Minutes 1949/11/07 r 11 24 '- .' Gilroy,~alifornia November 7,1949, This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Counc ilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas,Dale D.Daniels, Absent:Councilman David V.Stout. Minutes of the meeting of October 3,1949 are read and approved. 1125 Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that Council Stout be granted permission to leave the state for a period of two weeks from November 4,1949. A conmlUnication is read from the City Engineer recommending payment to George Augusta,contractor, of $3,725.61 for work completed on Project ... -C'"'l i 15 and Dowdy,7th and Princevalle Streets. It is brought to the attention of the Council that a section of Alexander Street,below 8th Street, is not standing up under traffic. liotion by Councilman Daniels, seconded by Councilman 'Wentworth and carried t hat the" ~um: of':'20Q. 00 i.,bewltl}held from payment to (ieorge Augusta ,contractor , to take care of the section of Alexander Street paving that has broken down, and that the sum of $3525.61 be paid to him. A communicationis read from Jack Melody,Poundmaster, relative to a dog belonging to Mary Noungaruy,63 S.Rosanna Street. This matter is referred to the City Attorney.and the City Clerk is instructed to advise the IJoundmaster to call on the Oi ty Att orney. A cowlunicatin is reaf rom the Gilroy COMilunity Wela~are Association requesting free use of 7/heeler Auditorhull for a local talent show, V'[ November 10,1949. Eot ion by Councilman rrhomas, Sel1dmded by Councilman ',7entwortb and carried that the Gilroy Ccbml'1lunity 1,ielfare Association be granted free use of vllieeler Auditoriura for a local talent show,Thursaay, November 10th. A communication is read from the Division of Highways relative to a change of traffic signals at Four_~ and F~fth streets. This com- munication is ordered filed. A cOIlli"ilunicatHm os read from the Gilroy Union High School requesting free use of ~heeler Auditorium for the annual Christmas concert by the A.Cappella Choir,December 21st or ~2nd. Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Thomas and :t* .,.,~,\ carried that the Gilroy Union High School be granted free use of I I .......J ',';11eeler Auditorium for t he annual A Cappella Choir concert on either December 21st or 22nd,1949. A cowrrunication from the Gilroy Chmrrber of Cowlerce thanking the Council for repairing the waning and painting the exterior of their office is presented and read and ordered filed. A Report,Findings and Recommandations of the City Planning on application for a Use Permit by VI.Patterson and P.Campbell to estab- lish a claening and dyeing plant in the I.O.O.F.Building owned by 1126 W.B.Stuart is presented and read, the commission recommending the granting of the application providing the business mGm~~1es~with the building coaeof the City of Gilroy. This matter is referred to the Fire COD1.'lli ttee ahd the City Attorney for investigation and report. A cOlT~unication is read from Mrs.Leola Broymell requesting renewal of her lease on 47 acres of the city's sevIer farm land. The Clerk lease on 7 acres of the city's sewer farm land. ~ !i I ...- presents a verbal request by Ur.Harry Bianda for a renewal of his Hot ion by Councilman Daniels, sec onded by Councilman rrhomas and carried that the leasesof Llrs .Leola Brownell and Harry Rianda be granted for another year from November 1,1949, under the same tenls and conditions as their leases which expired October 31,1949. Application for transfer of an',On Sale Beer:: license from Gino Dellanina to Russell Doan,d.b.a Luc10J Club is presented and read. No objection is made. Councilman Wentworth discusses the overnite parking of trucks on city streets. It is unanimously agreed to investigate present ordinances to ascertain mf they cover thissituation. An ap)lication for a building permit to rearrange the front ~ of his property at 75 North Llonterey Street by J.Kelmeth McAlpine ....w is presented and discussed. Er.tlcAlpine is present and anS1'lers questions asked by members of the Council. Mr.A.Villafranca appears before the Council to discuss his application for a building permit to alter the front of his bulild- ing located on the east side of Monterey Street between Sixth and Mart in streets. These two applications are referred to the Fire COTIilllittee and the City Attorney for study and recommendation and it unanimously agreed to call a special meeting ThurdaaY,November lath at 1:30 P.M. to further discuss this matter. Mr. Byron Brown presents his report of investigation of pumps pumping water out o~ the Uvas Creek above the city dam on the Uvas ~ U Creek. This report is turned over to the City Attorney for his files. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the City Attorney be granted authority to secure all information with respect to the city's water rightson the Uvas Creek including reports from athe title company. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Ilason and J-~127 carried that reports of city offcers be accepted as read and placed " on file. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman LIason and carried that bills as presented be alloW3d and warrants ordered drawon on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. d,~.~ City Clerk .. ...