Minutes 1940/08/23 5'7B G11roy,Ca11forn1a. August 23,1940. Th1s regular adjourned meet1ng o~ the Common Couno11 1. oalled to order by H1s Honor Mayor George C.M111as,Jr. '" Present:Councilmen: George M.Mason,Jack Rogere,Nat He1ner,J.H. Wentworth. Absent: Gouncilmen: George A.Martin,James Battersby. A oommunioation is read from Janet Phillips relative to oharge being made by the g.rbage contraot franohise holder. Th1s matter is taken under advisement. Mr.George H.Smith appears before the Counc11 to d1scuss the d1vision 580 of insurance l"ort:he:Iv1unioipal Auditorium. among looal insuranoe agents, stating that he was not given his peroentage of the business when the division was made. This matter is referred to the ohairman of the Finance Committee. Rev.Arthur Hyland and Mr.Wolfe appear before the Counoil to discuss the compldllltt.made by residents residing in the vioinity of the ohuroh located at Sixth and Hanna streets. Mr.Wolfe states that a housemover had estimated the cost of moving the ohuroh building,with the necessry work ot plaoing it in a new looation, at $3.500.00. The matter of sound proofing the bUilding's discussed and the cost e$ttmated at $150.00. The Counoil now disousses the complaint and instruots the City Attorney to write a letter to Rev.Arthur Hyland stating the Counoil's position in the matter of noise emanating from the ohurch. The matter of the purchase of a portable pump for the Water Dep- artment, is discussed. Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seconded by Counoilman Rog$rs aad carried that the ohairman of the Water Committee purohase a Home- lite Portable Pump and acoessories for use of the Water Department. Adjourned au bjeot to the oall of the chair. ~.Pci~r~ '"