Minutes 1941/10/06 633 Gilroy,California. Oct ober 6,1941. 'I'hi s regular YlDntl1ly meeting of the Comrnn Council is c aIled to order by is Honor 1.1ayor CJ.eorge C.Milias,Jr. Prosent::;ouncilmsn:George A.Hartin,George M.Mason,Jack Rogers, James Battersby,I'Tat Heiner. Absent: GuuIlcilmen: J.E.'!';entworth. Minutes of the meetings of Se-qtember 3rd and 26th,1941 are read and approved. The Mayor nO'll1 c1 iscusses the propo sed alley from 'l"hird Street to Fourth Street between Monterey and Eigleberry streets. .' lilr.lI.S.Hersman now appears before the Council to discuss the pro- posed alley stating that he believed the alley to be of public necessity but that he also believed that the arrnunt of $2,000.00 asked by Mr.John Frechou for his portion of the proposed alley, was too much. Mr.H.E.Robinson now appears before the Council to discuss the proposed alley and states that he believes the alley to be of 634 public necessity. The City Engineer is instructed to nroceed with the opening of the alley to the Jfrechou property line, expla ining to each property owner concerned exactly what is, proposed. The City Attorney will mal<:e an effort to contact 1'Irs. Thomas, heir of the late James VI. Fisher, andendeavor to make a settlement with her for the necessary amount 0 l' property to complete the alley to the south lineLof the ~ Frechou property. A corrrounication is read from the Gilroy Casket Company asking ..... LB- rmission to use the prop erty of Mrs. Virginia McAlpine, known as the old Fowler rink, North Monterey Street, for a casket assembling plant. Motion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the request of the Gilroy Casket Company to establish a casket assembling plant on the old Fowler property, North Monterey Street, be granted. A cOlllinunication is read fran City Engineer W.J. Hanna stating that tba work on Project 11a, widening of North Monterey Street, had been delayed due to the inability of the contractor to obtain the necessary ~ asphaltic concrete, due to government priorities; and asking that la-~Gebrge- C. Renz, c on tractor, ;be paid ?5~~ of the contract for work;-:- I : ... completed to date. Ivlotion by Oounc ilman Mart in, sec onded by Councilman Battersby ani carried that the sum of $2,000.00 be paid to ~1r.George C.Renz, contractor on account on Project lla and that the ba.lance of the 75% be paid to the contractor upon receti.pt of the full amount of the contract from the Division of Highways. A communication is read from the clerk of the Beard of' Trustees of the Gilroy High School District, stating that the district had purchased 5.? acres af the Frances Silva property, immediately east of the prsent high school pro perty, and that they bad taken an option on an additional 5.7 acres, ta be purchased next year, and asked .~ that the taxes from August 25,1941, be cancelled on the 11.4 acres. _ Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that the Clerk be im tructed to notify Frances Silva to pay the full anount of taxes on l:e r property and that a refund will be made to her on the 5.7 acres from August 25,1941. A co~munication is read from tIr.Floyd Parton, San Jose,Ca1if., v,i t h reference to furtherance of hous ing needs for defense wo rkers 635 and others in deiense areas in Santa Clara County~ No action is taken. A corrJIDunicat ion is read from the l)reside nt 0 f the Santa Clara County Fair inviting the Mayor and merooers of the Council to attend and participate in the activities of the fair. This letter is ordered filed. !i A communicat ion is read from t he Gilroy Telephone Company with ~ reference to installation of short wave radio equipment for police purposes, in the office 0 f the telephone company, stating that the directors of the telephone company approved the installation con- tingent upon proper action of the Common Council to hold the company harmless in all respects in the operation at' all city equipment furnished the telephone company by t be city; the ci ty to install and maintain the equipment,supply the necessary power for saffie;and the telephone company to operate this equipment only s::> long as in the opinion of the c ampany such operation is possible without inte rference with public service function. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Rogers and ~ carried that the following radio receiving and transmitting equip- i -..... ment be purchased by the city for the Police Department:l Type PTL-20A Transmitter,for 1674 KG,$250.00jl Type llX 1674 KG Auto- mobile Receiver,crystal controlled,~75.00;installation of Type llX Receiver including antenna,etc. ,$6.00;1 Type llI-3 Mediur.1 Frequency Crystal Controlled Motorcycle Receiver for 1674 KG,not installed, :jp129.50; installation of central station equipment to antenna and el ectrical 0 u tlets furnished by the city; inc ludes tuning-up eta. of transmitter,$25.00,all to be :(Urchased from the Karr Engineering Company, Palo Alto, Californiaj the foregoing quotations being subj ect to state Bales Tax; that one Harley-Davidson R.C.A.Police Radio Receiver be purchased fram Tom Sifton, San J"ose,California,the total cost of this unit and accessories, including State Sales Tax, to be $167.89; all work to be done under a guarantee in writing and a 1""'"", I -- contract between the city and the Karl' Engineering Company and Tom Sifton be drawn by the City Attorney. Mr.IvIaurice Byers, representins Byers Bros. , no Vi appears before the Council to discuss the city's purchase of an Allis-Cha~1ers grader. 1:0 action is taken. The Mayor reports that the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company 636 is making progress in re-routing its poles off North kbntere,y street. The Superintendent of ;3treets is instructed to obtain the cos.t of lwnber necessary to build tables sufficient to seat 60 persons said tables to be used at Owsley Park. Councilman Heiner announces that the annual Firemen's Banquet will be held at the Hotel Llilias,Friday,October lath at 7 P.M. ,that members of the Council alld all city em;jloyees are invited to attend. Councilman Mason discusses the need for pipe to repair the line from the dam to the reservoir. Thi smatter i:B placed in the bands of tre rater Cornmi ttee VI i th power to ac t. Councibnan Heiner reports that the Building,Electrical,P1wnbing and Gas Codes are ready. Reports of too city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councibillin Martin and 'Carried that the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and Dla ced on file. trot ion by Counciluan Battersby, see onded by Counci lman Hogers and carried that bills as presented be allov.ed and warrants ordered draVlll on the Treasurer. A re-p13esentative of the K.abak Company now appen.rs before the Coune il and submits a rmdent control program. It::is reguested that the Kabak Gompan:y submit figures on t he co st of the propo sed }~rograrn. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G .CA.. eox Ci t Y Clerk. ",.