Minutes 1943/05/14 1 706 Gilroy,California. May 14,1943. This regular adjourned meeting of the Cormaon Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias ,Jr. Present: Councilmen George A.lJIartin,George M.11ason,J .H. i7entworth, David V.stout. Absent:Councilmen James Battersby,Nat Heiner. t; lvlot ion byCounc ilman st out, se c onded by Councilman Mart in arxl carried that the salary of Gabriel Filice be increased from $145.00 per month to ~150.00 per month, payable from the Water Fund; that the salary of J.E.Pruett,janitor, be increased from .~50.00 to $60.00 per month,pay- from the General :Fund; both increases to be effective as of May 1,1943. 70'7 It is unanimously agreed that day labor employed by the city,in all departmen~, be increased from 60~ per hour to 65~ per hour, effective I,Iay I, 1943. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~.~.~~ Ci ty Clerk. !i