Minutes 1947/10/27 1 I 94'7 ." Gilroy , Callfornla October 27, 194? This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council i8 called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Cpunoilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,J.H. Wentworth, Ray L.Stevens ,James B. Thomas.. Absent: Counc ilman Nat He mer. 948 The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting ls to discuss the lssu'ng of a building permit to Edward Mitchell to make certain add t ions to property- lea.sedd by him at 30 Old Gilroy Street ft.td; }H~ J,icu~~t:i.onc)t.O"becusedtliY:3theePac1fic Greyhtbund Lines as a bus depot. Mr.Mitchell is called before the Council to disouss his plans and states that there is a space 57 teet by 67 teet to the rear of the present building which is available tor parking space for busses ~ and that four or five busses can park ln this spaoe; that so-called ~ fflayover bussesff will be parked elsewhere than on the property or adjacent to it. Counoilman faomas suggests that in view ot the tact that the prop- perty adjoins a secondary state highway that the Divlsion of Highways should be called in to give thelr opinion on the proposed new location for the bus depot. The City Clerk is instruoted to oontact the Traffic Safety Engineer of the Division of ~ighways and arrange for a meeting with this enginaer,the City Englneer,a represent~tive ot the Pacific Greyhound Lines and the Street Committee of the Council Dr.Leon Melkonlan,president of the ~ilroy Comr.~unity Concert Association now apIB ars before the Counoil to request the use ot Wheeler Audltorium for a concert Wednasday,Maroh lO,1948; and a1so ,- - asks that if the Council grants the use to the association that certain improvements be made to the stage throught the in8talla~ion of a backdrop curtain. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried that the Gilroy Community Concert Association be granted use of Wheeler Auditorium, Wednesday ,March 10,1948 and that the rent be fixed at $15.00 for the night. ,Councilman Thomas suggests that the night officers be present at the auditorium on the night of October 31st when the Halloween Party is over to protect the smaller children. The Mayor stases that he will instruct the police department. Motion by Councilman atevens,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried that Mike Martin be made assistant superintendent ot streets and sewers and that his salary be increased from $210.00 per month -- - to $235.00 per month,effectlve October Adjourned subject to the call of the cha ir. 1,1947. ~,Q,~ City Clerk