Minutes 1947/10/22 , 947 Gilroy, California October 22,1947. This regular adjourned meeting of the Cammon Counoil is called to order by His Honor Mayor Gee rge C.Milias. -Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,Gearge M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H. Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. Absent:Councilmen None. The Mayor oalls upon Mr.Mark Cessna, traffic signal e~inBer tor the Division of Highways, to inform the Council of the exact status ot . the city's Trafrio Signal program. Mr.Cesana responded by stating that the work was now to be done by day labor, seme materials were short and they were ready to proceed as soon as the oi ty could make arra~e- ment~ with local electricians to do the electrical work. It is agreed that the oity should contact local electrieians,ask them to view the plans and speoifications and make a bid on the work of installing the electrioal part of the systemf all work to be done under state supervision. Mr.Ed.Mitchell,prope1etor ot the Pacheco Pass Cate, now appears before the Council to request a bu.lding permit to erect a oanopy on - the east side of the building owned by Dora Hornlein located on a portion ot Lot l,Blook 2 South, Range 1 East, to be used by the Paoific Greyhound Lines tor parking spece. It was unanimously agreed that if the bus line uses this looat ion the city will not permit the parking ot busses on the Old Gilroy Street side. After considerable discussion it was determined that a survey should be made of the property to ascertain how muoh ot the lot space the building ocoupieh before any permit is granted this being necessary due to the tact that the City owns-a 20 toot strip between the S.P. Company's right of way and the east line of the Hornlein property. Mr.Mitchell was advised to have the survey made betore the Council could 1SSU8'--the requested permit. Adjourned subjec.t to the call of the chair. . G.C(~~ Ci ty Clerk