Minutes 1941/12/29 .., 648 Gilr oy , Cali fornia. December 29,1941. This regular adjourned meeting of the Cownon Council is called to order by His Honor Ivlayor George C.Milias ,Jr. Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.lv'Iason,Nat Heiner,J.H. . Wentworth, Absent: Councilmen Jack Rogers,James Battersby. The Mayor discusses the guard situation at the city reservoir. Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that one man be hired to Guard the reservoir at night, the salary to be ,)160.00 per month, the relief man to be paid by the regularly hired guard, the regularly hired ~ard to serve at 1 64n at the will of the Council. The ilayor now discusses the condition of the American LaFrance hose car and chemical truck stating that the motor was in very:'bad condition and that the cost of placing the motor in proper condition would aInount to approximately ;~250.00. Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Martin and carried that it be the sense of the Council that an emergency exists for the purchase of a hose car for the Fire Department,therefore, that in consideration of the offer made by the Culwell Chevrolet Company that the City purchase from the Culwell Chevrolet Company one 1940 Chevrolet one-half ton pickup truck,Serial No.6KC06-1001?, to be equipped with 4-6-ply tires and one-6-ply spare tire,the two rear tires to be new, also, truck.to have o'J"erload springs,purchase price ~p625.00, less ~~65.00 to be allowed for the American-LaFrance combination hose car and chemical truck, the city to remove any equipment from the American LaFrance comi~nation hose car and chemical truck they desire. 'l'he matter of distribution of theatre programs throughout the city is discussed. This matter is tabled. The leasing of the Old Septic tank property,Old Gilroy and East streets is discussed. It is agreed that a report be made on this matter at the regular monthly meeting of the Council,Jan.5th. Adjourned subject to the Oall 0 f the chair. ~ ~CL.~ Ci t Y Clerk. ~.