Minutes 1944/06/05 ''t' 74B Gilroy,California. .June 5,1944. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,.Jr. Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,Beorge M.Mason,Nat Heiner, .J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent:Councilman .James Battersby. Minutes of the meetings of May 1,2 and 8,1944 are read and approved. A communication is read from the Southern Pacific Company stating that railroad crossings oomplained of would be repaired as soon as labor is avaIlable. . Notification of an app~icatlon for liquor permits from George A. Fortado,d.b.a. George's Place, 71 South Monterey Street, are presented. No objection is made. Reports of the City offioers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. 750 Motion by Councilman Stout, seoonded by Councilman Martin and oarried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Mayor now speaks a few words of appreciation for Councilman James Battersby and praises his reoord as a member of the Common Council. The Mayor now reviews that last two years of this administration and discusses the financial status of the oity stating that the excellent financial position of the city was due to the diligence of the Counoil and he thanks them for the many hours they have . given to the city. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Counoilman .James BattersbYiethankdi1gEAiill'1'ot'c:nis manY;:'17e",rJH.of:"";set'v:1oe 'toethe City of Gilroy. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Stout and oarried that this Counoil adjourn sine die. The Clerk now proceeds to give the oath of office to the Mayor and members of the Council. This meeting of the Common Counoil is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present;Counoilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Helner, .J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout,Henry .J.Schilling. Absent:Councilmen- none. The Mayor now weloomes Councilman Henry .J.Schilling and Council- man Schilling responds. The Mayor now presents the list of Counoil committees to serve for the ensuing two years~ Chairman FINANCE Mason Martin WAYS & MEANS Wentworth Mas on ORD INANCE He Ine r Stout WATER Masq.n Heiner FIRE Heiner Martin SEWER Wentworth Stout STREET Martin Wentworth POLICE Entlre Vouncil LIGHTING Stout Schilling BUILDINGS &. GROUNDS Martin Heiner Heiner Stout So hilling Wentworth Stout Schilling Sohilling Went worth Mason 751 PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY Schilling Mason Martin The Mayor now presents the names of Carroll Wentz,A.W.Brown and Elmer H.Weymouth to serve as members of the Gilroy City Planning Commission. Motion by Counoilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that Carroll Wentz be appointed to the Gilroy City Planning Commission to serve until January 1,1948; A.W.Brown be appointed to ~ serve until .January 15,1942 and Elmer H.Weymouth be appointed to serve until .January 15,lg47. Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that Harold Crow be appointed chairman of the Forestry Board and that Carroll Wentz and Kirby L.MoAtee be appointed as members of this board, all to serve until .Jllne 5,1946. . Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and oarried that James S.Byers be appointed City Attorney for the period .June 1,1944 to .June 1,1946, The Mayor states that the Adjutant General had visited him recently and stated that the $3,500.00 for restoration of Wheeler Auditorium is now available. The Adjutant General also stated that he hoped sufficient enthusiasm could be generated in the community to start a State Guard Company. The Mayor also states that Mr.E.N.Curtis of Binder & Curtis,architects, will call on him in the near future to disouss the drawing of specifications for restoration of the auditorium building and at that time the Council will be called to discuss this matter with Mr.Curtis. Bonds of the city officers are now presented to the City Attorney for his approval. Motion by Counoilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the bonds of City Marshal Albert G.Goodrich, City Treasurer H.R.Eschenburg and City Clerk and Ex-officio Assessor Philip A.Cox be accepted as presented. The City Attorney states that the bond of the City Treasurer should be increased from $25,000.00 to #50,000.00 to comply with the state law. Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the bond of the City Treasurer be increased to $50,000.00 said bond to be presented at the next meeting of the Common Counoil. The Mayor now discusses the possibility of the oity joining the 7.....2. ~ state pension fund set-up and asksthe chairman of the Wa,s and Means, Councilman Wentworth, to investigate and report to the Council. The matter of the purchase of a t't'uck offered for sale by the soil conservation district is discussed. No action is taken. The Mayor now discusses a debt of approximately $425.00 against the Gymkhana Assooiation and states that the Gymkhana grounds are the property of the 0 ity. !IIilIII!I!I\ , , Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the City of Gilroy pay the American Trust Company the note outstanding against the Gilroy Gymkhana Association, the amount being ap proximately $400.00 plus accrued interest. - A communication is read from the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company requesting information as to whether the city would be interested in selling a minimum sized lot at the northeast corner of East and Old Gilroy streets. This matter is referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for investigation and report. Mr.Milo Cain, representing the Pacific Coast Electrical Association, now appears before the Council to disouss a model ordinance reg- ulating the sale or disposal of electrical materials,devices and appliances. The matter of a model ordinance,as suggested by Mr. Cain, is referred to the Ordinance CODIDlittee. Mr..Joe Lemos, representing Victoria Council,I.D.E.S., now appears before the Council asking permission to hold their annual celebrat ion on .July 2nd. - ~~ Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Helner and carried that Victoria Council,I.D.E.S. be granted per.mlssion to hold their annual celebration,.July 2nd, at the I.D.E.S.hall, the city to furnish a police officer to be on the grounds from 7 P.M. to 12 midnight. Councilman Mason now presents a list of uno~llectible water acc ount 5. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman stout and carried that the sum of $29.05 be written off from the water accounts a8 ~ being uncolleotible. !7'-~) ~d UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS. ________<_Ju 1)' 1, 1 QU. AT Name . Consumed At. Amount, Deposit Loss N . . I - I I. . . ,.1 .1 Mrs. Sharp Estate . 38 S. Forest St. 1125 '1 ~ 7,R. P. James . 233 N. Hanna St. 21 50 3,00 ( , . . , i 9 IIrs Geo. Norton . 109 S. Eigleberry St. 1125 I I .1 ~ lEF,Adel1a Vl11igrana . 75 N. Chesnut St. 2150 3 00 1 ~25 Juan Mancha . 1 . 126 S. Eig1eberry St. 11 25 3 00 .. I', I .. 1 -30, R. D. Saunders . 393 N. Church St. 2'90 3 00 . ..1 31 John Horner . 388 w. Seventh St. 2 50 3 00 k-,l 33 C. Elia (Error) . 133 Martin St. 1,25 I . I a 4 Theodore Eliopolas 242 N. Eigleberry St. 31 75 3 00 . I ,,2 7 Cruz Herrera . 77 S. Monterey St. 3165 3 00 i . . 2 9. Capt. McLean Hamptop Miller Ave. 5 00 3 00 2 110 Albert J'rugoli . Hot Springs Rd. 1 25 3 00 . . $ 27i 00 $ I . 29 05 2 05 Mot ion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that extra labor for short periods be paid at the rate of 85~ per hour. A oommunication is read from Mr.Wll1iam G.Smeltzer,Manager of the Strand Theatre, stating that the Beacon Light of Prophecy churoh,located at the corner of Lewis and Monterey streets, was showing motion piotures, advertising the showing of motion piotures and charging no admission fee and asks that the Council take some action in this matter. Councilman Stout states that he has attended two of the meetings It the Beacon Light of Prophecy church and oalls the Counoil!s attention to the subject matter of leotures given by the person in oharge. The City Marshal now appears before the Council to disouss the distributing of hand bills by the Beacon Light of Prophecy church. The matter of motion pictures and the subject matt.r ot the i'soturer ill chal"ge at:~ the :.Beaoon::Llght of'.<Prciphecy. cburclLls ref- t jrr~d tp the Ways and Means Committee for investigation and report to the Council. Motion by Counoi1man Mason,seconded by Councl1man Stout and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to purchase $5,000.00 0$rtl1e Series "G" War Savings Bonds,during the Fifth War Loan Drive,from the Water Fund monies. Councilman Stout discusses the possibility of extending the west 754 oity limits of Gilroy to Miller Avenue. AdUourned subject to the oall of the chair. G.u.(U.~ City Clerk. !i