Me: or. Attest: G.<L~ City C er - .... _ '1\... ~. ~ Motion by Counoilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Rogers and ~. ~carriad that for the General Municipal Election,May 6,1940,State ~ and County preoinots 1,2 and 3,be consolidated into one precinct D and deSignated Precinct nAn, and State and County 'reoincts 4,5 . and 6, be oonoolidated into one precinot and designated Presinot "B"; poling place for Preoinct "An-Fire Station,Fitth Street,between Monterey and Eigleberry streets; poling place Preoinct "Bn-Clerk's offioe,City Hall,5 East Sixth Street; eleo~ion offioials: Precinct "An-Inspector-E.P.Mayook; Judges-Elsie Cotta,Myrtle Heiner;Clerks- Mrs. I. Chabot and Nettie Chappell; Precinct "B"-Inspeotor-George Gift; Judges~Leola Griffin,Ethel Tremaine; Clerks-Nina Avery,Irma Kilgore; ~ that all eleotion officials receive $6.00 each tor their services. 558 Adjourned subjeot to the call of the ohair. G.Cl.~ Ci ty Clerk. '"