Minutes 1942/12/07 I 684 Gilrqy,California. December 7,1942. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council os called to . order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,cTr. Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner, cT.H.Wentworth,David V.stout. Absent:Councilmen James Battersb,y. Minutes of the meetings Qf November 2nd,6th and 23rd,1942 are read and approved. A communication is read from the Santa Clara County Council of Defense reJa ti ve to reciprocal aid in th'8"use 0 l' equipment for Ci v ilia n Defense sa id communication conta ining a prop6sed.resol- ution. A communication is read from the state Railroad Commission announcing that a public hearing would be held in the City Hall, Gilroy, California., December 11,1942 at 2:30 P.M. on the proposed gas and electric franchises for the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company. A communication is read from Edith P.Ayer protesting against the action of certatn city 0 fficials in 4.lisposing of a dog which was the prope rty of herself and her husband Joe Ayer. A communication is read from City Attorney James S.Byers stating that Alfred .T.Rea had requested that he (the City Attorney) furnish him with an opinion as to the amount of license fees he should pay to ciperate amusement devises in the Ci ty 0 f Gilr qy. A notice of transfer of liquor license from .Tensen's Cafe to Bernice Gordon, 27 North Monterey Street, is presented. No objection i s ma. de . The Mayor orders the cornm.unicat ion fr am the Santa Clara County :Defense Council referred,. to the Gilroy Defense Council for their recommendation, the city attorney to draw the appropriate resol- ution if the Defense Council so recommends. The co~rrunication from City Attorney James S.Byers relative to 10 the inquiry of Mr.Alfred J.Rea in regard to license fee for amusement devises is referred to the Ord inance Committee with in- structions to report at the next meeting of the Council. 685 The Ivlayor appo ints the following c anrn.i ttee to invest iga te the matter of the disposition of the dog as~setforth in the letter of protest from Edi th P.Ayer: Counc ilmen Geo rge M.Mason,chairman,J.H. ~entworth,George A.Martin. Mot ion by Councilman Mason, see onded by Councilman Heiner and carried r u that Gabriel Filice be hired by the Gilroy CitJT \:ater Department at a salary of ,~135.00 per month, effective as of November 1,1942, to serve at the pleasure of the Gounc il. counc ilman Stout now discusses a request from Mr. Lee Iv1at his on to keep a cow on hi s property 10 cated at 185 South Hanna street. It is recorn,nended that JAr.Mathison discuss the matter with his neighbors and if no protest is made he will be at liberty to proceed. The IvIayor now discusses trJ6 request of Miss.Edith Hornbeck to have her home oonnected with the city water service, said home being located at the east en~ of Martin Lane about 150 feet outside the city limits. No object ion is made am this matter is turned over to the \-Vater Committee for action. It is also agreed that the char~ for water should be the same as for a similar sized meter inside the city limits; further it be ing/unl elestood that Miss.Hornbeck is to purchase the nece ssary - I 10..... pipe and pay all costs, the city water department to have general supa rv is ion 0 l' the work. The Clerk is instructed to notify the following oil companies that bids to furnish the City with gasoline for the period January 15,HJ43 to January 15,1944 , ;':'lu.willb be opened at the regular monthly meeting of the Council, January 4,1943, 8 o'clock P.:M.:Standard Oil Co.of Cal- ifornia,Union Oil Co.of Calif.,Tide Water Associated Oil Co.,Richfield Oil Corporation,Seaside Oil Comparw,Shell Oil Co. ,Inc. ,General Petroleum Corpcration of California,Gilmore Oil Company,Mohawk Service Station. The City Attorney states that he has cormnunicated with the Electrical Prow cts Corporation relative to the possible cancellation of the city's contract for the two "GILROY" signs located at the north and C soulh entrances to tile 0 it}'. Byron Brown,ohie~r observer for the Aircraft Warning Station located at tile city reservoir, now appears before the council to ask that shades be placed over the windows at the observat ion tower and that rai lings be placed along side the steps lead ing up to the tower. This matter is turned over tbethe Buildingsand Grounds Committee. Reports of the oi ty officers are II" esented and read. 686 Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman stout and carried that the reports 0 f city 0 fficers be acc~pted as read and pJa ced on file. Motion by Councilman stout, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that bills as presented be al1CfJ ed and warrants ordered drawn on the 'freasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~.~.~ Ci t Y Clerk. ,