Minutes 1952/03/10 1 ~_. ." f Gilroy,California Maroh 10, 1952 rrhis regular adjourned meeting of t he Common Council is e:alled to order by His Honor Mayor George ~.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, 1315 1316 David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate. Absent:Counoilman Dale D.Daniels. The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the petition of city employees for salary increases. The matter of a new water well to be located on the 47 acres of city sewer farm land lying east of the Llagas Creek. Mr.George Azevedo,owner of George Azevede Well Drillers, is oal1ed by tIe Mayor to appear before the Counoil. Mr.Azevedo states that he will drill the well as per speoifioations drawn up for public bidding for t he sum of $2,223.00 plus sales tax and will deposit a certified oheok in the amount of one-half ohe cost and will "''' I ...... guarantee that the well will be oompleted by May 10,1952. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seoonded by Councilman Mason and carried that George ~.Azevedo be awarded the aontract to drill a water well on the 47 aores 0 f oi ty sewer farm land lying east of the Llagas Creek under the terms aUd conditions discussed,at a cost of $2,223.00 plus State Sales Tax, the well to be completed by May 1,l952 with 10 days grace granted,George J.Azevedo to deposit with the City Clerk a oertified cheok in the amount of one-halt of: the bid, the City Attorney to draw up the necessary agreement to embody all points discussed and agreed upon. -, Councilman Mason now disousses the petition of the oity employees ~ for a l5% inorease in salaries. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seoonded by Counoilman Wentworth and oarried that all salaries of city employees,including the City Marshal,City Clerk, be inoreased 8% effeotive March 1,1952. Councilman Stout votes NO on the motion to inorease salaries of oity employees 8 % stating that he believed the method used was impraotioa1. Councilman Pate reports that he investigating the maj,er of furnishing aertain information from city reoords to the Gilroy Credit Bureau and will be ready to report at the ne~t regular monthly meeting. The matter of oonstruoting a storm sewer to start at the north- '""" i .......,) west corner of Fourth and Eigelberry streets,running east to Monterey Street, aoross Monterey Street to Lewis Street, thence east on Lewis Street to Miller Slough is disoussed. A oommunicat ion from the Divis ion 0 f Highways stat ing that they would oontribute $1,500.00 towards the cost at the storm sewer projeot,the amount estimated to defray the oost of crossing Mont- ere'~- St~ee1; A oomnunioation is read from W.J.Hanna,City Engineer, stating 13J7 that the total oost of the projeoted strom sewer,inoluding the amount contributed by the State,wou1d not exoeed $12,OOO.OO;that the actual oost to the oity would ee $9,500.00 with the installation of a pipe larger than 12 inohes. Motion by Counoilman Wentworth,seoonded by Counoilman Thomas and carried that the oity enter into an agreement with the Division of Highways on the basis of the cooperative agreement presented and ! i1l> .,"" read, for the installation of an 18 inoh storm sewer starting at Fourth and Eigelebery Streets,thence east to Monterey Street,thenoe aoross Monterey Street to Lewis Street,thence east on Lewis Street to MIller Slough, and that the City Engineer proceed the draw up plans and specit:ications and that the agreement be signed by the proper city offioials. RESOLUTION NO.272 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seoonded by Counoilman Thomas that RESOLUTION NO.2?2 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.2?2 RESOLUTION OF THE COM :ON C OUNe IL OF TF...E e ITY 0 F GILROY APPROVIID AND AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS OF THE DEPARTVIENr OF FtlBLIC WORKS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,FOR TIill CONSTRUCTION OF A STORM SEViER FROM THE CORNER OF FOURTH STREET AND EIGELBERRY STREET TO THE TUILER SLOUGH AND LEWIS STREET. .-__c..'" VffiEREAS, the State at: California, through its Department of Public Works,Division of Highways, has proposed that the City of Gilroy and that said State of California enie~ into a oooperative agreement,the purpose of which is the construction of a storm sewer from Fourth and Eigelberry Streets to Monterey Street and aoross Monterey Street to Lewis Street and thence East on Lewis Street to its interseotion with Miller Slough, and has presented an agreement covering the construotion of said storm sewer whioh apportions the ccst thereof;and \'lHEREAS, the said COImaon Counoi 1 of the City or Gilroy has heard read said agreement,is familiar with the oontents thereof, and approves the same. NOW,THEREFORE, ru~ IT RESOLVED by the said Common Counoil that the said cooperative agreement be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of the said City. , ADOPTED AND PASSED this 10th day 0 f March, 1952, by the following votes: AYES: Counoilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Counoilman Dale D.Daniels. I \w;, .,I ATTEST: G.G..~ City Cler The Mayor states that me~berB, Qf~the Board of Trustees of the ~ ~ -'- Mayor~ Gilroy Elementary School District are present to discuss the matter of water and sewer oonnections for the new school to be built in the 1318 southwest section of the city. Mr.George Vfuite,melooer of the school board is present an! joins in the disoussion on this matter. Motion by Counoilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Thomas and oarried that the city and the Gilroy Elementary Sohool Distriot share the cost of oonstruction of a ten inch sewer line on Ninth Street commencing at a point approximately equidistant between Rosanna and Hanna streets,thenae running in a westerly direction - I a distance of approximately 910 feet to the westerly end of the .J dedicated portion of Ninth Street, the oity to pay 50% of the cost of oonstruction, the Gilroy Elementary School Distriot to pay 50% of the oost of said construotion. Motion by Councilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Thomas and oarried that it is in the interest of the city in view of aotion taken by the Council with reference to the construction of a ten inoh sewer line from a point approximately equidistant be.twwen Rosanna and Hanna streets thence in a westerly direction approx- imately 910 feet to the westerly end of the dedioated portion of Ninth Street, that all future development in the area by sub- dividers or others that they be required to reimburse the oity for its share of money expended in the construction of this line. ~-, The matter of the extension of Ninth Street from the east city ~ limits to Paoheco Pass Road is discussed. RESOLUTION NO.273 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seoonded by Councilman Pate that RESOLUTION NO.273 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.273 RESOLUTION OF THE COMlWN COUNCIL OF TEIE CITY OF GILROY REFERRIID PRBPOSAL TO ANNEX LAND TO THE CITY 0 F GILROY. ~HEREAS, the City of Gilroy on ots own initiative intends to propose and institute prooeedings for the annexation of the following desoribed land located in the County 0 f Santa Clara,State of California, to-wit: BEINQ a portion of Las Animas Ranoh Lot 44 as shown on Map No.7 accompanying the report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit,Aotion No.5536 had in the Superior Court ~ of the State of California, in and for the County I of Santa Clara,and being a strip of land 60.00 .~ feet wide now being used as a public road, the centerline of whioh is described as follows: "BEGINNING at the intersect ion of the oenterline of Ninth Street with the Easterly Corporate Limit Line of the City 0 f Gilroy ,and running thenoe N.70000' E. 600.00 feet,more or less,to the intersection thereof with the southwesterly line of ~he Paoheco Pass State Highway." WHEREAS, the Government Code of the State of California requires that suoh proposal and intention shall be submitted to and reported upon ny the BOUndary Commission of the County in which the said land I is looated before initiating any prooeedings to annex the said property. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the matter of annexing the said territory hereinbefore described in the County of Santa Clara,State of California,be,and the same is hereb~eferred to the Boundary Commission of tije County of Santa Clara in whioh the said premises are located,and that it be requested to submit its report within the time provided by law ,and further that a certified oopy of this resolution be submitted to the Boundary Commission of the said County. ADOPTED and PASSED the 10th day of Llarch,1952, by the 'following vote: AYES: 1319 NOES: .A.BSENT: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James David ViStout, Carl W.Pate. Councilmen None Counoilman Dale D.Daniels. B. Thomas , AT'J:IT.J:ST: G.~,Qk City Clerk A~ ~ MAYOR - ~~- ). Councilman Stout discusses the request of the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company to plaoe some poles on oity property along the east side of Burchell Road.It is unanimously agreed that the Coast Counties Gas and Electrio Company.be given a revocable ea.~eIi1en'llBo.~ their poles on the city's property along the east side of Burchell Ro ad . Counoilman Stout discusses the matter of plaoing a ~aluation on the oity property lying on the south side of Sixth Street between Monterey Street and Railroad alley. It is unanimously agreed that the Counoi1 meet Thursday at noon to disouss this matter further. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. (~,G\~ City Clerk i