Minutes 1952/02/04 T 1304 Gilroy, California February 4,1952. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is cal~d to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Counoilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate. Absent:Counoilman Dale D.Danie1s. I.1imltes of the regular monthly meeting of I'anuary 7th and the regular adjourned meeting of January 9th,1952 are read and approved. A oommunioation os read from the League of California Cities stating that due to inoreases costs and aotion by the general assembly of the League the yearly service charge for 1952 dues have been set at $310.00. h'Iotion by Counoilman Thomas ,seconded by Counoilman Stout and carried that the League of California Cities bill for dues for the year 1952 in the amount of $310.00, be paid. A oOmL1unioation is read from the Credit Bureau of Gilroy requesting permission to obtain infdrmation from city records for publication in a bulletin to members. 'Nle:LMayor asks the City Attorney if the information requested by the Credit Bureau is in order and the Attorney states that he cannot see anything wrong in making the information available. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seoonded by Counoilman Pate and oarried that the Credit Bureau of Gilroy be granted permission to 1305 use city building permits,and water department Turn Offs and New Addresses for publication in thier bulletin to members. Counoilman Stout casts NO vote on the motion. A oommunioation &s read from Logan and Frazer stating that they had completed the audit of ci ty boooks and records for t he quarter end~d Deoember 31,1951 and had found the aocounts and records in good order. This letter is ordered filed. A comrlunication is read from the National Headquarters o' the Disabled Veterans requesting permission to oocupy a parking space in the main business section of the city to exhibit Robert Ripley's I "Believe It ot Not" ,the exhibit to arrive within 60 days f'rom the da te of the communication. Motion by Councilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Stout amd carried that the National Headquarters of the Disabled Amerioan Veterans be granted permission to ocouPY the necessary parking spaoeK or spaoes on Monterey Street to exhibit Robert Ripley's,"Believe It Or Not" . A communication is read from the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company requesting permission to realignl a pole line aoross a portion of city property lying east of Burchell Road. The matter is referred to the Building and Grounds Committee. A oommunication is read from the Gilroy Publio Sohools requesting permission to use \fueeler Auditorium for graduation exervises tor the elementary and high school. Motion by Councilman Stout,secorded by Councilman Pate and oarried that the Gilroy Public Schools be granted tree use of Wheeler Auditorium June 11th and June 12th and a portion of June 9th and June 10th,1952, for graduation exercises and preparation for same. A oommunioation is read from the Santa Clara County Heart Assooiation requesting the Mayor to sign a proclamation for Heart Week. Motion by Gounoilman Stout,seoonded by Councilman Pate and oarried that the Mayor sign the Heart Week proclamation as requested by the i . _.... Santa Clara County Heart Assooiation. A communication os read from Attorney Robert K.Byers,representing Manabi and Sumi Hirasaki,diiediilgG. aostr1:p of land 40.2 feet in width from the south line of Ninth Street south east Q2l.02 feet,for the purpose of extending Alexander Street. This matter is referred to the Gilroy City Planning Commission. An application ofr an On Sale Beer License to Antone George,d.b.a. the Luoky Club,2? S.Monterey Street,is presented~ No objection is made. 1306 A communioation signed by 19 oity employees and officials requesting a 15% increase in salaries,effeotive January 1,l952, is presented and read. This communioation is referred to the Finanoe Committee for study and report to the Council. The Mayor now states that Offioer Robert Edwards of the Gilroy Polioe Department had requested permission to appear before the Council to discuss his discharge from the Police Department by City Marshal A.G.Goodrich. Offioer Edwards is present and the Mayor now asks if he is ready to present his story to the Counoil. The offioer responds that he is ready and now presents his etatyment. After considerable disoussion the Mayor asks City Marshal A.G. Goodrich is he has a statement to make. The City Marshal appears before the Council and states,in part, that Mr.Edwards had served his purpose and that he was well paid for his servioes,but,h~, the Marshal,was looking for a man who oould ride a motorcyole. L.r,~. Feathers now appears before the Council to ask why there had been four men discharged from the Police Department in the last year. The City Marshal answers Mr.Feathers questiou. The Mayor now asks if any person~ desires to speak on the subject. . ~ '. . . ~ , ; No one appears to di~usss this ~atter further. , ; i Motion by Councilma~ Pate.seoonded by Councilman Stout and o~rried that the Polioe Commission meet Thursday,February 7,1952 at 8 6~."jk P.M.,in the Council Chambers, to discuss the matter of Officer Edwards further. This being the time specified in a legal notice oalling for bids to furnish the city with a two-ton truok for use of the Street Depart- ment six bids are presented and read;~N.Brodersen & Son-$3466.47; Bob Hollar Company-'38l0.27;Culwell Chevrolet Company-Heil Body and Hoist-$352l.l5 and Gar Wood Body and Hoist-$3475.57;Byers Bros.-4 bids- one for Industrial S1x-$3?71.5l;one for 2-tin chassis-$3?22.66;one tor li:moncohass1saandcas9-$3l33.69-if lOO H.P.motor desired add $42.22; one for Ii tons chassis and cab-$2679.57-if 111I0 H.P.motor desired add $42.22;Mathers Meroanti1e-$3467.53;Grant Bishop Chevrolet 00.- $3118.67. This bid was rejeoted as it specified Anthony Dump Body and Hoist and the specifioations oalled for a Heil or Gar Wood Dump Body and Hoist. The matter of selecting th truck was placed in the hands of the Finanoe Committee for investigation and report to the Council on their recommendation. ~ ~ ..... ..... ., .J 1307 S1xspepbrts of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department during the month of January,l952, are presented and ordered fi led. The report of the Building Inspeotor for the month of January,1952 is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The January,1952 report of arrests and traffic citations issued by the Gilroy Police DepartmBBt is presented and read and ordered placed on file. The report of the annual franohise return from the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company is now presented the total franchise tax showing the sum of $6,046.04. This report is ordered filed. Mr.George C.Renz now appears before the Council and presents a map o'f the Wayland Lane Subdivision and a declaration of restriotions applying to Tract 139,Renz Addition to the City of Gilroy. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seoonded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the map of Wayland Lane Subdivision and the deolaration of restriction applying to Traot 239,Renz Addition to the City of Gilroy, be referred to the Gilroy City Planning Commission. A cOITllilunioation is read from W.J.Hanna,City Engineer, reoommending that the sum of $6,945.53 ,represenitng 75% of thB total oontract price, be paid to Fredriokson and Watson Construction Company 'for the improvement of Sixth Street. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seoonded by Counoilman Thomas and oarried that Fredrickson and Watson Construotion Company be paid the sum of $6,945.53 said amount pepresenting 75% of the contract for the improvement of Sixth Street. Reports of the oity officers are presented and read. Motion. by Councilman Stout,seconded by Counoilman Thomas and carried that the reports of city offioers be accepted as read and placed on file. The Mayor now disousses the proposed meeting with offioials of Filice and Perrelli Canning Company to disouss the sewage problem the Clerk and instruots/to make a date with the oanning oompany offioials for Monday,February ll,1952, at 8 o'olock P.M. A bill for services performed by Officer Robert Edwards is now presented and the chairman 0 f the Finance Committee. It is unanimous ly agreed that the City Marshal approve the bill before it is allowed. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Counoilman Wentworth and oarried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. 1308 Counoilman Stout now discusses the proposal of G.N.Brodersen to purchase the oity property,known as the oorporation yard,on East Sixth between r~onterey Street and Railroad Alley. It unanimGusly agreed that the Buildings and Grounds Oommittee investigate this ~tter atld:obtain appraisals. The matter of a new well on 47 aores of the oity sewer farm land lying east of the Llagas Creek is disoussed. Motion by Counoi1man Mason,seconded by Councilman Pate that the Buildings and Grounds committee draw up speoifioations for a 14 inch well and prepare the proper advertisement and specifioations. The Clerkis instruoted to have Henry Allemand write a letter to the Council agreeing to pay one-half the oost of the new well and pump. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. \Z.~.~ Ci ty Cler ~.