Minutes 1943/05/03 705 Gilroy, Cali fornia. May 3,1943. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council .is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias~Jr. Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,James Battersby, Net Heiner,J.R.Wentworth,David V.stout. Absent:Councilmen None. Minutes of the meetings of April 5th,16th and 26th,1943 are read and approve d. A communication is read from Logan & Frazer, city auditors, stating that the city books of account and record have been examined for the period ended ~arch 31,1943 and found to be in good order. The monthly health report is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Clerk is instructed to wri te to Dr.C.IJ.Burchfiel,Health Officer, to ascertain if certain communicable diseases reported in the health report are new cases or cases reported to the health department by the draft board in this area. Councilman Mason presents contracts far water from the War Depart- mente Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that tbe contracts submitted by the War Department for city water be placed in the hands of the Water Committee, subject to the changes in the contracts recommended by the Yiater Committee aId the Water Collector be empowered to sign the contracts after the chang~s have been made aId passed on by the Water Comrili ttee. Motion by Councilman stout, seconded by Councilman IVlason and carried that the sum of :i,)31.36 be transferred from the street Improvement Fund to the Series "Bn street :r:a ving fund and the sum of ~1991.16 be transferred from the stt'eet Improvement Fund to the Series !fEn street Jll v ing fund. The matter of salaries of city employees and certain elective officials is now discussed. The City Attorney advises the Council that salaries can be increased without interfering with the law. Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried that an emergency exists and that salaries of the following 706 M~d city employees and officials be increased: Chas.Shields-$150.00 to ;[pI60.00; C.J. Weppener- $1?5.00 to $185.00; Elmer Hoover-$125.00 to $150.00; City Clerk P.A.Cox- $190.00 to $200.00; city Marshal A.G. Goodrich-$1?5.00 to $185.00; George Easton- $160.00 to $1?0.00; Ernest Barozzi-$160.00 to $1?0.00; Mike Martin-$125.00 to $150.00; Joe Sartor- ~~125.00 to$150.00; Norman Goodrich-;~1?5.00 to ~185.00; Water De];artment- Irvine Otto-$160.00 to ~1?0.00; Gabriel Filice-~135.00 to $145.00; G.B.Carr-$IOO.OO to $IIO.OO; all increases to become effective May 1, 1943. The Traffic Officer is instructed to check on cars parking in alleys. Councilman Mason re po rts that the Water Department Vlould need mme pipe for the line from the dam to the reservoir. It is unan- imously agreed that the V\'ater Comi ttee take charge 0 f thi s purchase. Re ports ol the city officers are p rese nt ed and read. Motion by Councilman Battersby, sec onded by Councilman stout and carried that the reports 01' the city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that bl1ls as pr-esented be allowed and warrants crdered drawn on the Treasurer. The City Attorney states that there are several bills pending in the legislature relative to the sale of property for delinquent taxes and that as soon as the final bill is passed he will investigate and report to the Council. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G,CA,~ Ci t Y Clerk. $'