Minutes 1952/08/04 -1~4.1j (l ~.-I' J -LoU . Gilroy,Califor.nia August 4,1952. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, . Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jack W.Ronald. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of July ?th,1952 are read and approved. The Report of Accounts for the tiscal year 19$'~1952 of Logan and I, Frazer,oertitied publio accountants,auditol'S tor the City of Gilroy, is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seoonded by Counoilman White and carried that the neport ot Acoounts for the tisoal year 1951-1952 ot Logan and Frazer,city auditors, be aooepted and plaeed on tile. A communication is read trom Logan and Frazer,certified pUblio aocountants offering to audit the oity's books of aocount and record for the tiscal year 1952-195~ for the sum of $300.00 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman White,seoonded by Counoilman Ronald and carried that the bid of Logan and Frazer,certified public accountants,to audit the city books ot acoount and record for the fisoal year 1952-1953 tor the sum of $300.00, be acoepted under the same terms and conditions as the previous year,namely,audits are to be made quarterly and a final *" audit report to be presented atthe end of the fiscal year. A communication is read from the Gilroy Garbage Disposal Company requesting permission to raise their rates on private residences. This oommunioation is reterred to the Ordinance Committee tor study. A oommunioation is read from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce requesting the Council investigate the possibility of seouring property known aa the Severance School Property,located on the west side of Church Stree. 1 348between Third and Fourth streets, for a public park,for park and recreation use. This matter is turned over tb the Buildings and Grounds Committee for investigation. A communication ~s read tram the Division of Highways with ret- erence to a request made by the Council that suitable signs be erected north of the noth oity limits and at the vunotion of Ferguson and Leavesley Roads directing truok traffic over the Fer- guson-Leavesley Road route,the division stating that the dangerous crossing at Leavesley Road and Monterey Street,in their opinion, would make it inadvisable to erect suoh signs.at this time. It is unanimously agreed that this metter be laid over for the present. A communication os read from Hilton Williams,owner of Bill's Taxi service, requesting permission to transfer his parking spot from the Milias Hotel to 27 S.Monterey street and the parking spot on the south side of Sixth Street between Monterey and Eige lberry Street to the Greyhound Bus Depot. This matter is referred to the Street Committee for investigation. A communication is read from the California National Guard inquiring into the possibility ot fencing off a portion of the property at the Wheeler Auditorium site to provide proper pro- tection for tanks and vehiales in cistody of the guard unit. The Mayor now reviews the previous request of the guard tor such a tenoe. Lieut-Colonel Robert E.Greig and Major Neary appear before the Counc il to discuss the ma. tter of fenoing a port ion of the Wheeler Auditorium property. This matter is referred to the Building and Grounds Committee and the committee will meet with the guard officers on Wednesday at 8 o'clock A.M.to discuss this matter further. A communication os read from California Mission Trails requesting a donation of $100.00. "..... I ....",j ,~ WII11II Motion by Counoilman Pate,seoonded by Counoilman Ronald and carried that the request of the California Mission Trails for $100.00 be denied. e_: i A oommunioat isn is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission...... stating that the matter reterred to the Commission by the Counoil in a letter dated July 16,1952, had been discussed and that the Commission had gone on record as opposing any change in policy established by aotion of the Counoil on subdivisions inside the city limits;and adVising the Counoil that a request to establish a feed yard on Ninth Street by Mr.William F.Gillett had been discussed ,J 1349 and after reading the provisions o~ Ordinance No.333 the commission voted unanimousl~ to deny the application. A communication is read~ from the Gilroy Chamber of Comnerce requesting the Council to oonsider a request for a donation of $2500.00 to meet budget requirements. Mr.F.B.Voorhies,president of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerle and Mr. Keith Pope,secretary of the Chamber of Comnerce appear before the Counoil to discuss the request. It is unanimously agreed that the Clerk oontact the League ot Cal- ifornia Cities to asoertain what other cities give the chambers of oommeroe and upon what basis the money is given; and the matter is referred to the Finanoe Committee ~or investigation. A communication os read from the Board 0 f Trustees of the Gilroy Public Library asking that the Council consider alloting $6,000.00 to the Library tor operating expenses for the fiscal year. This request is referred to the Finanoe Committee. J.eormrrnJl1c.at10n~ is read from the Parent-Teaohers Association re- questing that something be done about crossing protection Ct First and Hanna streets. This matter is refeered to the City Marshal. ,-, This being the time speoified in a legal notioe oalliDg for bids tor improVvment of Hanna Street between Seventh and Ninth Streets and Ninth Street between Hanna and Eigelberry streets,three bids are presented and read: Granite Construotion CompauY $11,747.20; John B.Paroline $21,637.21;Fredrickson and Watson Construotion Company $14,821.79. A communication is read from ~ity Engineer W.J.Hanna reoommending that William Radtke and Son be paid the sum of $7,740.84 at part payment of work completed on the Lewis Street Storm Sewer. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White and carried that William Radtke and Son be paid the sum of #7,740.84 for work completed on the Lewis Street Storm Sewer. A oommunioation is read tram Sherifr Howard Hronbuokle asking the Council to provide the necessary expense mone, tor the City Marshal to attend the Peaoe Officers Convention to be held at Long Beach. Motion by Counoilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that in the event the City ~1arshal should deoided to attend the Peaoe Officers convention that he turn his expense aocount over to the city for ];ayment. The Water Department requests permission to purchase the necessary pipe to extend the present water line from I.O.O.F.Avenue to Leaves- LL 1350 R d l.ey oa. J.!otion by Councilman Ronald,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the water department purchase the necessary six inch cast iron pipe to extend the water line from I.O.O.F.Avenue to Leavesley Road. Motion by Councilman Ronald,seoncded by Counoilman White that the city purohase east iron pipe as requested by Mr.George C.Renz for use in the extension of his subdivision, Mr. Benz to repay the city the entire cost plus freight for the J~pe. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman White and carried that G.B. Carr be appointed Deputy City License Collector. Motion by Coumcilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Granite Construction Company be awarded the oon- tract for the improvement of Hanna Street,between Seventh and Ninth streets and Ninth Street between Hanna and Eigelberry streets, on their bid of $ll,747.26 ,said bid being the lowest and best bid. A request from Mr.Wi1liam F.Gillett to establish a cattle-teed yard on the nor" side ot Ninth Street between Alexander aStreet and Pacheco P.ass Road is presented and read along with a state- ment by tour persons residing in the area that they have no ob- jection to the establishing 01 a cat~le-feed yard in the area. .~ ~ ...."", Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried .. that the applioation tbr a Use Permit by William F.Gillett to est- ablish a cattle feed yard on the north side of Ninth Street bet- ween Alexander street and Pacheoo Pass Road, be denied. A communioation is read from Arthur J.Silva applying tor a posit- ion in the Gilroy Polioe Department. The City Marshal appears before the Counoil and requests the app- ointment of an additional police officer tor the police department. Motion by Counoilman Gallo,seconded by Councilman Ronald and carried that the. City Marshal be given the authority to /hire another police ofricer to serve on a temporary basis at the daily wage rate. A communioation is read from Riohard Goodrioh applying for per- mission to serve as a Special Police Officer. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and ~ I ....... oarried that Richard Goodrioh be appointed a Speoial Polioe Officer for a period ot one year. The report of the Polioe Department for the month of JUly,1952 is presented. and read. The report of the Build ins Inspecto r for the month of JUly, 1952 is presented and read. 1351 The annual report of the Gilroy Publio Library is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White and oarried that a letter of oommendation be sent to the Board of Trustees of the Gilroy Public Library for the manner in which they have conducted the affairs of the library. The Clerk now presents the assessed valuation of property within the .. ci ty limits for the fisoal year 1952-53 as presented by 'the County Assessor showing a gross assessedvaluation,inoluding Publio Utilities, the Secured and Unsecured rolls of $5.547,200. and a net assessed valuation for the secured rollot $4,710,260. The City Attorney presents and ordinance amending a section of Ordinance 452,the license ordinance, and reads same. Motion by Councilman Rush,seoonded by Counoilman Pate that Ordinance No.503 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO:..:HI AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10 OF ORDINANCE NO.452 OF mE CITY OF GILROY PROVIDING FOR AND FIXIID THE TIME OFPA'YMENT OF LICENSE FEES AND AMENDING SECTION 21 OF SAID ORDINANCE PIWlJIDING FOR THE GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSES BASED UPON QUAR- TERLY"RECEIPTS. Vote on the motion 10 adopt Ordinance No.503: AYES: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White,Ronald NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Couno ilmen None. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seoonded by Councilman Ronald and oarried that reports of the city officers be aooepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Counctlman Pate,seconded by Counoilman White and oarried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. I . ..,....'it' Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Counoilman White and oarried that Mayor George C.Milias be granted permission to absent himself fram the state trom August 25,1952 to September 25,1952. Motion by Counoilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that Councilman Rush be granted permission to absent himself from the State trom August 5,19&2 to August 25,1952. Councilma Gallo discusses the large number of dogs roaming at large about the city. The Clerk is instructed to contact the Poundmaster and request that he make every ef:fort to catoh and impolilWd:all dogs roaming at large in the city. Councilman Pate reports on the visit of the Division of Highways offioials to disouss the matter a vehioles parking on the sidewalk in 1352 in front of the Willows Restaurant on North Monterey Street and the matter of trucks parking on North Monterey Street between the North City Limits and First Street. Councilman Rush states that with referenoe to the fenoe requested by the California National Guard on the Wheeler Auditorium he would favor fencing the whole property or none. A oommunioation is read from the Gilroy Gol~ Club requesting that they be allocated the sum of $800.00 for the fisoal year. This matter 1s referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. GCk.~ City Clerk