Minutes 1942/07/06 6GB Gilroy,California. July 6,1942. This regular monthly meet ing of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George, C.lvIilias ,Jr. Present: Councilmen George A.N~rtin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner, James Battersby,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent:Councilmen:None. Minutes of the meetings of June Ist,4thand 8th,1942, are read and approved. A com~unication is read from Bert Atkinson and Rose Atkinson asking that a telephone pole located in front of the Texaco Service Station on North Monterey Street be removed. The Mayor states that this matter has been investigated and is,9r will be remedied. A communication is read from the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company stating that they are presenting applications for a franchise to distribute gas and electricity in the City of Gilroy. This matter is referred to the Ordinance Comml"ttee and the City 6/70 Attorney for consideration and they are instructed to report their findings to the Council. The annual report of the Gilroy Free~ Public Library is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the annual report of the Gilroy Free Public Library be accepted as read and placed on file. The mont t.J.y repo rt of the Health Dep artment is pr esented and j~ ~ ordered pl aced on file. An agreement with the Monroe Calculating Machine Company,Inc. for the maintenance of an add:t.ng machine in the Clerk's 0 ffice for the sum of ;~9.00 per year,is presented. I'Jo objection is made and the Clerk is instructed to sign this agreement. The monthly report of the City Poundmaster is presented am read and or dered pl aced on file. Councilman Heiner presents an Application for Building Permit signed by Gordon E.Chappell, said application being for the p~acing of corrugated iron sides on a building located on the lot adjoinAng 220 North IAonterey Street. It is recommended that Gounc iIman Heiner interview Mr. Chappell -, in regard to obtaining the building or portion of the building 1..1 located at 234 North Monterey Street for ihe purpose applied for in t:re applicat ion 1'0 r building permi t. The City Inspector reports that several vacant lots still remain as fire hazards and that the,_names of the owners had been submitted to the City Attorney. " The ~ity Attorney states that all persons whose n~nes had been submitted has been duly notified and the City Inspector ms now instructed to proceed with the clearing of these lots by burning or otherwise said work to be charged against the property on the tax roll. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Gilroy Elementary School District be reimbursed ~--I in the sum of ;~10.80 for oi ty taxes lor 1941-42 on p.roperty now U owned by the district. Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that meetings 0 l' the Board 0 l' Equalizat ion 0 l' taxes for the year 1942-1943, be held .Tuly 17th,July 20th am July 21st in the office of the City Clerk said meetings to be from 7:30 P.M. to 8 o'clock P.IvI.on these dates. c~ o ..,c;C... i ' I U 671 Councilman Mason now presents a list of uncollectible water accounts as of June 30,1942. Motion by Counc ilman Heiner, sec onded by Counc ilrnan :Mart in and carried that the summ of ~;;130.20 in uncollectible water accounts be wri tten off. Uncollectable Accounts .Tune 30, 1942 fi.. Ii I' ;\ , -, i~ I, ~~,., Ray Martin Mrs Corbett Peter Fillipelli Chas. O'farrell H.Silveria Chas. Avis Helen Gray A. C. Volkmar .Tos. Furtado " Y. Ping !i Bernard Klink ii ;, L. C. Holland (Charged in error) l' (Disputed Acct.) 1 1 1 13 j ____;__2 il :1 2 3 3 2 II Manuel Roves ( Charged Ii E. Higuera (Benny Munrojo &. H . H ,Wa.yne,,'O~e - .! . : E. Christopherson : Glen Holloman Ii Louise .Aguilar 'I Ii "1m. Ahlers I: ,._LQO ,Dan I' ;1 Sam Newton Ii .Toe Twl tchell I, I ,.j 'i The matter of a sewer connection for (Disputed Acct.) '1 ~ , ~. 2~ is discussed. Th:i.s matter is referred to the Sewer Cornrai ttee for investigat ion. Councilman Battersby,chairrnan of the Finame Committee, presents his cOJTlmi t tees repo rt on salary increases for city employees. Mot ion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that salary increaees for city employ~es be accepted as presented, effective July 1,1942 as follows:Chas.Shields-~150.00 per month;Elmer Hoover-~p125.00 per month;J.E.Pruett-;~50.00 per month; Ernest Barozzi-;~160.00 per month;George Easton-~~160.00 per month; Norman Goodrich-:;p175.00 per month;Mil<:e Martin-~ji125.00 per month; Joe Sartor-~~125.00 per month; Irv ine Otto (water dept.) -$135.00 per month. 672 The Mayor announces that Night Officer George Easton is now in the hospital and thi swill necessitate the temperary appointrne nt of another Night Officer. The Mayor recommends that Traffic Officer Nonaan Goedrich assume the du ties of Night Officer during Night Officer Ernest Barrozi' s vacation and that Officer Barozzi be allowed two extra days for his vacat- ien due to extra werk on account 0 l' the absence of Officer Easton. No objection is made to these recommendations. It is agreed that the Council will met at noon ,July 8,1942 to I discuss the appointment of an officer to replace Officer Easton. Mr.Ed.Naughton now appears before the Counc 11 to discuss the noise emanating from an air. compressor motor located on property of Byers Bros. adjoining the Naughton property and states that the fence along the north and sout h lines 0 f the Byers property, adjoining the Na.ughton pro~rty on the north, had not been removed as ordered by the Council. l'Jr.Naughton now questions City Inspector Vleppe:ner on his tour 0.1' inspection of the Byers Bros. and Naughton properties. The City Inspector reports that the Byers Bros.let has been cleaned up. The Mayor instructs 1~.Weppener to inform Byers Bros.that the fence complained of be removed as ordered by the Counc il. The City Engineer rejXJrts that all property owners in the block I bounded by Eigleberry and Church streets and Seventh and Eighth Streets, but one, have signed an'agreement to perIni t and alley to be 00 nstructed. The Ci ty Inspector and City Engineer are instructed to contact Mr.Oliveria, the uBsigned property owner, and discuss this matter with him. Mr.E.E.Eustice, representing Chesbro and Eustice, now appears before the Council to report that all field lren of the insurance c ~anies had bee n called into their ma in 0 ffices and the y would be unable to complete the survey of city property for the new insurance program, at the present time. The matter of war damage insurance on city pro perty is now discussed. I',Iotion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman 1;ientworth ~ II and carried that all city property be covered with war dan~ge in- .. surance the cost 0.1' the premium to be ~180.00 per year. A liquor license transfer, Eileen Kojan,d.b.a.,Jack's Inn, to Lewis I',:oore is presented. No objection is made. Heports 0 f the Oi t Y officers are preeen ted and read. L:otion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Co.uncilraan 'dentnorth and aarraed that the re port s 0 f th e city 0. ffic ers be ac cepted as read .. and placed on file. Eotion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by C;ouncilman Stout and carried that bills as preE~ented be allo'ived and vJarrants ordered draVll on the rrreasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. (2. C~ \~ C it y Cl..erk. .' 673