Minutes 1940/04/04 .r 558 Gilroy,California. April 4,1940. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D. Heck. Present: Councilmen: George C.Milias ,Jr. ,Jaok Rogers ,George A. Martin,deorge M.Mason,Nat.Heiner. Absent:Counoilmen: James Battersby. Mr.J.D.Chappell,representing the Gilroy Rod and Gun Club appears before the Council to discuss the placing of game pens on the City reservoir property or the five acre pieoe of land Southeast of Old Gilroy Road. Motion by Counoilman Wdlias,Seconded by Counoilman Rogers and oarried that the Rod and Gun Club be granted the privelege to select a site for the proposed game farm from either the reservoir property or the 5 aores Southeast of Old Gilroy Road,preferably the reservoir site. This being the time specified for opening bids for construotion of a Munioipal Auditorium,seve~ bids are presented and read: E.Nommensen,Carl N.Swenson Co.,N.J.Nielsen and E.O.Erbentraut, F.C.stolte Co.,Miller Construotion Co.,A.T.Beokett and George C. Re nz. n 4____ r. ~ I Motion by Counoilman Milias,seoonded by Counoilman Martin and carried that the oontract for oonstructing the Municipal Auditorium be awarded to George C.Renz,Gilroy,for $51,250.00, aocepting Proposals 1,2,3 and 4, and the certified cheoks or bids bonds of the next two lowest bidders-Carl N.Swenson Co. and Miller Construotion Co.-be held until the contract is signed;all other bid bonds and certified ohecks to be returned. Motion by Counoilman Heiner,seoonded by Counoilman.Rogers and oarried that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to exeoute the contract with George C.Renz upon same being approved as to form by the City Attorney and the Architect and that the proper bonds, duly executed and 80 approved. The Clerk reports that a telegram had been received from the Salvation Army headquarters in Oakland, stating that they had no intention of establishing a wood yard or shelter for indigents in Gilroy and Major Phillips of the Salvation Army Watsonville,had , C~'( 55B had appeared in persons in the Clerk's office stating that they had no plans for establishing a wood yard or indigent shelter in Gilroy and that he would oonfirm this statement by letter. Adjourned subject to the oall of the ohair. G .0... ~ City C er . '"