Minutes 1945/02/05 782 Gilroy,California February 5,1945. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Bono r Mayor George C. l'Jilias. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth,David v.Stout. Absent:Councilmen George A.~~rtin,Henry J.Schilling. ~Iinutes of the meeting of .January 2nd are read and approved. ~~\ A corl.Jlnunication is read from the state Railroad Commission stat- ing that they had been advised that the Pacific Greyhound Lines ....... are now located in their new bus depot. This communication is ordered plAced on file. A cOmITlunication is read from Logan and Fraeer, city auditors, stat ing t hat they had examined the books 0 f account and record for the period ended December 31,1944 and found them in good order. A cO~1unication is read from W..J.Hanna, city engineer, recommend- ing certain changes in the bridge across Miller Slough on Lewis Street and budgeting of funds for reconstru6tion'.'of the storm sewer from Chinatown through the railrDad yards. This communication is ordered filed. The City Engineer now appears before the Council to discuss certain improvements that are contemplated by Mr.Al Gurries on north Hanna street. The City Engineer is ordered to make the necessary survey and investigation for streets and drainage in the area of the contemplated improvements ut a cost of approximately ~75.00. A communication is read from Germain & Kavanagh, stating that the Federal Housing Administration has requested a letter from the Gouncil stat ing that the grading and sur faci ng 0 f Dowdy Street, between 5th and 6th streets, will be done by the city without lien against the properties facing Dovrly street and that the work will be done when the weather permits. The Clerk is irE true:ted to notify Germain E-c Kavanagh that Dowdy I""'. street hEi8 been graded ,gravelled and rolled and as soon as the '..-/ weather permits the street will be scraped and oiled without cost to the property owners. The I.~ayor states that he has received and order of dismissal,with- out prejudice, from the state Railroad ~ommission in re to COast 80unties Gas and Electric Company for renewal of franchise. The Mayor now discusses the trouble the police department is having on South Monterey street, keeping the peace and good order, 78~3 The matter of revoking city licenses in -those places qon1:linuously causin..s trouble for the department, is discussed. The application"o~ Leonard H.Chastain,d.b.a. Pacheco Pass Cafe, 30 Old Gilroy Street, for an On Sale Beer License is presented. No objection is made. Payment of the Coast Counties Gas and blectric Company franchise for the period July 1,1944 to December 31,1944, is presented and the statement made that the company intends to change the payment period from the fiscal year basis to the calender year basis. The Clerk is instructed to hold the check until the City Attorney approves the change. This being the time specified in a legal advertisement calling for b1ds,.on that certain 5.01 acres of land located near the South- easte rly corner of the Corporate limits of the City of Gilroy in Ranch Lots 43 and 44 as designated on Map No.7, one bid is presented and read. JAr.Joe Buzzini's bid of $350.00 per acre is now presented and read. Mot i on by Counc ilman Stout, se conded bJi" COUl1C ilman Wentworth and carried that the bid of Joe Buzzini of $350.00 per acre for 5.01 acres of land located near the Southeasterly corner of the Corporate I ~~..... .-,-,-<Ii limits of the City of Gilroy in Ranch Lots 43 and 44 as designated on Map No.7, be accepted,the city furnish the title insurance and deliver the deed to l~.Buzzini upon presentation of his check for the entire ronount of the purchase price of ~1,753.50. A cOtrmunication is read from the City Engineer stating that Daley ~ros. had completed their work on the drainage project on Forest street and Swanston Lane and recommended that the contractors be paid the amount of $1,403.62,said anount being pa~l'ment in full. Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Daley Brothers be paid $1,403.62, said ~10unt being payment in full for th(;ir work on the drainage project on Forest street and Swanston Lane. The fire,theft and collision policy for city motor vehicles is now pr esented and discussed. It unanimously agreed the accept the pomlc~ as written. Councilman Heiner now discusses that purchase of a diaphone alarm '", for the fire alarm system. Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Y~son and carried that the City Clerk consult with the City Attorney and draw up an 784 81'_, advertisement calling for bids for the installa tion and purchase of a diaphone a larm system. The City Engineer now discusses an allotment made by the Board of Supervisors for p~ans and specifications for various connlunities in the county in connection with their sewage disposal problems. Council- man Wentworth and Superintendent of Sewers Weppener are req~sted to investigate this matter and report to the Council. Councilman Stout discusses the matter of the street lights being turned on too early in the evening and turned off too early in the morning. The Mayor states <that this matter a-i ould be discussed with the Coast Gounties Gas and Electric Company. The matter of an operator for the street sweeper is discussed. The Mayor requests the Superintendent of Streets to make every effort to obtain a man fo r this posi tion and to advert ise in the local paper., Reports of the City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Heiner and, carried that the reports 0 f the city officer be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by eouncilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that bills as prE:;sented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call 0 f the c ha ir. G~,@~ City Clerk. t