Minutes 1949/01/03 105~ ~, , J Gilroy, California January 3,1949. This regular month1t. meeting o~ the Common Council convenes with His Honor Mayor George C.Milias absent. The City Clerk now calls the meeting to order and calls the roll. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that Councilman George M.Mason be Mayor pro tempore. Minutes of the meetings of December 6,1948 are read and approved. Mayor Milias is now present. A communication is read ~rom Willard E.Schmidt,Director,San Jose State College Police School, stating that he bas no one available at the present time to recommend for a position in the Police Department. A cor~nunucation is read from the League of California Cities stating that they saw no reason why the city could not demand a franchise from the Pacific Telephone and Tele~apQ Company if they installed a coaxial cable within the city. A communication is read from the Trustees ot the I.O.O.F.Children's Home requesting that something be done about the sewer line of Forest Street to prevent the recurrence of sewage leakage in the future. . A cor~unication is read from the A.W.Brown insurance agencies relative to the city's coverage on public liability and property damage. A communication is read from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific relative to the daily test of the fire alarm signal recommending that a test twice daily be maintained,~referably morning and evening. A communication is read from the Western Tile and Supply Company requesting a share of the city's gravel business. _L 1056 A cOImnunication is read from the International Ass ociation of Machinists thanking the Council for use of the city hall auditorium for their recent meeting. An application from Mr. Leslie Barker for th~ pOsition of Captain on the local Police Department, is presented and read. A c01l1..'1lunication from the Junior Chamber 0 f Cormnerce inviting a representation from the Council to be present at a meeting to discuss the formation of an Inter-Club Recreation Council is presented and read. The matter of the unfinished contract to~tthe~.resurfacing of Forest Street by the Granite Construction Company is discussed and Mr.Ed.Hanna 0 f the City Engineer's office is called before the Council by the Mayor to discuss this matter and he states that the weather and a ten-day delay is the cause of the work not heing finished. It is unanimously agreed that no p~ent be made on the Forest Street contract and that the City Attorney investigate the contract to ascertain of the city is within its rights in this respect. Councilmen Stout or Wentworth agreed to represent the Council at the Junior Chamber of Coramerce meeting and Councilman Daniels states that he will be present. The application of Mr. Leslie Barker is ordered filed. The Letter from the mnternational Association of Machinists is o roered filed. The matter of request of the Western Tile & Supply Company for city business is discussed and it is suggested that bids be called for from local dealers. Tije CClerk is instructed to ascertain the amount of gravel used during the fiscal year 1948-48. The recommendation 0' the Board of Fire Underwriters that at least two fire alrm signals be maintained each day is discussed. The Mayor now asks the Fire Chief for hisrecammendation and he states that he is in favor of maintaining the present three-a-day test. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the re~uest of the Gilroy Ministerial Association td discontinue the noon fire alarm signal on Sundays be tabled and the present three-a-day fire alarm test be continued. Councilman Mason ~eports that the property damage insurance for the city is covered in a separate poliCY and the matter of public liabili ty insurance and property damage is now referred to the Finance Committee for further study. 1057 The request from the Trustees of the I.O.O.F.Children's Home is referred to the Sewer Committee for investigation. The matter of the request of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to instal an underground cable on Monterey and Eigelberry Streets is discussed. Mr. 'VVilliam Werner now appears before the Council and suggest that the company use the alleys for this installation the same as the other public utilities. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconed by Councilman Mason and carried that the Clerk notify the Pacific Telephone am Telepgraph Company that the city is not interested in permitting the company to use Monterey Street and Eigelberry Street for the instsllation of their unde~ground cable and if they have any other plan the Council would be pleased to consider it. This being the time specified in letters addeessed to seven lowal oil compantes requesting bids for the city's gasoline requirements for the period January 14,1949 to January 15,1950, sixzbids are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried that the bid of the Union Oil Company of California of per gallon $.1835/to furnish the city's gasoline requirements for the period January 14,1949 to January 15,1950, be accepted. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that Mr.Jack Melody he hired as Poundmaster at a salary of $100.00 per month,effective December 1,1948 and that he serve at the will and pleasure of the Council. Councilman Stout now discusses the proposed lease with Mrs.Leola Brownell on 47 acres of the city's sewer farm land. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels that the city enter into a lease with Mrs.Leola Brownell fer 47 acres of city sewer farm land on a year to year basis the rent to be 25% of the gross amount o~ money realized from the crops produced on the land. It unanimously agreed that the Council meet as the Police Committee in executive session on Tuesday,January 11,1949 at 7 o'clock P.M. It is unanimously agreed that the Council meet on January 17,1949 to discuss the financing cf the widening of Monterey Street. Councilman Stout states that Mr.Ralph Pillman had reported to him v that some one was living in building at the northeast corner of 8th and Rosanna streets belonging to Mrs.E.Radin.a~he Building inspector states that there is a man sleeping on the property at night to protest the lumber and other materials being used on the job. 1058 The Building Iaspector is instructed to inve$*igate a complaint made on lack pf proper sewerage at 71 North Church Street. Councilman Stout now requests permission to leave the state between January 1 and Jaunary 20,1949. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Counoilman Thomas and carried that Councilman Stout be granted permission to leave the state from January 1,1949 to January 20,1949. The matter of new cars for the Police Department is now discussed -~ I . and the Clerk is instructed to read the motion made by the Council in executive session to discuss the matter of purchase of cars. A new bid from Jack W.Ronald is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Daniels~seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the city purchase from Jack W.Ronald one-1949 Studebaker 6 Commander Deluxe 4-door Sedan with equipment as specified in his bid dated January 3,1949, for the net ~DSt8 of $1,350.25. this auto- mobile to be used in the Police Department for night patrol work. Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried that the city purchase from Madonna Motors one-1948 Plymouth Deluxe 4-door sedan with equipment as specified in their bid of December 6,1948, fer the sum of $1,866.65, this automobile to be by the City Marshal and day officers. of the Police Department. Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that John Riksheim be paid the baillance due on his contract to con- struct a pump house at oity well number two, int the amount of $255.00. The matter of Bell and Griffin ~~cking Company waShing their trucks in the street at 9th and Monterey St.eets is discussed the City Engineerts office reporting that this excess water was under- ming the street and causing a serious drainage problem at this point to become worse. The Clerk is instruoted to write a letter to the Bell. and Griffin Trucking Company requesting that they discontinue washing their trucks in the street at Ninth and Monterey streets. Councilman Mason reports that there would be a saving~ on the city's property damage insurance of the premium would be paid two years in advance and he recommends that all boards,aamm~t$ee$and commissions be appointed by the Council. Motion by Councilman !~ason,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that governing boards of all bod&es representing or acting on behalf 1059 or the City of Gilroy be automatically appointed by the Common Council. RESOLUTION NO. 213 is now presented and read. It is unanimously agreed that January 24,l949, 8 o'clock P.M. be set as the time to hear protests and/or objections to the rezoning of Eigelberry Street. RESOLUTION NO.2l3 -- \v.HEREAS the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy has here- tofore adopted a resolution,known as Resolution No.22.the same being a resolution of intention to propose amendments to Ordinance No.422,which is the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Gilroy,and to oreate a new di~trict under said ordinance to be known as "Clft district, which is to be a modified business district generally extending ~long both sides of Eigel- berry Street from First Street to Seventh Street in the City of Gilroy, and to amend the said zoning ordinance in certain particulars required by reason of the creation of said ne.wtd:istrict,and to provide for the regulations o~ said "Cltt district,which said proposed "Clft district is described as follows, to wit: C01~mNCING at a point in the Southerly line of First Street,distant thereon 150 feet Westerly from the point of intersection of the said Southerly line of First Street with the West- erly line of Eigelberry Street,and running thence in a Southerly ditection at a uuiform distance o~ 150 feet from the Westerly line of Eigelberry Street to the Northerly boundary of Seventh Street; thence in an Easterly direction along the Northerly boundary line of Seventh Street and its continuation across Eigelberry Street and its further Westerly continuation to its intersection with the centerline of the alley extending through Block 1 South of Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy and running thence in a Northerly direction along the center- line of said alley to the Southerly line of Sixth Street,and thence in a Westerly direction along the Southerly line of Sixth Street to a point distant 150 feet Easterly from the southeast corner of Sixth and Eigelberry streets;thence in a Northerly direction at a uniform distance of 150 feet from the Easterly line of Eigelberry Street to the South- erly line of First Street,and running thence in a Westerly direction along the Southerly line of First Street and its continuation across Eigelberry Street to the point of beginning. Reference is hereby had to the map and general zoning ordinance o~ said city now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Gilroy. AND VffiEREAS the said City Planning Commission did, on the 17th day of December,1948,pursuant to notice therefor given,hold a hearing upon the proposal to establish said ttCl" district.and after the said hearing the City Planning Commission did, by resolution,adopt the proposed change and did make and file its written recomrnendation,findings and report that said "Clft district be established,subject to certain conditions therein set forth, NOW,THEREFORE, be it resolved that a public hearing will be had on the 24th day of January,1949,at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. at the Counoil Chambers of the Common Council of the said City o~ Gilroy in the City Hall of said city when and where any person interested may protest and/or object to the creation of said proposed "Cl" district and the changes required to establish the district. Passed and adopted this 3rd day of January,l949 by the following votes: AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Councilmen None NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen None. 7 l' -; ,/ft ~ 1" ..:..- ?//' l(~~ Mayor 1060 Attest: ,..rJ r (f..' . ~ I ,,- IL. / ,_.J' '- '.' ',.-" '-/... City Clerk The matter or automobiles parking on the sidewalk in front of *he Willows Restaurant is discussed and :t'e['er3!ed to.;the Police Department. and the Street Committee. The matter of connecting a dwelling on the Pacheco Pass Road with the city sewer system is disoussed. It tasdetermined that while a part of the property is inside the city limits the dwelling is outside the city limits the request should be denied due to the latter condition. Reports of the City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconaed by Councilman Stevens and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and place& on file. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the bills as presented be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasurer. It is unanimously agreed that the Clerk write a letter to Brem Bras.Trucking Company and Western Tile and Supply Company aski::l!lg; them to quote a price,per yard, on 1000 yards sf creak run gravel to be delivered as required. Adjourned subjeot to the call of the chair. G, ~ . 0:.<< City Clerk $