Minutes 1953/08/03 1A0- .L f "-' I Gilroy, California August 3,1953. This regular monthl,y meeting of the Common Council is calle d to order by His Honor Ma:lor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Cl).arles Gallo,George W.White,Jack \'I.Ronald. Minutes of t he regular monthly meeting of July 6th and l' eb-ular adjourned meetings of July 7th ro1d July 17th are read and approved. A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,certirffied public accountants, offering to audit the city's books of record and account of t},e fiscal year 1953-1954 for the sum of $300.00. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman V.'hi te and carried that Logan and Frazer,certified pUblic accountants, be employed to audit the city's books of record and account for the fiscal year 1953-1954 for the sum of $300.00;audits to be made quarterly and a com~lete audit report submitted at the end of the fiscal year. A cOfrlr!lunication is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission recommending that a Use Pernit be granted to Robert K. and Warran Byers to erect a building on the south side of First Street between Prineevalle Street and Miller Avenue to be used for a dentists office and lawyers office. The 1'Iayo, states tbat this matter should be discussed at a public hearing. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No.297. ,.A J 0~ .:..J ,_) fuotion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Cow1cilman Kennedy that RESOLUTION NO.297 be adopted: RE~3Q~P'TION_NO~~Z WHEREAS,ROBEHT K.RYERS and '\\'AR.QI'1: L.RYERS have filed a petition with the City Planning Commission of' the City of Gilroy for a use permit or variance authorizing the said petitioners to build a small professional building at the intersection of First Street with Princevalle Street and Miller Avenue,in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California,more particularly des- cribed as fo~lows,to-~t: Beginninf::, at the point of intersection of the southerly line of First Street with the easterly line of ~iller Avenue and runnir% thence along t he southerly line of First Street in an easterly direction to the intersection therewith of the westerly line of Princevalle Street; U::ence in a southerly direction along the westerly line of Princevalle Street 150.00 feet;thence S.70OW. to the reaterly line of Miller Avenue,thence ir: a northerly direction along the e 8.st.erly line of' Miller Avenue to the place of beginning, and being a portion of Las Animas Hanch Lot NO.16; and, \\llIEREAS, the said Planning Cornndssion has heard the said petition and has made its report to the Co~non Council in which it recommends that t he said permit be granted; and WHEHEAS, the Comrnon Cow-lcil of t he City of Gilroy believe s that a pUblic hearing shou~d be held on the said petition and report and recL~endation before any action is taken by the Common Council thereon. NON,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: That the 17th day of Aggust,1953,at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day,in the COfiIDlon Council Chafilbers,in the City Hall of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, is the time and place for the hearing of the said petition and of the said report and recomzlendation of the said City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy,mld the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause such notice of bearing to be given as is re- quired by law. ADOPTED and :=-'ASSED this 31'6 day of Au&,tUst,1953, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEliT : Councilmen Pate ,Rush ,Kennedy ,Sallo" '.'!hi te ,Ronald. Councilmen None Councilmen None Attest: G . Cl.~ City Clerk . h~_ e ~e,~~) ~ (/- Mayor A communication is rt-~Dd from Ute Divis:Lon of Highways excluding from the Major City Street System-Hanna Street from Ninth to Sixth Street; Ninth Street fr'om Hanna Str;;et to Eigelberry Street. The following streets are approved for inclusion in the Major Ci ty :'Street System: Tenth Street from Rosanna Street to Eigelberry' Street and Ro sanna ;Street from Tenth Street to Sixth ;:jtreet. 'rtd s corr~unication is ordered filed. A communication is read from Unity Rebekah Lodge request.ing IE rmission to use city property lying betvJeen tlle Bank 0 l' Nnerica Building and the J.C.Penny Compm1Y store to hold a rummage sale.. Motion by CouncilmeUl Gallo, sec onded by Councilman Kef'..nedy and carried that UnitJr Rebekah Lodge be granted permission to use 1429 city owned land lying between the BaiIk}:of America building and the J.C.Penny Company store,August 8,1953, for the purpose of holding a rummage sale. A co~nunication is read from the California State Automobiles Association with reference to a recent traffic survey made at Third and Eigelberry streets and on Miller Avenue;recommending that a "STOP" sign be placed on Third and Eigelberry streets stopping east and west bound traffic on Third Street at Eigelberry Street. Motion by Couhcilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Ronald and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinance authorizing the placing of ,'~ "STOP" sie:,-ns at the interesetion of Third and Eigelberry streets which will stop east and west bound traffic on Third Street at Eigelberry Street. A communication is read from the Howar!i W~Campe.n.,County Counsel for Santa Clara County,advising the Council that the Gilroy Element- , ary School fiistrict has completed thetransaction acquiring title to pll property on the east side of Mb.ple Street between Seventh and Old Gilroy streets and requesting the Counc:il to take the necessary action to close Maple street between Seventh and Old Gilroy streets. xxMotion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Vlliite and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary Res- olution to close Maple Street between Seventh Street and Old Gilroy Street. This being the time specified in a legal notice calling for bids for two automobiles for use of tlle Police Department bids from four dealers are presented and read:: Larry Larson's Motors-two new make Packard~Model 2692-Clipper, 4-door sedans for $2331.90 each and one 1950 Studebaker and one Dodge Meadowbrook 4-door sedan,now owned by the City of Gilroy; total cost of the two cars plus the two automobiles owned by the citY-$4,663.80. 'Jiioi', '. Madonna Motors-two new make Plymouths,Model P24,4-door sedan automobiles ;this bidder agrees to accept the sum of $2745.00 cash and the said two automobiles as full payment for the two new auto- mobiles and equipment. Bob Hollar Company-two new make Plymouths,Model Cranbrook's,4- door sedans;this bidder agrees to accept the sum of $2849.67 cash and the said two automobiles as full payment for the new automobiles and Elquipment. 14:30 Byers Bros.-two new make Ford SIX,Model Mainline Fordor,4-door sedanc'llutomobile s; this bidder agrees to accept the sum of $2083.00 cash and the said two automobiles as full payment for the two new autommbiles and equipment. Byers Bros.-two new make Ford V8,Model Interceptor,4-door sedan automobilesjthis bidder agrees to accept the sum of $2083.00 cash and the said two automobiles as full payment for the two new auto- mobiles and equipment. Motion By Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman White and carried that Byers Bros.bid of $2083.00 ,plus ~ tax on $5543.72,plus 3% State sales tax, for two new Ford v8 Interceptor, 4-door sedan automobiles ,be accepted. A communication from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce with several letters attached foom other chambers of commerce, aildt.heir pro- posed budget for 1953,requesting the sum of $2,500.00 to meet budget requirements, is presented and read. Mr. Kenneth Petersen,president of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, now appears before the Council stating the the chamber will take care of the Christmas decorations and pay for same. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Ronald and carried that the request of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce for $2500.00 be turned over to the Finance Committee for discussion and study at the cOffi"ittee's budget discussions and the matter of Christmas decorations be discussed at the same time. A communication is read from Roy P.Emerson,County Tax Collector, requesting the Council to have the Mayor sign an agreement which would r~love certain properties now being used by the city for alleys and right-of-way,from the county delinquent tax rolls. A communication is read from the Division of Highways presenting a Memorandum of Agreeffient for Major City ~treets,1954 fiscal year. RESOLUTION NO.298 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White that RESOLUTION NO.298 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 298 RESOLUTION OF THE COM1"~ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPE1TDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR rMAJOR CITY STREETS. WHEREAS,a memorandum of agreement has been presented to be entered into with the State of California in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City of Gilroy for expend- iture of the gas tax allocation to cities for the fiscal year 1954,and ~ i i ..... - , ....... , -- 1431 WHEREAS, the Common Council has heard read sai4 ~eement in full and is familiar with t he contents thereof; THEREFOREtbe it resolved by the Common Council. of the City of Gilroy that said project statement be and it is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expenditures of the gas tax allocation to cities, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the mayor and the city <derk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City, said agreement to be binding upon the City upon its execution by the authorized officials of the state. ADOPI'ED and PASSED this 3rd day ot August,1953, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White,Ronald. Councilmen None Councilmen None. /~ ~.~. .... , .J Atteu \Ct.~ City Clerk Councilman White, chairman of the Sewer Committee,now discusses the cannery sewer situation and W~J.Hanna,Jr.,of the City Engineer's office, is called upon to discuss the matter of seweage disposal for the cannery.;estimates of costs made a year or more ago are presented and discusses. Mr.Joseph Perrelli of the Filice and Perrelli Canning Company is present and now appears before the Council, relating history of the cannery and the sewer lines. Mr.Perrelli agrees that the sewer prob- lem is theirs as well as the citys and that t.he cannery officials are willing to go along and bear a fair share of the cost of a new indust- ,,~trial sewer line. It is agreed that the City Engineer should bring his figures on the proposal made several years ago up to date and present these figures to to the Sewer Conmittee. Mr.Wheeler of the Electrical Products Corporation is present and now appears before t he Council to discu ss the proposed chapge in the ttGILRoyn signs. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the present contract with Electrical Products Corporation be re- newed for one year and the city continue to pay the comporation $14.00 per month for the signs. Councilman Kennedy discusses the proposed lease to Archer Ambler on the property owned by t he city and occupied by the Gilroy Golf Club. After some discussussion it is unanimously agreed not to take any further action on an oil and gas lease to Archer Ambler on the OWsley Park property -:::indLihhe property originally owned by t he City occupied by the Gilroy Golf Club. Councilman Kennedy requests that the Clerk be instructed to advise ..AI 1 n~) r'j ~r the American LaFrance-Foamite Corporation of Elmyra,New York, to ship the new fire engine over a. route that will give the greatest haulmng distance to the Southern Pacific Company. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the sum of $1.20.00 be given to the Auxilliary Police force for the barbecue. An application for a Beer and Wine Wholesaler and an Off Sale Bee:e and Wine License from William Del Biaggio et al, d. b. a. Santa Clara Valley Distributirs,273 S.Monterey Street, is presented and read. No objection is made. Reports of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department for the month of JUly,1953 are presented, all samples showing satisfactory. These reports are ordered filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of July,1953 is presented and read and oredred filed. The report of Citations and Arrests by the Gilroy Police Depart- ment for the month of July,1953 .s presented and read and ordeeed filed. The report of the Poundmaster for the month of July,1953 is presented and read and ordred filed. Reports of the City officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman P ate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Counci1man Pate, seconded by Councilman \Vhite and carried that bills as pre sented be allowed and warT'ants ordered on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair.. c~; ~~~Y)l