Minutes 1953/05/01 A ;C 'J " J " ,_ ~ \. u Gilroy,Cali~ornia May 1,1953 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Ga11o,George W.White,Rack W.Ronald. The Mayor announces that the purpose of this meeting is a hearing on the matter of certain buildings located at 77,81 and 85 South Monterey Street which the Department o~ Industrial Relations,Division o~ Housing in December,195l,had recommended should be demolished. Representing the Division of Housing are Mr.Franj J.DeAndreis, District Supervisor and Milton Edwards;the County Health Department by Mr.Irving Falli$ and Vincent Cancilla;and property owners rep- resented by Byers and Rusconi. The Mayor calls upon Mr.DeAndreis who reads the reports made after inspection of the properties in November,1951.Mr.DeAndreis answers questions asked by Councilmen and others. The Mayor now calls upon Mr.Fallis to make the health department's report on their inspection of the properties made in November,195l with the Division of Housing,the Chief of the Fire Department and the Building Inspector. Mr.Fallis answers questions asked by the Council and others. The Mayor now calls upon the attorneys representing the property owners and Mr.Rusconi responds, stating his clients position and asking questions of Mr.DeAndreis and Mr. Fallis. It is unanimously agreed that the Mayor and Council,Mr.DeAndreis, Mr.Edwards,Mr~Fallis and Mr.Cancilla adjounr to the properties and make a personal inspection of the premises. The Mayor now declares this meeting adjourned to be reconvened upon completion of inspection of the properties. Upon return from the inspection tour the Mayor now declares this meeting convened to further consider the matter of condemnation of buildings located at 77,81 and 85 South Monterey Street. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Kennedy that all three buildings located at 77,81 and 85 South Monterey be allowed ....,..._--""'~'~...f..-"-'':..'.,''''-;'-~"''''.~-"~~'-~''''.'y-.,"'''=._'~.,,-~""'""~=<>"'"'=~_'''=-'=_'=>>''''''''''''''_""",''-""""",,,"''~~~''''-''''''''''~'''''"",,''-<<''''';''"''''''"''~";',"'.~'''Z'''='A'''-''''''-~'"''.'.'.;'','> "-"'-:""""-"'''~'=':'".'~.'-'':>Sc.''',''''''-''''",-="~""",,c,~.._, 1 ~04: to operate as restaurants only to January 1,1954;all lodging quarters to be vacated irrmediately and as o~ January 1,1954 the Division o~ Housing recommendations made'November l6,1951,be enforced. A~ter considerable discussion the motion by Councilman Kennedy with his consent and the consent o~ the seconding councilman is withdrawn. Motion by Councilman P ate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the three properties aocated at 77,81 and 85 South Monterey Street be allowed to operate as restaurants only to December 31,1954 and at that time the three business be closed and the buildings be demolished within 60 days if the property owners will execute a written agreement with the City of Gilroy to that. effect. within 15 days ~rom this date- May 1,1953. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White and carried that. the occupant o~ the center building o~ the three-81 South Monterey Street-be ordered to appear before the Council the first. regular meeting in June,1953 to show cause why the lodging quarters in the building should not. be closed. Mr.pasquale La~Macchia now appears be~ore the Council to discuss the matter of a change in the entrace to a dwelling being constructed at the northeast corner o~ Fourth and Dowdy Streets. The Building Inspector is called upon to report on this matter. A~ter a short discussion the Council agrees unanimously to permit Mr.LaMacchia to to make the change requested. Adjourned subject to the call o~ the chair. (~. G\,8~ City Clerk