Minutes 1949/07/06 1104 . L~___ Gilroy,Oa11forDia JUl.,. 6,1949. . ~._~f Th1s regular adjo~rned meeting of the COJllllon Couno 11 is called to order by His Honor Ma')or George C.M111aa. .. 1105 Present: Councilmen George.M.Mason,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas, Dale D.Daniels. Absent: Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. The Mayor announces that the purpose of the meeting is to firther disouss Christmas deoorations for Monterey Street. Mr.Chas.Warren,decorator and E.D.Hollenbaok,eleotrical oontractor are present. Mr.Warren states that His part of the deoorations will oost $1,000.00 and Mr.Hollenbaok states that the stringing of the lights and installation of neoessary cables will cost $450.00. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the City Attorney be direoted to draw up the neoessary contracts with Mr.Chas.Warren and Mr.E.D.Hollenback for the ereotion of Christmas decorat ions on Monterey Street ,said decorations to be in plaoe by Deoember 1,1949;that Mr.E.D.Hollenback be paid the sum of $450.00 plus the premium on the neoessary liability insurance policy and Mr.Chas. Warren to be paid $1,000.00 tor his work $500.00 to be pa id to Mr. Warren upon the s 19ning of the oontrao'\. Ad~ourned subject to the call- 0 f the chair. CJ.('~~ City ler. .