Minutes 1947/04/07 .,. 894 Gilroy, California Apri17,1947. This regular monthly meeting of it he Common Counc il is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas. Absent:Councilmen George A.Martin,Nat Heiner. Minute s of the meet ings of Iv1arch 3rd and 13th are read and approved. .A communication is read from the Gilroy Dispatch requesting space in front of their office ,66 North Monterey Street, to dis- playa car they are Giving avvay in a subscription campaign. A cOIl1.YJ1uni cation is read froIil the Gilroy Union High School re- questing use of ~neeler Auditorium for the .A Cappella Choir on Tuesday,April 29th. A communication is read frcra the operators,Gilroy Telephone Company, thanking the Council for the dinner and theatre party given to them by the Counc il. A report of water samples taken April 1,194?,by the Santa Clara County Health Department,shoVling tests satisfactory,is presented and read and ordered placed on file. .A corrrmunication is read from J.W.Jepsen,chairman of the Concessions Committee of the Gilroy Gymkhana & Horse Show,applying f~ a license to be granted the California Amusement Company to show from .Tuly 16th to July 20th,1947,inclusive, and requesting the total aroount of the license in the amount of $1,000.00, be returned to the Gymkhana Association. A cWilllUnication is read from the Divis ion of Highways rela tive to a proposed ordinance to control the establishing of open-air t theatres,race tracks and similar enterprises, in the proximity of major traffic throughfares. The proposed ordinanoe is referred to the Ordinance Committee. Mot ion by Counc ilman Wentvmrth,sec onded by Councilman Thomas and carried that the Gilroy Dispatch be granted permission to park the ing car be/given away in the subscription campaign, in front of their office,66 North Monterey Street, at any time during the campaign. 895 Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the Gilroy Hmgh School's A Cappella Choir be granted free use of Vfueeler Auditorium,Tuesday,April 29th. LIotion by Counc ilman Stevens ,seconded by Counc ilman Thomas and ~";;'""C"';ilfj carried that the Gilroy Gymkhana & Hor'se Show enter into a contract with the California illausement Company to show here from July 16,1947 to July 20,1947,both dates incl~sive, and that the $1,000.00 license fee be returned to the Gil ray Gymkhana & Eo rse Show. .~ A bill for sobriety examinations is presented and discussed. It is unanimously agreed, upon adviae from the City Attorney, that the Night Officers be instructed to call a doctor to give sobriety tests only in the case ofgMave doubt upon the part of the arresting officers. The Clerk is instructed to call Dr.D.L.Morse to ascertain the basis for his charge for sobriety examinations. The matter of salary of Helen Bettencourt,Police Court Clerk, is discussed. r/Iotion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the salary of Helen Bettencourt be inoreased from $25.00 per month to $35.00 per month,effective March 1,1947. i'liI"'~ An Application for a Building Permit,signed by the Standard Oil Company, to erect a truck service station on the property of Mary iO<~~... Gurries,North LIonterey Street,between Casey Street and Martin Lane, is referred to the Gilroy Ci i;iJ Planning Commission. Mr.Gus Rennert now appears before the Counc il to ask permission to change the front of the building known as the old Advocate building,East Sixth Street,between Monterey and Eigleberry Streets. Mr.Renne~t is advised to make Application for a building permit. RESOLUTION NO.166 is presented and read. Llot ion by Counc ilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Mason that RESOLUTION NO. 166 be adopted: RESOLUTUON NO.166 -- BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that ,.c. pursuant to Ordinance No.450 of said City of Gilroy, a permit is hereby granted to WILLIAM E.SILACCI MJl) .JESSIE A SILACCI to main- tain a taxi stand at the following places,to wit: 1. A space in front of 23 South Monterey Street. 2. A space at the southwesterly corner of 6th and Monterey Streets, being next to the Hotel Uilias. 3. A second space northerly of the driveway at the Greyhound Bus Depot No.460 North Eonterey Street. This permit is revokable pursuant to the provisions of said Ord- inance 450 of said City. rrhe said City of Gilroy shall paint a strip on the curb atl1the places where said taxi stands are hereby established. Adopted and ras~jed this 7th day of April by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen George LI.l\-lason,.T.H. Went\vorth,Ray L.Stevens, .Tames B.Thomas. NOES: Counc ilme n None. ABSElTT: Caune ilmen George A.Hartin,Nat TIe iner. 8B6 r2~ Attest: Ci ~~\~~ RESOLUTION NO.167 is presented and read. Llotion by Counc ilman I.Iason, seconded by Councilman Stevens that ...... HESOLUTION NO.16'7 be adopted: -- RESOIDTION NO. 167 -- BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy,that pursuant to f}lDdinance No.450 0 f said Cityof' Gilroy, a permit is hereby granted to STEPHEN TORR~CK to maintain a taxi stand at the following places, t 0 wit: 1. The space directly in front of 26 South l.Ionterey Street. 2. The space irillUediatelt south of the unloading zone at the Grey- hound Bus Depot, No.460 North l.Iont erey Street. 3.. .Such space on the property of said Greyhound Bus Depot as they may furnish. This pe rmi t is revokable pu rsuant to the provi s ions 0 f said Ord- inance 450 of said City. The said City of Gilroy shall paint a strip on the curb at the place where said taxi stands are hereby established. Adopted and passed this 7th day of April,1947, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen George r,l.IIason,J.H. '.7errtworth,Ray .Tames B.Thomas. Counc ilme n None. Councilmen George A.Llartin,LJat Heiner. L.Stevens, - ~~:vee ~ I iiiifr - Attest: \]. CA,~ City Clerk RESOLu~ION NO.168 is presented and read. Llotion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Vlentworth that HESOLlJTION NO. 168 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.lo8 -- BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy,that pursuant to Ordinance No.450 of said City of Gilroy, a perrait is hereby granted to O.A. WOODWORTH AND ROSA B. YJOODWORrH to maintain a faxi stand at the following places, to wit: 1. A space in front of 23 North Monterey Street. 2. A space northerly 0 f the no rth line of the Sv,ziss Hotel property on South Monterey Street. 3. The first space northerly of the driveway at the Greyhound Bus Depot No.460 North Monterey street. This permit is revokable pursuant to the prOVisions of said Ord- inance No.450 of said City. The said City of Gilroy will paint a strip on the curb at the places where said taxi stands are hereby established. Adopted and passed this 7th day of April,1947, by the following vote: AYES: ..... - NOES: ABSE J\iT : Counci lInen George M.I'ilason,.T. H. Wentwo':rnnh ,Ray .Tames B.Thomas. Counc ilme n None. Counc ilme n Ge orge A.Mart in, Na t Rei: ner. L.Stevens, 897 APPhd: @. Mayor ~ ~ Attest: (j,Q,~ City Clerk Mr.Ed.Hanna now presents a map of the proposed MoAlpine Subdivision, .,;~ I I I .......... in Bloo k 3 & 4 North Range 1 East. The City Attorney suggest s a meet- ing between the City Engineer,Mr..T.K.McAlpine and his attorney and the City Attorney. It is agreed to take the matter under advisement. Mr.Ed.Hanna now presents a supplementary Post War Construction Budget-Estimate of Cost-1947,covering replacment of outfall sewer and a new water Vlell and p'lIllping plant,including site purchase. It is unanimously agreed to meet April 10th to discuss the entire ~. budget for street work, sewer and water well construction. The matter of property owners constructing curbs and gutters al~ng the streets proposed to be surfaced, is discussed and the City Attorney isinstructed to draw the necessary notice for publication. Councilman Wentworth now discusses the possibility of the city " furnim ing free water for the new baseball diamond being constructed lfi\-...4 on the high school property as part of the city's contributmon to a recreation program. This matter is turned over to the Water Committee for investigation. Councilman 1.'/entworth discusses the possibility of the city partio1;;o.'q pating jointly with the high school district in placing the high school swimming pool in condition to be used. It unanimously agreed that the estimated cost of this work be ascertained before action is taken. Upon the suggestion of Councilman Wentworth is unanimously agreed to p3. rtic ipate in the School Wekk program by having des ignated students of the high school take over the city for one day. Councilman Dentworth suggests that the Council sgggest to the Div- that they ision of Highways/re-route State Highway 101,frcm Sargent overpass to L Gilroy, east 0 f the ra ilroad tracks. Llr. William Werner now appears b afore the Counc il to discuss the straightening of the highway from Sargent overpass to Gilroy. The matter of changing the location of !ijpale 'at the Fourth Street entrance to the alley betvieen Monterey and Eigleberry Street and another pole in this vicinity! is placed in the hands of the Lighting Committee. 898 RepoEts of the City officers are presented and read. :Motion by Counci lman Stevens, se c onded by Counc iJJ:na n Thomas and carried that, the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. The J.1ayor now reports on conversations 1m has had with Southern Pacific Company officials relative to recommendations made by the Public Utilities Commiss ion of'the State of California for improve- ment in signals at certain crossings within the city. The Mayor urges the Counc ilmen to examine the crossing at Old Gilroy Street. > L10t ion by Counc iJJ:nan Mason, sec onded by Counc iJJ:nan rJentworth and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adj ourned s ubj ect to the call of the chair. (] -~.~ City Cler to