Minutes 1945/04/09 1790 Gilroy, California April 9,1945. This joint meeting of the Comm,on Coune im and t he Gilroy City Planning Commission is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.1~son,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout, Henry J.Sohilling. Absent:Councilmen George A.Martin,Nat Heiner. The Mayor: ':' explains the purpose of the meeting-to discuss the proposed annexation to the City of Gilroy of property lying west of Princevalle Street and east of Miller,'Avenue and between ........I First Street and Fifth Street. The Mayor now calls upon Chairman Elmer J.Chesbro of the Gilroy City Planning Commission to explain what the Planning Commission has done in this matter. The Mayor now instructs the Clerk to advise the Chamber of Commerce as follows: After due consideration and discussion of the many problems involved it was mutually agreed between the Council and the Planning Commission that they favor the annexation. It was also agreed that the tax rate for t he annexed area should be t he same as within the city, which, at the present time, is $1.00 on the $100.00 of assessed valuation,with the following proviso: That the property pwners within yhe proposed annexation form an improvement district and provide complete installation of the following from their own funds: ,..':~W'; ""'~~~ Lateral sewer lines; lateral water mains; 4-fire alarm boxes; 6~fire hydrants; 7-street lights; all streets within the area not paved at the present time to be graded,gravelled and oiled. It is further agreed that when all of the foregoing work is oompleted to the satisfaction of the city officials the improve- ment district shall present a petition to the Mayor and the Common Council of the City of Gilroy requesting annexation to the City 01' Gilroy. k,~'.'l ~;.~~' Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~.Q,~ · ity Clerk.