Minutes 1940/09/17 58:l I I I I Gilroy, California. September 17,1940. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M11ias,Jr. Present:Counoilmen:George M.Mason,Jaok Rogers,George A.Martin, James Battersby,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilmen: J.H.Wentworth. The Mayor announoes the death of City Treasurer Paul H.Tremaine. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Counci~man Battersby and carried that Mrs.Ethel Tremaine be appointed City Trea$urer for the the unexpired term of her late husband and that her oompensation be the same as that ~eoeivet by her husband. Adjourned subject to the oall of the chair. Q. Q ,.(VJY>C City Clerk. .