Minutes 1940/12/17 't 59Lj Gilroy, Califo r.nia. Deoember 17,1940. Th1s regular adjourned meeting 0 f the GODlllon Gouno 11 1s called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M11ias,Jr. Present:Counoilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat He1ner, J.B.Wentworth. Absent:Counoilmen: Jaok Rogers,James Battersby. The Mayor announoes that the purpose of the meeting i8 iezdisouss the reoommendations of the Wheeler Civio Au4itor1um Building COm- mittee with referenoe to the purohase of certain furnishings for the Auditorium. The Mayor announoes that the State of California has agreed to oontinue its lease of the Auditorium,during the time that the National Guard Company is away on its one year enoampment, under the same provisions of the original lease signed by the City and the Stat e 0 f California. The Mayor now reviews the various reoommendations made by the Auditorium Building CODlllittee with referenoe to the purohase of furnishings for the building. Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seoonded by Counoilman Martin and oarried that the AUditorium Building Committee be authorized to purohase,for the City of Gilroy~225 chaira-No.330 Seriea,Lyon Steel Folding Chairs (same aa sample) through B.Barshinger & Son, at $1.90 per chair,plus sales tax, delivered to the Auditorium,and if the committee deem it neoessary,to purchase an additional 375 chairs at the same price and are hereby given authorization to do so; also,to purchase from B.Barsb1nger & Son,6 Lyon Roller Chair Truoks~~i' $32.50 eaoh, plus sales tax, delivered l.O.B. Auditorium; also, enter into am agreement with Gilbert Atnip for heating extension, heating three rooms in the front part of the bUilding,at a total ~ cost of $145.00; also,to enter into a oontraot with Hollenbaok Eleotrio Works tor-rtlhe":pUBChase';aate.lnstallation of 2-500 watt flood- lights oompletely installed; a180, 2.750 to 1000 watt flood lights mounted on two telephone pol.s,looated near the 8idewalk,w1th a\\ oonduit and lead underground and oontrolled at the front panel boardA for $129.00,oomplete; also,to enter into a oontract with George C. l I '-I l 595 Benz tor building an inc inerator, aocord ing to sp eoiticat ions sub- mitted, at a total cost ot $86.9~ oomplete; also, that the Building Committee be given the authority to purchase a range tor the Aud- itorium Building. Adjourned subject to the oall 0 f the chair. G.Cl.<2o-x; City Clerk. '"