Minutes 1949/07/05 1100 Gilro.y,Oa11torn1a July 5,1949 Th1s regular monthly meet1ng o~ the Common Counc1l is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M1l1as. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas, Dale D.Dan1els. Absent: Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,Dav1d V.Stout. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of June 6th and the regular adjourned meeting at' June 17'lh,l949 are read and approved. The Poundma.sterts report tor the month ot May,1949 is presented and read and ordered placed on tile. A communication is read from the Gilroy Chamber ot Commerce recommending the purchasing or leasing ot the Ramstead property on Morey Avenue as a site tor an airport. --l I I Th1s matte~ is referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee tor a report and reoommendations. A communication is read from City Engineer W.J.Hanna recommend- the .eoeptanoe of Project l3,resurfacing ot Forest Street trom Martin Street to I.O.O.F.Avenue, and the payment ot 75% of the contract in the amount ot $4,810.43 to the Granite Construction Company and that the balanoe-$1,603.48 be paid after 35 days and that the Notice ot Completion be filed. , , Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman ~homas and carried that a Notice of Completion of the Forest Street resurfacing job-Project 13, be filed and that the work be accepted as recommended by the City Engineer and that 75% of the Contract-$4,810.43- be paid to the Granite Construction Company as recommended by the City Engineer. Resolution No.26 of the Gilroy City Planning Commission recommend- ing that the west side..ot Hanna Street between Second Street and First Street not be rezoned from Zone "A" to Zone "B",is presented and read and ordered placed on file. RESOLUTION NO.223 is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Daniels that RESOLUTION NO.223 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.223 r-- ,*, -"", p/ :'"" I "".,;jI "..., ,""fl ] : ~",,-4I 1101 WHEREAS the City Planning Commission of the City 0 f Gilroy has reported,found and recommended that the district hereinafter described in the City of Gilroy besnnttohe.egedhbgadZone "A" to Zone "B", and that it continue to be in Zone "A", Which said district is desoribed as follows, to wlt-: Commenoing at the intersection of the westerly line of Hanna Street with the Northerly line o~ 2nd Street; thence Northwest erly along the West- erly line of Hanna Street 404.30 feet to the land of Giaohino;thence Westerly along the Southerly line of the premises of Giachino 160.64 feet to the easterly line ot an undedicated alley, thence southerly at a uniform distance ot 160.64 feet from the westerly line of Hanna Street 483 feet to the northerly line of 2nd Street;thenoe in an easterly 11reotion to the point o~ beginning in Sub-lot 38. Referenoe is hereby had to the map and general zoning ordin- ance. now on file intthe office o~ the City Clerk of said City of Gilroy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing will be had before the Common Council ot the City of Gilroy on Monday, the 25th day of July ,1949, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day in the Common Councilroom in the City Hall of the City of Gilroy, wb;)n and where any person interested may protest and/ or object to suoh ohange. AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas, Dale D.Daniels NOES: Counc ilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Dated this 5th day of JUly, 1949. ':;(7f' e. ~. ) tV"ayor Attest: G~Cl,~ City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.472 is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Daniels that ORDINANCE NO.472 be adopted: ORDINANCE NO.472 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING APPARATUS FOR DISPENSING OF INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AND GASOLINE TO THE PUBL"IC:~ Vote on the mot ion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.422: , AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas, Dale D.Daniels. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Eyyc>y. <5-fuL, Me~ien BY Ce~ReilmaB MaaeR,soeonaea by Couneilman Stavono that ORDINANOE NO.493 18 preaell.'ted anti read: OTIDIr~NOE NO.493 Be aae~1ea: ORDINANCE NO.493' . AN ORDlNANOE .kl4ltNDING OODINAllOE NO.4E2 OF mE CITY OF SILROY ENTITLED. WAll ORDIRMWE 0F 'mE CITY OF GIlROY lI!tOTIBIUG 1'01\ 'IRE E~'fABLI~lff W1'l'IIIN S:!m 01!Y OF Glm'r'Alli IH8tRIC'IB WITHII{ 'InIOn TDI!l OLADDES OF BUILD Il'm AIm ~'f!mG'l'tTi\E5 Alft) USES mBEOF Am!1 LIMIBB AB IN WIllan CBR!:AIN O'iHER ~LJ:!lOW A.IlJ!1 AJ."'rI.IED;DBF- IHUD TilE !EIWi UEmD HBHSINjrnOVlDlNO ]!OR ~BE CIWl'l Ill} 07 ABJUD!NEmtJ IN !'lm A.IT'LIIATI0N Orl mP1 61' 1102 mE rno-VIBIONB II!lTIEOF;rI1EOORIDDB TIm rROBImtmB FOR 'fi1E ADMINIDTRA'fION .Alm M~ IEBREOF,.AND rREOORImNG P.1m- ALTIE Fen ANY YIOLATIOll OF TmB. mo- VID IORJ IIEREOFIt. V~te Oft ~he metieR to adept DBDINANCE NO.4?!! AYEB: CeQnei1mea Ce~e M.Mas8a,Bay 1.8tevoBs,james B.~9mas, Dale D.Dfll'iiels NOES: Ooaneilmen NOne AEOEN!; Oouneilmca J.H.Wentwer\h,D&vid V.Stoat. RESOLUTION NO.224 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seoonded by Councilman Thomas that 't:,yyoy ~, .... ..... RESOLUTION NO.224 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.224 AUTHORIZING AND APPLICATION TO BE MADE TO TEE SDTE OF CALIFORNIA BOARD OF PUBLIC HEALTH,PURSUANT AND SUBJECT TO THE TERMS,CONDITIONB AND PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVED MARCH 23,1907, AND AU. AMENDMENl'S THERETO, FOR A PERMIT TO MAKE ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SEWAGE TREA'lltENT WORKS, AND DESIGNATING THE CITY CLERK AS '!HE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER QF THE COMMON COUNCIL AND DIBEC!'IrG HIM TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY DATA AND MAKE THE NECESSARY INVESTlQi ATIONS,AND IN THE NAME OF SAID CITY SIGN AND FILE SUCH APPLICATION WITH THE STATE BOARD OF PUBLIC HEAIfrH. WHEREAS the Common Council o~ the City of Gilroy has ~ heretofore determined to apply '0 the Sta te Board o~ EahlUl ., Health ot the State of California for a permit to make alter- .. ations and additions to existing sewage treatment works under and 'subject to the terms, oondi tions and provisions ot the 1>, Publio Health Act of the State of California,approved March 23,1907, and all amandments thereto, and WHEREAS the said applicat ion must be made pursuant to a Resolution which must be adopted by the Common Council o~ the City of Gilroy, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council ot the City of Gilroy, County ot Santa Clara.,BIlat'ornia, that pursuant and subject to all the terms, oonditions and provisions of the Public Health Act ot the State of California, approved March 23,1907, and all-amendments thereto, application by this City be made to. the Sta te Board ot Health ot the State of Calit- ornia, for a permit to make alterations and additions to exist- ing sewage treatment works; the work to consist of removal o~ one pumphouse and miscellaneous appurtenances,construotion of concrete pump~ouse,aeration tank,aeration-settling tank, water well and pump, and appurte~.e.orksj the proposed work to treat all domestic and industrial wastes entering ~. complete17 sewered area within the corporate limits ot said city; the plant e~tluent to be disposed on spreading pondsjsaid treatment works and sprwading ponds to be located on city owned land described as, ttIn Ranch Lot 51 as shown on Map No.7 accompanying the Report ~ of the Referees in the Las Animas Partition Suit of Henry Miller et al vs. Massey Thomas et al in the Superior Court ot the State ~ ot California in and for the County of Santa Clara-Case NO. 5536", situated 2.5 miles southeast of the center of *_4d city; that the City Clerk ot said Common Council be and is heDeby authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be pre- pared and investigation to be made, and in the name ot said City to sign and file suoh application with the said State Board of Publio Health. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 5th day of July,1949, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas,Dale D.Daniels. Counc ilme n None r'-' '~,J """'<1, '.__",4' ,I' " 1103 ABSENT: Counc 1lmen J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. /tIlt () 7?/~ or ./ Attest: c~;~~ An ordinance governing the licensing and procedure to obtain a license for used car dealers is presented and read. It is unan- imously agreed to present this ordinance to the Leaeae of Calif- ornia 8ities tor an opinion. Mrs.Chas.F.Todd rspesseawing the Lyle Sign Company now appears before the Council to discuss street signs. The Clerk states that Mr.Manuel Gameros has requested permission to hold dances in Wheeler Audit~ium on Sunday afternoons. It is unanimously agreed to grant Mr.Gameros and the organization he represents permission to hold dances in Wheeler Auditorium on Sunday afternoons. The matter of tees for building permits where the applicant takes permits to build a series of dwellings on separate lots is discussed the CleXt stating that the County Building Inspector has advised him that the County makes a seperate charge far each permit the fee for each permit being based on the valuation of each unit. Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the Santa Clara County system o~ build ing permit fees be followed each bBi' to be valued separately for the purpose of arriving at the fee to be charged and the fee collected to be based on the separate valuation for each unit so applied for; oourts,dwelling gro~p.jmultiple dwellings,etc.to be considered as one unit for the purpose of any building permit. A rppresentative of F6ster &. Kleiser Company now appears before the Council to request permission to ereot two sign boards tin property of Howson Bros.located on the west side of Monterey r~ Street between Miller Slough and property of Moschetti. Tllis matter is referred to the Street Committee for investigation. Mr.R.C.Stoakman,consulting engineer now ~pears before the Council to request funds to purchase the necessary meter at the sewage disposal plant in the amount of $400.00. Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the et't7 Clerk' bJt'.i:rurt:r'U.~l.~d,.:~ ,:;~;Q.."'\A.ltl"'JS'"~,,c~~w meter at the sellag.~cd1$.p$sa1'LPJaQ ..:,~q;q~~,\.~' ~tJ.~..R.,C..,.~~q:<<!1f.m1n cJon&111 tinh. '.$>>g :t~r. "'.!: :~ t . 1104 The City Engineer now presents plans and specifications for improve- ment of Major City Streets.Sixth Street,Alexander Street,Ninth Street Hanna Street and Carmel Street-as reoommended by the Council. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Counoilman Thomas and oarried that the plans and speoifications for improvement o~ Major City Streets as presented by the City Engi~eer be acoepted and forwarded to the Division ot Highways for approval. The City Clerk & Ex-Orticio Assessor now presents a ~equest to cancel Assessment No.264-l948-l949 Assessment Roll this assessment being a double Assessment and in the amount ~f $34.37. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Counoilman Stevens and carried that Assessment No.264-1948-l949 Assessment Roll in the amount of $34.37 be cancelled . The City Clerk & Ex-Of~icio Assessor now presents a request to canoel Assessment No.2l'.1948-1949 Assessment Roll,assesaent being in the bame ot E.J.Chesbro et al,due to the ~act that this prop- erty was transferred to the South Santa Clara Valley War Memorial District on June 16,1948. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried that Assessment No.217-l948-1949 Assessment Roll in the ammunt of $15.50 be cancelled. Counoilman Daniels discusses the program for the city taking over Christmas decorations. Mr.Chas.Warren appears before the Council with a sara.ple of the decorations proposed. It is unanimously agreed that the Counoil shall meet Wednesday,July 6th at I P.M. for further discussion on the proposed Christmas deoorations for Monterey Street. RepoBts of city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stevens ,seconded by Counc ilman Thomas and oarried that the reports of city o~ticers be acoepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ord8lfed ,. drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~ .~. ~ City erk