Minutes 1945/05/07 791 Gilroy,Ca11forn1a. May 7,1945. . Thi s regula r mont hly meet ing of the COIDrJlOn Counc il is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H. Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent:Councilmen Henry .J.Schilling. Minutes 0 f t he meetings of April 2nd and 9th are read and approved. A communication is read from Logan and Fraser, city auditors, stating ;"'~ that they had completed the quarterly audit of the city's books and records to the quarter ending I~arch 31st, and found them in good order. A co~nunication is read from the Executive Officer of the U.S.Naval Auxiliary Air Station,Hollister,California, stating that all pilots had been warned against low flying overltbuilt up" areas. A communication is read from the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference soliciting this city's membership in their organization. A communication is read from Sociedad Funeraria Mexicana of Gilroy requesting permiss ion to hold a dance on .June 3rd and a!,dance and jamaica on June 17th. A communication is read from Victor Ginelli requesting permission to remodel and building at 129A North Rosanna Street into apartments. The Mayor requests the Building Inspector to report on the building Mr.Ginelli is requesting to remodel and the inspector states that it is a fire hazard. Mr.Ginelli now appears before the Council Itati,tlg::lthlithe;bsL,ieves is~ the improvements heAasking permission to make will reduce the fire hazard. It is unanimously agreed that the Fire Committee, the Building Insp- ector and the cha irman of the Gilroy City Planning Commission vis! t the the property in question and make the decision 011' wheth~r o:r not Mr. Ginel11 should proceed with his improvements. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the report o~ Logan and Fraaer on the audit completed Narch 31st be accepted and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the city take out a one year mambership in the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference for the stated fee of $25.00. A sppkesman for Sociedad Funeraria Mexicana now appears before the the Council to discuss their reguest for permission to hold two dances. It is unanimously agreed that the permit be granted to hold the 792 dances,providing they secure a place and notifY the City Clerk of the location. The Clerk will call each member of the Council and give h'tm:. the information,and,if hetisfsatifieti with the location will vote affirmitively on the granting of the permit. Councilman Heiner reports on his investigation of air horn fire alarm systems. Motion by Councilman stout,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried ~ that a Federal air honn fire alarm be purchased from the Pacific Fire Extinguisher Company for their quoted price of $1050.00;the ~ity Attorney to draw up the necessary contract covering installation, -' etc. RESOLUTION NO.146 is presented a nd read. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Heiner that RESOLUTION NO.146 be accepted: RESOLUTmmN NO.146 BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City'of Gilroy,that the certain grant deed wherein .Joaquin Oliveira and ~mrianna Oliveira, of the City 0 f Gilroy, County of Santa Clara ,Sta te 0 f Californ ia, both sngle persons,were grantors and the City of Gilroy,a Municipal Corpor- ation,was grantee,dated April 3,1945, is hereby accepted by said City of Gilroy. Said Grant Deed is hereto attached and made a part of this resol- ution. This acceptance by resolution is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 1158 of the Civil Code of the State of California. ~ ... Accepted this 7th day of May,1945 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. None Henry J.Schilling. Heiner, Councilmen Councilmen Atteu ,CA~ . City Clerk Councilman Martin discusses a set of rules and regulations for ~beeler Auditorium; The following rules and regulations apply to Wbeeler Auditorium: .. 1. Persons renting the auditorium will be responsible for any ...... damage to the building or equipment. 2. No smoking is permitted on the main floor. Cigarettes must be deposited in receptacles located in the lobby. 3. No alcoholic liquor of any kind will be sold in the building. 4. No soft drinks will be carried to the main floor. 5. Adequa~e policing mast be provided by the renter during public dances. 6. Loud and boisterous conduct and/or intoxication are prohibited. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the rules and regulations for Wheeler Auditorium be accepted as read and be in full force and effect from and after this date. ... 79~3 A communicatin is read from Byers Bros. offering a Schramm air compressor, for the ,sum: Of' $1150.00. It is unanimously agreed that the street and Sewer committees investigate the offer of Byers Bros. and if satisfied with the offer to request a special meeting of the Council to vote on the matter. City Engineer W.J.Hanna disousses the matter of lowering the grade of the alley from Sixth to Martin stret between Monterey Street and the S.P.Co. right of way. It is unanimousjy agreed yhat this work be done Jrhen,i c the Chappell Hardware Company moves into their new 10 cat ion . The matter of oiling streets and alleys is placed in the hands o~ the Street Committee far investigation. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that water rates for Victory Gardens be continued the same as last r year. Reports of the City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried tha t the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and pla ced on file. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Heiner and oarried that bills as I1" esented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. A notification of transfer 01' liquor lioense from Tony Leal, 49 S..t Monterey Street, to Shirley Roth,d.b.a. 49 Club, 49 S.Monterey StreGt, is present~d. No objection is made. A not~ication of transfer of liquor license from Louis Cupich to Louis Cupich,d.b.a.Louis Cafe, 31 S.Monterey Street, is presented. No object ion is made. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. Q\ ~~~ City Clerk. t;