Minutes 1950/03/06 1145 Gilroy,California March 6,1950 -- I I This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. This being the time specified in a legal notice calling for bids for construction of a sewage *r~atment plant and appurtenances the Mayor now instructs the Clerk to proceed with the opening of the bids, The following bids are presented:Geo.C.Renz Construction Com~any- $57,686.; W.J.Nicholson Vompany-$53,550.; Roland! & S~ton-$64,480. E.V.Lane Company-$56,796.; Atkinson Construction Company-$89,975.; Fred J.Early Jr.Company-$56,880.; Stolte,Inc.-$50,780.; stockton Construction Company-$62,558.; Dabs Construction Company-$53,480.; Ed.Waters-$54,873. I I I The Mayor now directs that the City Attorney,R.C.Stoelanan,cansnlting , engineer and City Engineer W.J.Hanna inspect the bid of Stolte,Inc. to ascertain if the Bid w.. in order. The annual report of the Coast Counties gas and Ele'tric Company on the franchise tax due for the year 1949 1s presented and read, the report showinl $4673.22 the amount of payment. Motion by Councilman Wentwort:p.,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the franchise tax report of the Coast Counties Gas and 1146 Electric Company for the year 1949 be accepted. A communication from Assemblyman John F.Thompson stating that he would do everything in his power to have a full time office of the Department of Motor Vehicles established here is presented and read and 0 rdered pI aced on file. A cO~jlunication is read from Logan and Frazer,certified public accountants, stating that they had audited the city's books of account and record to the quarter ending December 31,1949, is :J presented and read and ordered filed. A comr'1uni cation is read from E. S. Groesbeck, 1253 Sandra Drive, San Jose, offering to spray the elm and sycamore trees in the city tor the sum of $1927.00 and offering two additional alter- nates to this proposal. Mr. Forester of the Electrical Products Corporation now appears before the Council and demonstrates the sign his company proposes to erect at the north and south entrances to the city, the signs be of modern design as requested by the Council. It is unanimously agreed that it should be ascertained if the poles upon which the present signsare placed can be used for new signs, the report on this matter to be made Monday,March 13th. -, Councilman Stevens discusses the speed limit sign on Old Gilroy ~ Street near the Elliot School. The Clerk is instructed to write to the Division 0 f Highways and request that the "25" markers on the pavement be moved trlOlii"tbein"present location to a point east of the east line of East Street. The City Atto~ney now appears before the Council and states that everything is in order in the Stolte,Inc. bid for the construction of a sewage treatment plant and appurtenant works. Mr.R.C.Stockman,consulting engineer for this city on this project now appears before the Council and recommends that the bid of Stolte, Inc. for the construction of a sewage treatment plant and appurtenant works be accepted. Motion hy Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Stout and .:J carried that the bid of Stolte, Inc. in the sum of $50,780.00 ~or th'e construction of a sewage treatment plant and appurtenant works be accepted and the c Olltract for this work be awarded to Stolte, ,- Inc.,Monterey,California. It is unanimously agreed that the bids of the next two low bid- ders-Dabs Construction Company amd W.J.Nicholson Company-be held until all details of Stolte,Inc.bid be accepted by Stolte and t147 approved by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to publieh the follmwing notice:Notice is hereby given that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California on Monday, the first day of May,1950, at which time the following offices are to be rilled: City Mayor Ci ty Clerk City Treasurer City Marshal and six Common Councilmen. There wlll be two voting precincts for the purpose of holding said ele ction, consi st ing of a consolidat ion of the regular election precincts established tor holding State and County elections, as follows: Con- solidated voting precinct "A", comprising State and County precincts numbers one,two,three and four, and the polling place thereof shall be the Fire House, 10 ca ted on Fifth Street between !vIonterey and Eig- e Iberry streets; consolidated precinct "B", comorising State and County election precincts numbers five,six,seven and eight, and the polling place thereof shall be the City Clerk's office, 3 East Sixth Street,Gilroy, California. Notice is alos further given that at said election the polls will be open from the hour of 7 o'clock A.M. to the hour of 7 o'clock P.M. on the day thereof;that during said hours saiil election will be held and conducted at the legally designated polling places in each elec- tion precdnct in said City of Gilroy,as hereinafter set forth; and that the polling places in the several election precincts and the names of the several persons who are hereby appointed to serve as election officers are the conduct of said election in their respective election precincts, as named,selected and designated by the Common Council of said City of Gilroy,as provided by law, are as follows, to-wit: Name of Prec'nct "An. Location of Polling Place-Fire House,Fifth Street between Monterey ~ ~ and Eigelberry streets,Gilroy,California: Precinct Board Inspector:Elsie Cotta; Judge:Frances C.Eustice; Clera:Rose A.Chabot; Clerk:Leola Griffin;Clerk:Mary Howorth. Name 0 f Precinct "B". Location of Polling Place- City Clerk's office, 3 East Sixth Street, Gilroy,California. 1148 Precinct Board Inspector:Nina Avery; Judge:Fannie McQuilkin; Clerk:Lila Ramezane; Clerk:Helen Garcia; Clerk:Marion Eustis. , That the compensation for each member of the precinct boards be the sum of ten dollars. Building Inspector Byron Brown reports that he had made a survey of the property of Mr.Ed.Pellin located on the west side of Church Street between 8th and 9th streets with reference to granting a building permit,that he had discussed this matter with lAx.Pellin and had determined that a building could be built over the storm sewer line crtssing the property by using certain methods. It is unanimously agreed that Mr.Pellin should give the city an easement over his property /for the storm sewer before. building permit is issued. The Building Inspector now presents his report for February,1950. ...... ....... Councilman Stout discusses the matter of persons riding bicycles on the sidewalk. The City Marshal now appears before the Council and reads the instructions he haa issued to the police officers regarding the riding of bicycles on the sidewalk. The Mayor reports that there are two vacancies on the Recreation CommissioL-aame~lJepson and Jerome Chappell- and submits the names of Mrs.Ansel Buletti and Owen Van Buskirk to replace the two members Who have resigned. It is unanimously agreed to hold these appoint- IIIIIiIIlI ....... ments over one week. The Mayor reports that the~teEms of Dr.Elmer Chesbro,Roy Mead and Jerome Chappell of the Planning Commission, have expired and that Mr.Chappell has tentered his resignation. The Mayor submits, the names of Dr. Elmer Chesbro and Roy Mead for reappointment and the name of Smith Howardtto replace Mr. Chappell. It is unanimously agreed to,jll101d these appointments over for one week. The Mayor reports that he has reoeiyed the resignation of Mrs. Vivan Head as member of the Board of Trustees 0 f the Gilroy Public LJbrary and that the Board has suggested the appointment of Mrs. ~ Herbert Weavill to fill this vacancy. It is unanimously agreed ....... to hold this appojntment over for one week. R.C.Stockman,consulting engineer, presentsfour bills-one for taking samples of sewage for analysis-$60.00; one for blueprinting of plans-$79.l7; one for mimeographing specifications and motice calling for bids-$36.00; and one for his services-$3060.l0;totalling $3235,27. 1149 Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried the the bills of R.C.Stockman,consulting engineer,-$60.00 for taking samples of sewage for anamysis; $?9.l? for blueprinting of plans;$36.00 for mimeographing specifications and notice calling for bids and, $3060.10 for prD~ess10nal services (5% of the engineer's estimate of cost of construction), totalling $3235.2?, be paid. ORDINANCE NO.4?? is presented and read. LIotion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Thomas that QRDINANCE NO.4?? be adopted: ORDINANCE NO.4?? AN ORDINANCE ANIENDING SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION II ,RElATING TO INTERSTATE COMMERCE, AND SUBSECTION 51 OF SECTION 22, REL- ATING TO SOLICITING, OF ORDINANCE NO 452 OF THE CITY OF GILROY LICENSIID THE TRANSACTION AND CABRYING ON OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TRADES ,PROFESSIONS , CALLINGS AND ACCtJPATIONS IN TBE CITY OF GILROY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING MUNICIPAL REVENUE AND PROi VIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.4??: AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENI': Councilmen None. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that reports of the city officers be accepted as read and pJa ced on file. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried that bills as presented be allomd and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Mayor states that the meeting scheduled for March 13th to dis- cuss with the interested parties the annexation of parop<erty lying SlDUJt.h1j.O f'Jbhec,soilthilanefof Third Street, east of the West line o;f Castlewood Park, north of the south line of Fifth Street and west of the west line of Princevalle Street is postponed to March 20th and that the Council will meet Monday,:March 13th at ?:30 P.M. to discuss the varoius phases of the proposed annexation of this territory. The Chief Administrative Officer is instructed to keep informed on the location at which the contractors for the improvement of south .,.,""'" Monterey Road are taking gravel from the U~as Creek and that in no event should gravel be ta}Bn from the creek closer than 150 to 200 feet from the levee along the east bank of the creek. Councilmmn Mason reports on the widening of Forest Street and that he had investigated the sttaement made by phe property owners residing along the west side of Forest Street between Swanston Lane and Leaves- 1150 ley Road that sever~l years ago the ownerx of one of the parcels of land had requested installation of a:.:'sewe:r:.lli-ne and that said property owner was required to install the line himself. Councilman Mason reports that the Planning Commission had refused to give their consent to the opening of a subdivision on a portion of the property until the owner made provision for the granting of an easement or right of way through his property for the city to install the line;that the owner failed to grant this right of way to the city and installed his own'sewer line. It is unanimously agreed to notify Hrs.Ral:ph Costello ,one of the interested parties, that the Council would take no further action on the widening of Fmrest Street at the present time. Counc ilman Mason discusses the possibility of a policy in the matter of extending lblity water mains outside the city liniys and suggests that this matter be studied by the Planning Commission. No action is taken on this matter. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. 8.G..~ City Clerk ,