Minutes 1940/07/15 574 This meeting of the Board Gilroy, California. July 15,lg40. ' of Equalization ~~5~1~rae1; ~led to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M1lias,Jr. Present:Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Jack Rogers, J.H.Wentworth. Absent: Councilmen: James Battersby,Nat Heiner. No oomplaints on assessments are made at this meeting of the board. Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Counoilman Rogers and oarried that the Council adjourn as a Board ot Equalization and convene as a Counoil in regular adjourned session. Motion by Counoilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Rogers and oarried that the certified check of the American-LaFranoe-Foam- mite Corporation in the amount ot $1100.00, Which was presented with their bid for fire apparatus ,December,lg39, be returned. Architects Certificate NO.2, in the amount of ~5,98B.75,dated July 9,1940, to George C.Renz, for work completed on the con- struotion of the Munioipal Auditorium, is presented. Motion by Counoilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Martin and oarried that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, assignee of George C.Renz,contraoto~, be given the second payment of $5,988.75 on the Municipal Auditorium contract, as O.K.'d by the architect under date ot July 9,lg40. A oommunication i8 read from the Board of Fire Underwriters ..-~\ 1 I I ' i j of the Pacific r&lative to the plaoing of an auxilliary fire alar.m system in the Munioipal Auditorium. The Olerk is instructed to get data trom the Hollenbaok Electric Works relative to 00st8,etc., tor tl\i.s~..wqrk. Reverened Arthur Hyland,pastor of the Glad Tidings Asse~ly,now appears before the Counoil to disouss comp1aints,made bt residents nearthe'~ohurch, of the noise emanating from the ohurch during services. The Rev.Hyland explains the Penteoostal religion and the manner of worship and agrees to olose the churoh by 10 P.M. each evening servioes are held. ;; Mrs.Harry pearce,40 S.Hanna St.;Rodney Eschenburg,20 N.Hanna st.; Mrs.Lillian Crawford,77 N.Hanna St.;and P.Perrelli,l? N.Hanna St., respectively, appear before the Counoil to oompla1a about the noise emanating from the churoh during servioes. Mr.Perrel1i otters to pay the Glad Tidings Asse~ly $700 for the lot on which the church stands and to donate $200.toward the "T 5'75 expense o~ moving the church from its present looation to a new location. Rev.Hyland states that there is a mortgage on the church property which would preclude moving the building at this time. Rev.Hyland invites the Mayor and members of the Council of attend services at the churbh and the Mayor accepts the invitation on be- half of the Council. The Mayor states that a disinterested party would be obtained to make an investigation of the noise oomplained about and a report would be made at a later date. Dr.Elmer J.Chesbro,ohairman of the Gilroy City Planning Commission, now appears before the Council to discuss the type and kind of p1pe that should be used to extend the city water service on Fourth Street, west ot the corporate limits of the city. I~ is the unanimous opinion of the Council that all extensionsmade to the oity water mains outside the oorporate limits shou14 be of 4 inch cast 1ron p1pejthat an agreement to re1mburse owners of the property on the north s1de of Fourth Street for connect10ns made to this line by owners of the property on the south s1de of Fourth Street, should be entered into, the City to act as the collect1" agency. Xh;matter'.,at,;sewei1,:,oOtLILectliDns tor dwellings on property which may be annexed to the cii7, is discussed. It is the opinion that all suoh oonnections and the neoessary lines io connect _ w1ththe c1ty!.s ~1n sewer 11n~*should be pa~d, fOr by the.,property,01ftl.er, :,:the same to apply to water 11nes and that all streets should be laid out and graded at the expense of the owner or owners of the property. Ad~ourned subject to the oall of the cha1r. ~.fA.~ City C erk. '"