Minutes 1952/06/16 1339 Gilroy, California .Tune 16,1952. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor I..,layor George C.Lli lias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Cburtland IJ.Rush,Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jaok W.Ronald. Absent:Counci~aan .T.Hughes Kennedy. The matter of the sale of city property on East Sixth street,known as the "City Corporntion Yard" is discussed. The City &ttorney advises that the matter oan be postponed. Motion by Counoilman White,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that final aotion on the b~d or G.N.Brodersen to purchase city owned property located on the south side of East Sixth street between Monterey Street and Railroad Alley, be deferred to the first regular Council meeting in .Tuly,1952. A Memorandum of Agreement for Expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for Major City Streets is presented and read. RESOLUTION NO.2?8 is presented and read. L:ot ion by Councilman Pate ,seconded by Counc ilman Hush that HESOLUTION No.2?8 be adopted. i HESOLUTION NO.2?8 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPrING BUDGET AND APPROVING LlEMORANDUM OF AGREELmNT FOR EXPENDITURE' OF GAS TAX ALLOC- ATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. VlliEREAS, a memorandum of agreement has been p rese nted to be entered into with the State of California in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City of Gilroy for expenditure of gas l..-,__.~~_ 13. -L0 40 1 d tax allocation to oities for the fiscal year 953, an ;,',HEREAS, the Com;::lOn Counc i1 has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar \'vi th the contents thereof; TIIEREFOHE, be it resolved that the Common Council of the City of Gilroy that said pro ject statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of gas tax allocation to cities,and said agreement be and the s~ae is hereby approved and the Llayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City,said agreement to be binding upon the city upon its execution by the authorized officials of the State. ADOPTED this l6th day of June,1952 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen ?ate,Rush,Gallo,~hite Ronald. NOES: Counc i1men None ABSE1'T: Counc ilmen Kennedy. APPROVED: .-- -, , I ...."J Attest: CK c'" ~C~< City .Clerk .-- RESOLUTION NO.279 is presented and read. Motion by Counoi~1an Pate,seconded by Councilman Gallo that RESOLUTION NO.279 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.279 RESOLUTION REQYESTING THE STATE DEPARTUIENT OF PUBLIC YIORKS,DIVi ISION OF HIGBX;AYS,TO AUTHORIZE OH CAUSE SIGNS TO BE EHECTED AT THE JUNCTION OB PACHECO PASS HOlill AND Y.d;RGUSON ROAD, AND THE JUNCTION OF LEAVES LEY HOAD AIm STATE HIGHViAY NO.10l DIRECTING TRUCK rrRAFFIC FROliI CERTAIN POINTS 'ro USE THE LEAVESLEY;FERGUSON ROAD ROUTE. ViHEREAS,the State Highway No.101, commonly known as the l\:lonterey Hoad, runs through the Oi ty of Gilroy and constitutes the main street of said city and is under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Publi c ':','orks; and. VlHEREAS,the said Llonterey Hoad is a main artery of travel and carries a very heavy traff&8 of passenger cars and trucks, many of which trucks come from San Joa(l uin Valley points or are going thereto,and said trucks customarily travel on the Monterey Hoad to or from the intersection Of the ?acheco Pass Road with said High- way No. 101; and wHEREAS, the said trucks constitute a serious traffic problem in the Oity of Gilroy as well as creating loud and disturbing noises and din,detrimenta1 to the transaction of business in the stores and offices along the said Llonterey Hoad as vle11 as offensive to the senses of the people;and ~IBEREAS, the Leaves ley Hoad and the :ITergus on J(oad to vlhich it connects,aonstitute an alternate route for traffic Going to or from the San Joaquin Valley to and from points North of the City of Gilroy outside of and by-passing the City of Gilroy,and are but sparsely travelled and are other\'lise enti rely sui ta ble for trucl: trafflilc and can be used by trucks going to and from San ~roa:luin Valley points from points Harth of the.)ity of Gilroy,thus alleviating the said traffic condit ion in the ,'::i ty of:Ulroy here inbefore Lient ioned and should be so used. i<iO';',THEm::::E'OHE,ill IT HESOLV3D that the GOIm:1011)ounci1 of the Oi t:~ of Gilroy does respectfully request that the ::Jtate Department of Publicorks,Division of Eighways,Division 4,cause to be ereoted the neoessary signs at the junction of the Pacheco Pass ~oad and Ferguson ~i.oad and the ,junotion of the Leaves ley ~{oad and State Eighway Eo.101 direct ine; all truck traffi 0 to and fror:l San Joaquin Valley points over the said Leavesley-Ferguson Hoad route; Al\J'D BE IT J!'URTHER HESOLVED that the city Clerk of the City of Gilroy be,and he is hereby,directed to submit certified copies of this resolution to the Bngineer in charge of Division of Highways, Division 4, and to the Board of S11pervisors of the County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the following vote this 16th day of June, 1952. AYES: NOES: ,....., ..... '~I J ABSENT: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Gallo,iiliite,Ronald Counci 1men None Councilmen Kennedy. 1341 ~ ~~ '!! > Attest: (], C'-' C&~~. Ci ty Clerk The matter of an error in RESOLUTION NO.248 concerning the bond:s: for garbage and refuse franchGse is discussed. (' RESOLUTION NO.280 is pres~nted and read. I Motion.by Councilman Pate ,seconded by Councilman Honald that RESOL- UTION NO.280 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.280 RESOLUTION FIXING ,AMOUNT OF BOND RE~UIHED BY THE HOLDERS OF TEE LICENSE FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOE3AL OF GARBA.GE IN TEE CITY OF GILROY AND RESCnmING POR'l'ION OF RESOLUTION NO.248 PASSED AND ADOPTED NOVEf"~3ER 6,1950. 1iIHEREAS, Charles R.Acker and Gilbert Simms now hold the franchise and license for the collection and disposal of garbage in the City of Gilroy under ordinances and resolutions hereinbefore adopted by the COmT10n Council of the City of Gilroy;and 'hHEHEAS, the ordinance under which the franchise and license was awarded to the said CHARL}LS R.ACKER and GILBER'r SDillilS and their transferors provides for the giving of a bond in the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.00) DOllars, and has heretofore been given; and 'iiHERJl:AS ,Resolut ion No. 248 of the Oi ty of Gi1roy,adopted at the time JESSE RUBINO, one of the former holders of the said franchise and lioense,sold his interest therein to the said GILBERT SllAS, inadvertently Rrovided that the bond should be for the sum of Five Hundred (~500.00) D011ars,and said provision is contrary to the ~.. foregoing ordinance requiring a bond in the sum of ~p2,500.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said port ion of the said resolution fixing the bond in the sum of ;~500.00 is vacated and rescinded,and the amount of the bond is fixed at the sun of :,$2,500.00 as required by said ordinance. PASSED and ADOPTED by the following vote this 16th day of June, 1952. AYES: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Ga110,~hite,1 NOES: Counci lmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Kennedy e~ Attest: (.,Y . r. (f' V ~ '-..'t:--'-.( City Clerk It is unanimously agreed that the annexation-"Ninth Street Extension"- be laid over until July 7,l952. Councilman Pate reports that his corunittee is waiting for the Division , I h.- {K of Highways to send a representative to Gilroy jo disouss the matter o f parking in front of the ','iil10ws Cafe, North I.lonterey Street. The matter of automobile and trucks parking on the sidewalk on l':'Ionterey Street at the Standard Oil Service Station at the corner of Monterey and Old Gilroy streets, is disoussed. The Clerk is instructed to write to Standard Stations calling to their attention the matter of vehicles parking on the sidewalk and requesting t hat steps be talcen to stop this plllactice,calling to their attention the liability on the part of the 1344) ~city in the event of a pedeatrian being injured by a car parked on the sidewalk and, further, that city ordinances prohibit the parking of cars on sidewalks. Councilman Pate disousses the damage done to Casey Street bp the evening of Flag Day Services by tanks of the local National Guard Company. The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to the Commanding Officer of the guard company advising him of the damage done to the street and requesting that this p2actice be doscontinued~ Counoilman Pate now discusses tha matter of inspection of street work by the City Engineer and Bui ldin;. Inspector and reql1ests per- for the Street Cornnittee mission/to meet with the City Engineer and the Building Inspector to disouss this matter. Eat ion by Counc ilman ',/hi te ,sec onded by Counc i1man Gallo and oarried that the Street Committee meet with the City Engineer and Building Inspector to discuss the matter of inspection of contract work on streets and to arrange for all inspection work to be done by the Building Inspeotor.on all oontract work. Mot ion by Counc ilman Gallo. sec onded by Counc Hman Hona1d and carried that Joe Sartor,an employee of the city for 24 years,be granted a two weeks vacation with pay before h~s retirement. The City Attorney reads a letter from Charles M.Smith of the Greater Alameda Association relative to oontrol at intersections to eliminate congestion,de1ays and accidents,Mr.Smith Stating that he had noticed in the newspaper that this city was enueavoring to solve a triok problem. The Clerk is instructed to advise Mr.Smith that their problem and the city's problem are not simi1ar,as Mr. Smith believes. tIotion by Councilman Hona1d, seconded by Counc ilman Pate and carried that Councilman ':ihite be granted permission to absent him- self from the state from .Tune 23rd to July 23,1952. J<otion by Counc i1man Fa te ,seconded by Gouncilman Hoaald and carried t.at Councilman Kennedy be granted perraission to absent himself from the State from .Tune 10 to J~ly 10,1952. f Adjourned subject to the call of the cha ire (J. CA..... Q,)C~ City Clerk