Minutes 1944/10/02 7fj'7 Gilroy,Callfornia. October 2,1944. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Millas. Present:Counoilmen George A.Martln,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,David V.Stout,.J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Councilmen Henry J.Schilllng. Minutes of the meetings~0f September 4th and 6th are read and approved. Communioations are read from the followlng:E..J.Fabbri,ohairman, Gilrqy Finance Committee;Clarence Maze,Eroole Silacci,Joe Silveria, American Surety Company,Monterey Bay Area League of California Citles two letters from the Adjutant General of the Sta te of Cal1fornia and the report ot the Health Department. The letter from .Joe S&lveria stating that he has temporarlly aban- doned the plan to start a Merchants Patrol, is ordered tiled. The report of the Health Department is ordered filed. Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seoonded by Councilman stout and oarried that the sum of $3.00,assesed by the Monterey Bay Area of the League of California Cities, be paid. Motion by Councilman Stout,seoonded by Councilman Martin and carried that the sum of $25.00 be donated to the Gilroy Finance Commlttee, F'fth War Loan Drive. to help defray expenses of the recent drive. The matter of a lease with the State of California for Wheeler Auditorium is discussed. It is unanimously agreed that the letter dated September 13,1944 signed by the Adjutant General, be the basis for a new 1ease,the letter stating,in part:"I suggest that the lease be oonsidered only as oovering use of the auditorium two nights a weekjone night for company drill and one night for non-commissioned offioer's school, and that the city should be free to wither use the auditorium for civlo purposes or lease it for any other purpose ,excl-us1vs of the supply, locker room and offloe space. If present terms could be ooncurred in the city to undertake ma intenanoe 0 f the grounds and exterior ot the build ing" . The letter further stated t hat any rents accruing could go into' the State Guard Company fund. The seoond letter from the Adjutant'General's office,dated Sept- ember 19th, inquired as to the present status of the lease. The matter of amount of pay for Night Officer Clarence V.Maze is disoussed and it is .unanimously agreed that he should be paid for the full month of September. 7GB Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Helner and carried that the resignation of Night Officer Clarence V.Maze be accepted as of October 1,1944. Motion by Counc ilman Stout, seconded by Counc ilman Heiner and carried that Ercole Silacc1 be appointed Night Officer, to serve at the pleasure of the Counoil at a salary of $170.00 per month. The matter of renewal of the garbage franchise is disoussed and it .. unanimously agreed that the Public Health & Safety Committee meet.l > wlth Mr.Ed. Piedmont to disouss renewaltohange.' or.' continuation of of a garbage franchise, the oommittee to report its findings to the '~ji Couno il. Transfer of liquor licenses from .John Giachino to .James A.Lomas and appllcation for an Off Sale Beer and Wine by F.L.Callisch and L.G.Valentine,d.b.a.Nehi Bottling Company, are presented. No objeotion is made. The Mayor now discusses the matter of the case of 'he. Cltyof'JGilroy vs..J.V.Oliveria, stating that Mr.Ollveria, in a conference with his attorney,the oity attorney and the Mayor had agreed to settle the matter for the sum of $50.00. .. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Martin and oarried that the city settle with Mr..T.V.Oliveria for t.he sum of $50.00, thls amount to be paidas soon as Mr.Oliveria has removed the building from thec-area of the alleyway from 7th to 8th street, between Eigleberry and Churoh streets, and he presents a merchant- able title for the neoessary rea 1 estate. The Mayor discusses an agreement between .James Battersby and the City of Gilroy for the purchase of the real estate known as the Wheeler Real Estate on Swanston Lane for the sum at $1,024.00. It ls unanimously agreed to meet Friday evenlng at 6 o'clock P.M., to disouss further the matter of purchase of this real estate. Councilman Heiner announces that the annual banquet for the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department will be held Friday evening,October 13th, at Hotel Milias. Arrangements for the banquet Bre placed in the hands of the Fire Committee and the Clerk is instruoted to invite -. I , ",.;",,*,-' all city employees to attend. A lease agreement between the City or Gilroy an4 the Coast Counties Gas and Eleotric Company for the follow ing described property, is peesented and read: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of Old Gilroy Street with the Easterly line of East Streetjthence Northerly along the Easterly line ot East Street 50 1 7GB feet;thence at right angles Easterly 20.00 feet;thence at right angles Southerly and parrallel to East Street 57.22 feet to the Northerly line of Old Gilroy Street;thenoe Westerly along the said line 21.27 feet to the point of beginning, being ~rt ot Block 2 South,Range 7 East; sald lease to be for the term beginnlng Sept- ember 1,1944, and ending August 3l,lg54, for the sum of $60.00 per year,in advance. Motion by Counoilmen stout, seoonded by Councilman Martin that the lease between the City of Gilroy and the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company be accepted as read: Roll oall on the mot ion resulted as follows: AYES: NOES: Councilman Martin,I~son,He1ner,Stout,Wentworth. Councilmen None. ABSENT : Counoilmen Schilling, Mr.Sydney .Johnson representing the Board of Trustees of the Gilroy Union High Sohool, now appears before the Council to discuss plans for alleviating the flood oonditions which exist each winter in and around the high school grounds and the northeastern part of the c lty. Mr..Johnson states that the school board has agreed to spend $1,000.00 on the projeot and the property owners effectedc by flood waters have agreed to advance $1,000.00 and he asks the oity to consider spending $1,000.00 as its share of the proposed work. It is unanimously agreed that the Street Conmi ttee meet with the high school board and the property owners to disouss the proposed work and report their findings to Cbe Council. Reports of the c 1 ty 0 ff1cers are presented am read. Motion by Councilman Martin ,seconded by Counoilman Stout and oarr ied that the reports 0 f th e city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councllman Heiner,seoonded by Councilman Stout and oarrled that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasure!'. Adjourned subject to the call of the chalr. G,~.~ City C erk. ~