Minutes 1952/08/07 r 1352 Gilroy, California August 7,1952 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Counoilmen Carl W,Pate,J.Hughes Kennedy,Charles Ga110~ George W.Wh1te,Jack W.Ronald, Absent:Counoilman courtland M.Rush. The -Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year 1952-1953. The Clerk presents budget figures as prepared by committeamen and the Clerk showing estimated receipts,not including Water, to be $182,691. and expenditures,not including water $171,849. The matter of the re~uest of the Chamber ot Commeroe for an . appropriation of $2,500.00 is disoussed and President Voorhies of the Chamber of Commerce discusses the purpose ot the subat4y and what it is to be used for. f Councilman Pate recClLlmends that 'he 8'UlD.vfo:t $1,000.00 be given to the chamber of Commerce,After further discussion Counoilman, chairman ot the Finance Committee,recommends that the s~Jf:t $1500. be given to the Chamber ot Commerce. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White and carried that the Gilroy Chamber of Conmerce be granted the sum of $1500.00 for the fisoal year 1952-1953. i 'rhe Cl,rk atllte8ksha'(w:t\h....~ titxt;rate:io~r...$1:e.~08per $100 of as ~ss.d valluation and exoluding any donations or subsidies the unappropriated reserve should be approzimately $10,472. Motion by Councilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Ronald and carried that the tax rate for the fisoal year 1952-1953 be $1.400 per $100.00 ot assessed valuation allocated as follows: 1 Total $ .5889 .1274 .1221 .0370 .0531 .1000 .3715 $1.4000 1850 ,'" t) 't) ~. t ,.j General Fund Library Fund 1927 Bond Fund 1940 Bond Fund Parks & Reoreation Fund Outral1 Sewer Fund Reserve Fund and the bUdget be adopted as prepared by the City Clerk. The matter of the request of the National Guard to ereot a fenoe around the rear portion of the Wheeler Auditorium property is disoussed. It is unanim&usly agreed that the National Guard be granted permission to ereot a cyclone fence to fenoe in a portion of rear of the auditorium property;that the fence be a maximwn of six feet in heighth;that necessary gates be included and that the fence will beoome the property of the City when the present lease expires or when the State of California advises that they desire to cancel the lease. Motion by Counoilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Ronald and oarried that the Clerk be instruoted ato advertise a public hearing on the request of representatives of IhurQh of Christ of the Latter Day Saints for a Use permit to erect a chureh building at the northwest corner of Fifth and Hanna streets, to be held Tuesday at 8 o'clook P.M., Septemember 2,1952 in the Council Chambers ,City Hall ,Gilroy, California. A com1unication is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission reoommending as follows: that the map of the re-subdivision of the Renz Addition be acoepted with certain proviso; that the matter of street lites in subdivisions was studied and recommend that sub-dividers be required to ereot electroliers at their own expense;that the map of Walnut park be accepted with the proviso that provision be made for utilities to the satisfaction of the city and the utility companies; and that the Counoil again ooncider a previous request that themimimum requirement fora building lot in future subdivision be 7000 square feet. Adjourned subjeot to the oall of the chair. Q. (A'W. City Cler i