Minutes 1952/01/07 1298 Gilroy,Cali~ornia January 7,1952. This regular monthly meeting o'f the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, Carl W.Pate. Absent:Councilmen David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. The min_tea of the regular monthly meeting of December 4,1951 are read and aPPPoTed, The Mayor now calla upon County Assessor Hayden Pitman who is present at this meeting on invitation from the Council, to discuss the matter of the county assessing ~r.operty and oollecting the taxes for the city.Mr.Pitman outlines the proceedure stating that i.e plan under discussion does not entail any more work for his 0'ff1ce than at present;that the oost to the city 'for this service from the county would be one-halt of one percent o'f the first $25,000.00 ot taxes collected and one-quarter of one per cent 'for any amount above the $25,000.00, that the County Auditor oan make oash advances to the oity,in the event of an emergency,any time after collection starts. It is unanimously agreed that the Council meet Wednesday,January 9,1952 at 8 o'olock P.M. to discuss the proposed ordinanceK to turn over to the county the assessing of property and the oolleotion of taxes. A communication is read from Hall's Annex requesting use of Yfueeler Auditorium for the afternoon and evening of January 29th for a Community Fair. It is unanimmusly agreed that the charge for the use ~. of the building be $45.00. A communication is read from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce express- the appreciation of the board of directors for the cooperation of the Mayor and Council during the year 1951. This letter is order- ed filed. A communication is read from the Committee to Oppose P.G. & .E. Rate Increase urging the Council to contribute $50.00 towards to 1299 1300 This being the time speoified for the opening of bids for a new automobile for use of the Polioe Department three bids are presented and read: Bob Hollar Company-net bid ~~1707.0l;.Jack W.Ronald-net bid ;~1400.00;Madonna Motors-net bid 4P160l.3l. It is unanimously agreed that the tlu~ddrive type of car should be tried to asoertain if such a type of oar would be more satisfaotory for Police Department work. Motion by Counc ilman Pate ,seoonded by Counc ilman Mason and carried that the oity purohase from Bob Hollar Company-l new Dodge,Model- Meadowbrook sedan for '2557.0l-less .860.00 allowance for 1948 Plymouth sedan-net cost $1707.01. A report of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The rpport of the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department showing a fire loss for 1951 of $3,660.00, is presented and read.A request for purohase of equipment is attached to the report. Motion by Counc ilman Thomas, see onded by Councilman Pate and carried that a letter of: thanks be sent to the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department for their services during the past year and advise them that the Fire Committee will be pleased to meet with them to discuss their request for equipment. Counoilman Wentworth disousses the matter at a new truok for use o~ the Street Department. It is unanimously agreed that the Street Committee and the Finance Committee meet to discuss this matter and to arrange for advertising for bids. tG u-.;<!~' " The report of the Building Inspeotor for the month of December, 1951 is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The report of the Poundmaster for the month of December,195l is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The report of arrests and citations issued by the Gilroy Police Department for the month of Deoember,195l is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The Clerk is instructed to oontact the Poundmaster and ask him to investigate the large number of dogs running at large in the southwest portion of the city. A oommunioation os read from Walter Hanna,Jr. requesting the sum of $50.00 for expenses to attend the California Streat and Highway Conference to be held at the Univerjity or California at Los Angeles February 6th through Feb.8th. ~ ..... ~ .... ~ ...I 1301 Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and oarried that Walter Hanna,jr. be granted the Slliu of $50.00 for expenses while attending the California Street and Highway Conferenoe to be held at the University of California at Los Angeles February 6th through February 8th. A oommunioation is read from the City Engineer reoommending that a master drainage plan for the city be drawn up. Mr.Hanna states that he believes suoh a plan can be drawn up for approximately $300.00 It is unanimously agreed that the Street Committee confer with the City Engineer on this matter and report to the Council on the action taken~ A communication is read from the City Engineer recommending that the neoessary proceedings be had to annex the extension of Ninth Street to Pacheoo Pass Road. It is agreed that the Engineer should furnish the City Attorney with the necessary desoription so that he can proceed as rec:fIDIlended. A communioation is read from the City Engineer recommending that serious consideration be given to the possibilities of a separate industrial di~posal site on the east aide of the city to care for the excess water from the cannery. This matter is held over for further disoussion. The matter of non-fullfillment of their contract by Warren Decorat- ing Company is discussed. Motion by Counoilman Pate ,seconded by Counc ilman Vlentworth and oarried that Warren Decorating Company be paid the balance of $500.00 on their oontraot for Christmas deoorations. The Mayor now discusses the matter of a bridge across the slough at the north end of Chestnut Street. It is unanimously agreed that the Street Committee and the City Engineer investigate the cost of: : construction of a sui ta ble bridge across the slough at the north end of Chestnut Street. The City Attorney now disousses a proposed resolution in which the city would abandon its right to pass water over the Bonito property on Heoker Pass Road opposite the reservor. It is unanimously agreed that this would not be to the best interests of the oity,for, in the event of trouble at the reservoir the water may cover a considerable acreage on the Bonito property and the eity would be liable for damages as a result of flooding. Reports of the city offioers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Mason and oarried 1302 that the reports of oity offioers be accepted as read and plaoed on file. The Mayor now discusses a reoent meeting held in San Jose which was attended by representa.ives of oities in the County to discuss oounty drmnage problems in whioh oities are effeoted. The Mayor states that he has appointed the Chief Administrative Officer as representative for Gilroy to attend future meetings af a group of city and county offioials to seek some solution to drinage and flood problems. Motion by Counoilman Mason,seoonded by Councilman Pate and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. A portion of the proceedings of this meeting were transoribed on a Gray AUdograph. The necessary equipment to carry on this proceedure in the future consists of a seleotor and a miorophone. Motion by Counoilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the city purohase the selector and microphone to oomplete the neoessary equipment to transcribe council meetimgs via the Gray AUdograph. Adjourned subjeot to the call of the ohair. C?~.~~ City C!erk ~.