Minutes 1949/04/27 1083 Gilroy, California. April 27, 1949. This regular adjourned meeting of the COillraon Council was called to order by his Honor Ge.orGe C. IJilias. Present: Councilmen, J. H. '7entworth, Ray L. Stevens, J. B. I);1hornas pale Daniels, George H. Hasan and David V. Stout. Absent: Councilmen, None. The Mayor announced that the meeting was for the purpose of hearing the charges as contained in the J. H. Jamison Service Report of March 7, 1949, against the Marshal of the City of Gilroy, that the meeting was originally scheduled for March 21, 1949, and because of requests from the counsel for the City Marshal and a Virit of Prohibition secured by the Marshal, had been postponed from time to time until April 27, 1949, 1084 at 10:00 o'clock A. 1;1. The City I:1arshal was in attendance, represent- ed by Attorney Stanley Van Vliet "'mite, his counsel. The City Attorney, Sydney s. ,Tohnson, was present also. The IIayor then made a statement of the events leading up to this hearing. Following this statement, the Mayor requested that the J. H. Jm,lison Report, above referred to, be read by the Deputy City Clerk. The reDort was read and the LIayor announced that the procedure to be followed during the hearing would be as follows: the City Attorney would Dresent such evidence as had been made available to him, and the counsel for Mr. Goodrich would Dresent such evidence as he could in re- buttal. At the conclusion of the reception of evidence, the attorneys would be peTIilitted to make an argument or statement to the Co~non Council after which the matter would be in the hands of the COIJIllon Council for decision. 'rhe IIayor stated that no derllonstrations or dis- order would be permitted and that police protection had been secured and that the Council wished to geve the City Uarshal a fair and impar- tial hearing. The 1/Iayor then requested the City Attorney to proceed with the pro- duct ion of evidence. Documentary evidence was introduced and the fol- lowing witnesses were called, sworn and testified: Mr. J. H. Jamison of the J. H. Jamison Service, Hr. John Fortado of the local Sheriff's Office, Hr. Robert L. Drexel, LIr. lI. ,T. tlenard, District Attorney, Mr. Harold Sturla and LIr. Edmund Piedmont, Patrolmen of the City of Gilroy, :Mrs. Louise Schell, Policewoman, and Hr. Dan Lemos, Patrolman of the City of Gilroy, V[r. Robert Llason, Radio Technician from the Conmmni- cations Department of Santa Clara County, LIr. Kendall Gr:Jves, garage owner, Mr. James Sturla, Traffic Officer, tIre Glen Abel, Deputy Sheriff, and the defendant in the procedings , City ~:arshal A. G. Goodrich. At 11.50 o'clock A. H. a recess was called by the Mayor, the Comnon Council to reconvene at 1:00 o'clock P. 1,1. At 1:00 o~clock P. I.I. the '- Council reconvened, the roll call of CounciDnen had and all were found to be present. The hearing continued until 5:30 o'clock. Upon motiom t I ,.<IM of Councilman Daniels, seconded by Councilman George Bason and unani- mously carried a recess was ordered until 7:00 o'clock P.1I. at which time the Council reconvened with all 60uncilmen present on the call of the roll and the reception of evidence continued. After the evidence had been concluded, the attorney for Mr. Goodrich and for the City of Gilroy argued their respective sides of the case and it was then sub- 1085 mitted to the Cownom Council for decision. Upon motion of Counci~aan Daniels, seconded by Councilman Stout and unanimously carried, it was ordered that a transcript of the proceedings be prepared for each of the Councilmen by the court reporters and that no decision of the Council be made until it had an opportunity to study the transcript. A detailed report of the proceedings during the hearing is contain- ed in the rep6rters' transcriot which will be on file in the office of the City Clerk when completed. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~/, "If / .. /, / ~;:;:J ( .d~i/~' Deputy City Clerk. ,