Minutes 1949/06/06 1095 Gilroy, California June 6,19"9 This regular momthlJ' meeting of the COl!lJlon Counc il is oalled to order by His Honor Ma ,or George O.lIilias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.S.evens, David V.Stout,Dale D.D~n1els. Absent:Counoilman James B.Thomas. Minutes of the regular monthl,. meeting !lay 2nd and regular ad- Journed meetings ot May l4"h,1~th aIJt23rd are read and approved. The Poundmastera report tor the months. ,ot Maroh and April are presented and read and ordered plaoed on tile. A oommunioation trom Mr.C.B.Platt applying tor a position at the tire station i. present.d ,nd read and ordered plaoed on tile. , 1096 A oommunioation is read from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce inquiring as to the action taken by the Council with referenoe to the Chamber of Commerce request that the City take OTer the Christmas decorations. The Clerk reports on a letter reoeived tram the Watsonville Chamber of Commerce with reference to Christmas decorations and Councilman Daniels president of the Chamber 0 f Commerce reports ~or that body. The Clerk is instructed to advise the Chamber of Commerce that the matter is still under oonsideration by the Oounoil. A communication is read from the Division of Highways accepting the elimination and addition to the oity's Major Street System. This oommunioation is ordered filed. A communication is read from the Gilroy New Car Dealers' Assooiation inquring as to what action the Council has taken on their request to draw up an ordinance ,overning used car dealers. It is unanimously agreed that the ohairman ot the Ordinance Committee and the members ot his 0 anmi ttee and the City Attorney meet with the presiden' am members of the assooiation to discuss the proposed ordinance. The Clerk is instructed to advise the president of the assooiation of this aotion. A communioation is read trom the Portuguese Sooiety requesting permission to hold a parade on Monterey Street on SundaY,July 31st. Motion by CounCilman Stevens,seoonded by Councilman Stout and carried that the Portuguese Sooiety be granted permission to hold a parade on Momterey Street on Sunday,July 31,1949. A communication is read from Montgomery Ward requesting permission to hold a "Bike Safety Parade" on June 17th. Motion by Councilman Stevens ,seconded by Councilman stout and carried that .ontgomery Ward be granted permission to hold their "Bike Safety tarade" on June 17th and that the Clerk apin. the sponsors to oontaot the Oity Marsb9.1 at his offioe to make araa~e- ments for proper poli ce protection. A communioation is read from the Gilro~ Teachers Aassociation endorsing the budget prepared by the Gilro' Reoreation Commission. This communication is ordered tiled. A communication is read trom the California State Automobile Assooiation acknowledging receipt ot permission to prooeed with a road sign survey in the city. This comaunication is ordred tiled. A communioation is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission endorsing cooperation by the City with the board of supervisors :J ] ] ,--_..~.-- -~--- ---.-.-- --~-_..~--- 1097 -......,; to ereot a county building in the city of Gilroy. Mot ion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that a oommunioation be sent to the board of supervisors of Santa Clara County advising them that the necessity of a county building 1n the Ci ty of Gilroy is evident and that the City of Gilroy i8 willing to cooperate in every way to the end that a county building be erected in the city. A oanmun1cation is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission with reference to a request ot Purity Stores to disregard the eight ~oot set-back required on Eigelberry St~et, the Planning Commission being of the opinion that the proTision of Ordinance No.469 tor an eight toot set-baok be striotly adhered to. This oommunication is ordered filed. Councilman Stout now disousses the unfinished building located on the property ot Mrs .L.Radin at the northeast corner of 8th and Ros- anna streets;one ot the barracks buildings having been oompleted as agreed and the other standing in its original oondition. It is unan- imously agreed that 'the Clerk be instructed to write a letter to Mrs.Radin calling to her attention that the building permits were granted with the understanding that both buildings would be altered to meet specifications; that if the uncompleted building is not going to be improved it should be moved from the property or torn down. Counoilman Stout disousses the matter of drainage on North Church Street. This matt er is referred to the cba irman or the street Commi tt- ee far investigation. Councilman Mason disousses the proposal made by the County Tax Collector to dispose or property delinquent on both county and oity tax rolls. This matter is tabled. .. Counc ilman Wentworth the matt er of upkeep ot the park on North Monterey Street between Casey Street and Leavesle~ Road. Motion by Counc ilman Wentworth, seoonded by Counc ilman Daniels and oarried that Kenneth Melton be hired for a period o~ three month. at $10.00 per month to take care of the city park on the east side or Monterey Street between Casey Street and Leavesley Road. Councilman Stout disousses repairs needed to the Fire Chiefs car and it unanimously agreed to refer this matter to the Purchasing I 'Ilj;j~.....-..1 Agent. The Batter of dry grass accumulated about the premises of the dryer on south Monterey Street' is discussed and the Clerk is 1098 instructed to write a letter to Mr.Fook Low,owenr of the property, and ask the he clean up the property. The matter of oondemnation o~ p.D~4tnss located at the southwest corner ot Monterey and 7th streets and the northwest corner of Monterey and 7th streets is discussed. As the Council had previously condemned this property several years ago the City Attorney is instructed to advise Mr.Auguste Besson,owner of the property at the northwes't cor... ner of Monterey and 7th streets and Mr.Fook Low, owner of the property at the southwest corner of Monterey and 7th Streets, that their build 1ngs have been oondemned. Councilman Mason disousses the ordinance creating the Earks and Recreation Commission with reference to the commission's sole power over expenditures. No torma 1 action is taken on this matter talltll't is agreed that further thought should be given to this matter. Walter Hanna,Jr. of the city engineer's ottice, reports that request for budget allowance from the Division of Highways for Major City Street improvements is about ready and will be presented to the Council ~or their approval at an early date. The matter of curbs and is gutters on streets it/proposed to tmprove is discussed but no formal action is taken. The water collector now presents a list ot Uncollectible Water Acc ounts tor the fiscal year 1948-1949 in the net aIIDunt ot $10.35. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and ' carried that the list ot uncollectible accounts as presented by the water collector be acoepted and the amount of $10.35 be written off the water reoords. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Stout and oarried that the ileetings of the Board of Equallzat ion for assessments be set for Friday,July 8th,Monday,July 11th and Friday,July 15th,1949 and the Clekk instructed to publish the necessary notice. Applications for transfer of liquors licenses from Don Gomez to Elvezio and Re.'. Minotti, 595 Old Gilroy Street and Juan Perez to D.T.Bettencourt and Joe Vega,63 S.Monterey St. and Chester and Norman Goodrioh,4ll First Street are presented. No objection is made. Reports of the oity officers are presented and read. Motion by Cou3cilman Stevens,secanded by Councilman Stout and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on tile. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried ~ i , I ...... """11I\ .... """"lII\ 'WIII/IJ ,,~ ~' .. \- ~. r 1099 that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordred drawn on the on the Treasurer. City Marshal Goodrich now appears before the Council to liscuss the matter of vacations tor member of the police department. It is unanimously agreed that each officer employed for a perioa of more than one year be granted a two weeks vacation with pay the weeks to run consecutively. The matter o~ uniforms for the summer is discussed t~li.hQnanimously agreed '~oto leave the a.ai.ion to the City Marshal. Fire Chief Ramezane disousses the matter of dry grass on lots and is granted permission to hire a man to remove weeds from arounds trees before burning the grass. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. C8~ (A,~ City Cler .