Minutes 1952/01/09 1302 Gilroy, California January 9,1952. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wen~90rth,James B.Thomas, Carl W.Pate. Absent:Counoilmen David V.Stout,Dale D.Danie1s. A communcation is peadilirom the Parent-Teachers Association requesting use of Wheeler Auditorium for a variety show on January 25th,prooeeds of the show to be used to tinanoe additional equipment for the Jordan Sohool playgrounds. It is unanimously agreed tha~ fheiParent-Teachers Association be granted free use of \~eeler Aud- i torium for their variety show on January 25t h. A reoonveyanoe from the trusteer-;to Harry W. and Ann Williams on a Trust Deed covering a note which was signed by the trustors f for payment of utilities costs in the Second Western addition is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Mason and oarried that the Mayor SBgn the reconveyanoe-trustees to Harry W. and Ann Williams. The Mayor now reviews the proposal to have the County Assessor assess property within the city fDr the oity and the County Tax 1303 Collector to collect the taxes for the City of Gilroy. The City Marshal and Tax Collector now appears berore the Counoil to disouss the proposed change and states that he does not approve of suoh a ohange and that he did not believe it was legal. The Iv1ayor now calls upon the City Clerk and Ex-offioio Assessor to disouss the matter 01 assesing, time consumed and expense involved. .The City Attorney,~t the request of the IJayor,now reads portions of ,p---." the p'overrment Code of the State of California dealing with the matter of oounties assesing property and oollecting taxes for o~t1es and also cites:" and reads a portion of the oharter of the city dealing with matter of assesing of property and tax collecting. Mr.Justin Byers now appears b'fore the Counoil &0 discuss the matter of the county assessing property and collecting taxes for the city. ODRINANCE NO 500 is now presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Pate that ORDINANCE NO.500 be adopted: '11<'" .",:-~ ORDINANCE NO.500 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS111iNT OF PROPERTY FOR THE MUNICIPU TAXES OF THE CITY OF GILROY,AND FOR THE EQUALIZATION AND CORRECTION OF SUCH ASSESSMENT BY CERTAIN COUNTY OF SANrA CLARI. OFFICERS,FOR THE COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE PAY- . MENT OF SUCH TAXES, INCLUDING DELINQUENT TAXES, BY SUCH COUNTY OFFICERS,FOR THE SALE AND REDmFTION FROM SAlE OF PROPERTY SOLD FOR THE NON-PAYMENT OF SUCH TAXES ,A11D FOR THE PERFORMANCE BY CERTAIN COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA OFFICERS OF THE DUTIES OF ASSESSOR, CLERK,AND TAX COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF GILROY RESPECTING SAID MATTERS:TO PROVIDE FOR THE Cm~ENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE COUI~Y OFSA}~A CLARA BY THE CITY OF GILROY FOR THE SERVICES PERFOm~D BY SUCH COUNTY OFFICERS FOR TEE CITY OF GILROY: AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES. , -""....,; Voje on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 500: AYES: Counoilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, Carl W.Pate. Councilmen None Councilmen David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. NOES: ABSENT: ORDINANCE NO.50l is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seoonded by 80unoilmanMason that ORD INANCE NO. 501 be ad opt ed : ORDINANCE NO.50l AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILl;{OY REGULATING THE HEIGHT OF FENCES IN THE CITY OF GILROY. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.501: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Counoilman George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, Carl \V.Pate. Councilmen None Councilmen David V.Stout,Dale TI.Danie1s. ORDINANCE NO.502 is presented and read Motion by Councilman Mason,seoonded by Counoilman Pate that ORDINANCE NO.502 be adopted: 1304 ORDINANCE NO.502 ORDINANCE REGULATING THE INSTALLATION,UTILIZATION,AND 11AINT- ENANCE OF OUTSIDE ANETNNAE FOR TELEVISION RECEIVING APPARA~S OR EQ,UIPMENT,AND REGULATING THE INSTALLATION OF TELEVISION EQ,UIPMENT,REQUIRIID PERMITS ,AND CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL,AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER A1TD FEES FOR OBTAINING THE SAME: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. Vote on the motion to adopt PRDINANCE NO.502: A,JF.S : Counoilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, Carl W.Pate. Councilmen None Counoilmen David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. NOES: ABSENT : Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Counoilman Wentworth and carried that the Clerk be instruoted to advertise for bids fon a new truok for use of the street department, bids to be opened at 8 o'clock P.M.,Monday,February 4,1952. Motion by Counoilman Wentworth,seconded by Counoilman Pate and carried that Councilman David V.Stou be granted permission to leave the state for a period of thir~y days from Adjourned subjeot to the oal1 of the ohair. January 9,1952. d.~.~ City -ale.. ~.