Minutes 1952/08/22 I 1355 I I i Gilroy,Ca11fornia Augus. 22,1952 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gallo,George W.White. Absent:Couneilman Jaok W.Ronald. The Mayor states that the purpose ot t his meeting is to discuss the request of Be.Ge Manufacturing Company to annex to the city that portion of thie property lying north ot the present city l~its. Mr.David V .Stout ,general manager of the BeGe Manufaeturing Company J:. is present and presents a map showing the portion ot the property owne~ by the eompany that they desire to have annexed to the oity. It is determined that only seven persons reside in the area proposed to be annexed and that the property eould be annexed under the unin- habited territory act. The Clerk is instructed to write. letter to the Santa Clara County Planning Commission advising them ot th, proposed annexation and 135A ~ 'enolase a description of the property. The City attorney is instruoted to request approval of the proposed annexation from the County Boundaries Commission. The Mayor advises the Council that immediately upon receipt of . approval of the County Boundaries Commission a meeting will be valled to oomplete the annexation.proceedure. Adjourned subject to the call of the ohair. ~.~.~ City Cler