Minutes 1952/11/03 1871. Gilroy, California November 3,1952 This regular monthly meeting of the Common Couno 11 is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mllias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gallo,George W.White. Absent:Councilmen Jack W.Ronald. !,[1nutes of the regular monthly meeting or October 6th and regular adjourned meeting'~; of October l3th,1952 are read and approved. A oommunication is read from Logan and Frazer,city auditors,stating that t hey have examined the books of account and records for t.he quar- ter ending September 30.1952 and found them in good order. This letter is ordered filed. A communioatio~ &s read from the Parade Cmmnittee of Las Animas Post of" the American Legion inviting the Mayor am Council to participate in the Armistice Day parade. Councibnan Gallo suggests that the Mayor and Counoil ride in the parade and this suggestion is unanimously aooepted. A com~unication is read from Hilton Williams owner of Billts Taxi requesting permission to change the oolor of his babs to yellow with black letters. ""',~ Councilman Pate discusses the taxicab parking space in Front of B1ackburnts Grocery stating that the owner of the store had abjected tbsthe using of the parking space by the taxicab. It is unanimously agreed that Mr.Williams should move the taxicab stand from its locat- tion in frnot of Blaokburnst Grooery. There is no bbjeotion to the request to changing the color scheme on the cabs. It is unanimously agreed that the Street Cormnittee should inform the taxicab owner that he should find his own parking placesjthat he should not park in publio parking ,paces and that he should find a plaoe agreeable to the merchant in front of whose place he parks. A oommunication is read from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce re- questing that investigation as to pmssibility and oost be made on the matter of washing down Monterey Street during the summer months. This ... matter is referred to the Street Committee to r study and report. A communication is read from the Gilroy Elementary Schools with reference to the closing of Maple Street between Seventh Street and Old Gilroy Street to r the purpose of expanding the faoilities 0 f the Elliot School;and requesting a !meting with the Council to discuss this matter. It is unanimously agreed that the meeting requested by the Board of 137'), ~rustees of the Gilroy Elementary School District be set for Monday, November 17,1952 at 8 otc10c k P.M. in the Counoil ohambers. A Resolution from the Gilroy City Planning Commission recommending the granting of a Use Penni t to St.Mary's Churoh to construct and maintain a school building at the northeast corner of Church and First streets (Lot 1,Gurries Addition), is presented and read. Mot ion by Couno ilmak Nennedy,seoonded by Couno ilman Pate and carried that the recomliendation of the Gilroy City Planning Comm- ission be accepted and that a Use Permit be granted to St.Mary's ~ -...I Churoh to oonstruct and maintain a school at the northeast oorner of First and Church streets (Lot No.l,Gurries Addition). Councilman Pate reports on his meeting with the Merohants Div- ision of the Chamber of Commerce with reference to Christmas decorations for Monterey Street;and recommends that a contract be entered into with Warren Deoorating Company for $950.00 and with Hollenback Electrio for $600.00 for Christmas decorations for Monterey Street. ... Motio~ by Counoilman Kennedy,seconded by Counoilman White and carried that a contraot be prepared by the City Attorney with Warren Decorating Company for the placing of Christmas deoorations ~ on Monterey Street in the amount of $950.00 and a oontract with ~ Hollenback Electric for $600.00 ;the deoorations to be in place by Deoember 1,1952. City Attorney Johnson reports on his meeting with the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County with reference to the formation of a mosquito abatement district for the entire county and states that this matter has been oon*inued for future discussion. Councilman Pate oalls the attention of the Council to the number of drunk driving arrests made by the Police Department in Ootober and it is unanimously agreed that the Clerk write a letter to the Marshal commending the department for their vigilance. Counoilman Kennedy discusses the need for additional beds for jail. This matter is refer]'ed to the Purohasing Agent to secure the needed beds. ~. ~ The matter of additional space for the r~rshal's offioe is dis- cussed and referred to the Building and Grounds Committee for in- vestigation and reoommendation. '11 he City Attorney disousses the matter of the request for parkO ing spaoes in fron tho the residences on the East side of Rail- .:react Street between Martin and Lewis streets. The seoretary of 1373 the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce is present and it is unanimously agreed that the matter of establishing a two hour parking limit on Railroad Street betwwen Sixth Street and Lewis Street be referved to the Mer- chants Division of the Chamber of Commerce for discussion and rec- ommendation. RESOLUTION NO.288 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Gallo that RES- OLUTION NO.288 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.288 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO AMEND SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO.422 OF TEE CITY OF GILROY BY INCREASING TEE AREA REQUIRED JroR A DWELLIm BUILDING SITE FROM 5,000 SQUARE FEET TO 7,000 SQ,UARE FEET. VrnEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy has consid8~ed the matter of requiring the building site for a dwelling in the City of Gilroy to contain at least 7,000 square feet and believes that no lot upon which a dwelling is located in the City of Gilroy should be less than 7,000 square feet in area; and, WHEREAS, the provis ions of Ordinance No.422 of the City of Gilroy, known as the Zoning Ordinance,provides that each one-family dwelling together with its accessory buildings shall be located on a building site kaving an area of not less than 5,000 square feet with certain exceptioDS,and the said Common Vouncil believes that said ordinance w should be amended to provide for minimum requirements of 7,000 square feet. NOW,TBEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that Subdivision (b) of Section 5 of said Ordinance No.422 be amended to read as follows: Eaoh one-family dwelling,togther with its accessory buildings,hereafter erected shall be located on a building site in one owner- ship having an area of not less than seven thousand square feet,provided,however,that any parcel of land with an area of less than seven thousand square feet which is under one ownership at the time of the adoption ot this ordinance when the owmr thereof owns m ad- joining land or which paroel is shown as a lot on any subdivision map which is hereafter recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara,State of California, after approval of said map by the City Council in the manner provided by law,may be used as a building site fore one one-family dwelling by the owner of such parcel of land or by his successor in interest,provided that all other regulations for the district,as prescribed in this ordinance,shall be complied with. In no oase,however,shall there be more than one dwelling on anyone lot. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said amandment of said ordinanoe be referred to the Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy in accordance with the provisions of the ordinanoe,and that such hear- ings be had thereon as are provided by law. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of November,1952, by the follow- ing vote~: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White. Councilmen None Counoilmen Ronald. APPROVED:/ ___ /' '-:Zc_~~ r(a~r . (! ~.. At tEtCV (l (0 City Cle~ 1374 The City Attorney now presents a proposed ordinance requiring a $50.00 charge':1"or connection wd:th'the.san:ttary sewer. After some discussion the ordinance is referred to the Finance Committee ror discussion with the Planning Commission. Councilman Pate now discusses a request from the Junior'Chamber of Com~rrerce to paint pElih!ist~ia1il:\'cau't;ion signs on the s idelJalks and pavement. No objection is made to the request. Councilman Rush discusses the need for a new resusoitator for the fire department. Motion by Counoilman Kennedy,seconded by Counoilman Pate and carried that the Fire-Committee purchase a new resuscitator for the Fire Department,to cost $495.00. Purchasing Agent Carr reports on the condition or the stucoo on the outside of the City Hall building and is instructed to obtain prices for making complete repairs to the stucco. Councilman Rush disousses the possibility of an alley on north Church Street between First street and Miller slough. It is re'c- ommended that interested property owners oonsult with Rev.Robert J.Cullen as to the possibility of obtaining enough land from St. Mary's Churoh property for an alley. The Poundmaster now appears before the Counoil to discuss his contract with the city stating that the oost of caring for the dogs in the pound was greater than the salary he reoeived from the oity. The matter is referred to the Finance Committee to study' the possibility of ~ncreased licensing of dogs and other matters with reference to the pound. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the hearing on the annexation 0 f the First Northern Addition be postponed to November 17.l952 at 8 o'olook P.M.,Councl1 Chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California. Application for transfer of an On Sale General license from Domingo ,Montarbo,Wilam Montarbo and JUm and Helen Wink to Lois Avila Ftnr. and Walter Rupar,limited ptnr,d.b.a.Sportmants Club,31 S.Monterey Street and an On Sale Beer license-Herman Garcia,d.b.a.Garcia Pool Hall,l31 S.Monterey Street are presented.No objection is made to the transfer but the Garcia application is referred to the City Marshal. Reports of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department are presented and read and ordered filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of October, ~ I ....I ~ ~ .:J 1375 1952 is presented and read and ordered riled. The report of arrests and citations issued by the Police Department for the month of October,1952 is presented and read and ordered filed. An application by Jaok R.Seadler for Police Patrolman is presented and read. The Clerk is instructed to advise the City Marshal that he may employ Mr.Seadler on a part-time basis and if his services are satisfactory to report to the Council and reoommend2that he be reg- ularly employed. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White and carried ~hat the reports of oity offioers be accepted as read and placed on file~.. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Counoilman Rush and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the oall 0 f the ohair. (]~,~ Ci ty Clerk '