Minutes 1943/03/01 .... 700 Gilroy,Californla. lvlarch 1,1943. This regula r month I y meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr. PresentzCounci1men George A.Martin,George M.Mason,~ames Battersby, Nat Beiner,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent: Councilmen None. Minutes of the meetings of February 1st and 23rd are read and approved. A portion of a resolution from the Committee on Governmental Efficiency of the Senate 0 f the State 0 f California requesting each governing board of each municipalityto furnish the Committee with a detailed statement inK writing,showing and disclosing what wha t functions and services and e xpendi tures he. va Deen eliminna ted and can be eliminated for the duration. is read. The Clerk is instructed to reply to this request by letter. Communi cat ions are read fr an the League of Cali fornia Cities reJative to ordinances of other cities relat ive to the keeping of livestock and poultry within the city limits. Reports of the Health Officer and the Poundmaster are presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Mayor now asks the Clerk if he has received any bids for for the gas and electric franchise,this being the date specified in a legal advertisement appearing in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch from January 2lst,1943 to Bebruary lst,1943, calling for bids. The Clerk now states that he has received no bids for the sale of the gas and electri c franchise. Mot ion by Counc ilman stout that the matter of tl:e gas and electric franchises be tabled until the present gas and electric franchises run their course. This motion failed for want of a second. t Councilman lfa80D.'ipresents the report of the Water Committee on water rates for Victory gardens. Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Stout ani carried that the water rates .ndc'rule8':)'nd:';r.g'Ulatlonsr~cc)mm8m.ded by the Water Committee f~ Victory gardens be accepted, as follows; garden must be 200 sq.ft.or over to qualify. 701 n u Gardens from 200 sq.ft.to 600 sq.ft.,within the City Limits, will receive a rebate of 20~ per 100 sq.ft.of garden for the season. Gardens from 200 sq.ft.to 600 sq.ft.,outside the City Limits,will receive a rebate of 30~ per 100 sq.ft.,for the season. Gardens 600 sq.ft.or over,within the City Limits,will receive a rebate of 10~ per 100 sq. ft. for the season. Gardens 600 sq.ft.or over,outside the City Limits,will receive a re ba te a l5~ per 100 sq. ft. , fer the season. These rates apply only on water taken from exist ing services and fer water used in excess of that which is allo'Wed for the minimum meter charge. To participate in the Victory Garden rates, gardemB must be re- gistered with the City Water Department at itts office at 3 East Sixth street not later than June lst,l945. A committee appointed by the Mayor shall measure the gardens following the close of registration and this oommittee shall make tm inspections 0 f gardens regi stered, during t he par iod from June 1st to Sept.lst. Consumers will pay their water bills monthly for the entire amount r~ cmnsumed each month and the City will rebate the amounts due the !...., consumer for Victory Gardens at the end of the season. Applications for transfer of liquor licenses from George Milias,Sr. to .Minnie Milias and George C.M.ilias and the Milias Hotel and Rest- aurant, are presented. No objection is made. The Superintemen t o1t Streets reports that the signing 0 f the re tition to spray the sycamore trees located in the parking areas throughout the city, had been pxactically unanimous. The Superintendent o~ Streets is instructed to proceed with the spraying the the sycamore trees. c A bid from the Culwell Cheyrolet Company to furnish the city with a new 1942 Chevrolet Sedan for $1288.20, is presented and read. The present cond it ion of the Police car is di scussed and the Mayor 1m tructs the Finance Committee to secur'e .l:d~ig1l1I!eTGn'J$he turn-in value of the car now used by the Poli ce De~rtme nt. Reports of the city off'i cars are present ed and read. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman stout and carried that the reports of the city off'icers be accepted as read am placed on file. The Mayor now discusses the opening of an alley from 7th Street to 8th Street between Eigleberry and Church St~eets. 702 Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that an alley be opened from 7th Street to 8th Street 1:e tween Eigleberry and Church streets. The details of the opening of Lan alley between 7th Street and Eighth Street is placed in the hands of the Street' Committee with im tructions to proceed. The Clerk is instructed to write to Mr.Joaquin V.Oliveria,197 South Eigleberry street t advi sa him that tlB alley would be constructed and recall to his attention that he had agreed to move a garage, looated 6 feet within the alley right of way, when the alley was constructed ani place the building on line with other property abutting on the alley within the block. Motion by Counc iIman Battersby, seconded by Councilman stout and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered dralll on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G .~.(ll~ City Cle k. "