Minutes 1944/10/06 7flD Gilroy,Ca11forn1a. Ootober e,1944. This regular adjourned meeting ot the Common Counoil 1s called to ~ order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George A.Martln,George M.Mason,.J.H.Wentworth, David V.Stout. Absent:CouDoilmen Nat Heiner,Henry J.Schilling. The matter of the purchase at the property known as the Wheeler Real Estate,located on the West side of Swanston Lane,between Casey 770 Street and Forest street, is disoussed. It is unanimously agreed not to exercise the option given on this property by James E.Battersby,at this time, as it is believed that the price placed on the property 1s too high. Mr.Ed.Piedmont now appears before the Council to discuss his garbage franohise which expired April 30,lg44. It is unanimously agreed to extend the old franchlltse for a~pe riod of five years at $115.00 per month, the city to pay $40.00 per month for garbage service and maintenance of the garbage dump; the City Attorney to draw up a new franchise embodying the foregoing changes. Motion by Counoilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Martin and carried that the city sell to Mr.Henry Haselback, one Ford 4, dump truok, 1929 model, for thece1ling price. Adjourned subject to the call of the chalr. G Lt .~~ City Cler . 1,