Minutes 1953/09/14 T I 1441 Gilroy,Ca~iforn'a September 14,1953 This adjourned regular meeting o~ the Co~non Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present Councilmen Carl ~t.Pate,Courtla~d M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jack W.Honald. 1442 The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting,as announced in a letter sent toe ach member of the Council, is to discuss the matter of amending Ordinance No.5Jl,regulating the height of fences, wi th reference to a request from the developers of Vlalnut Orchard Park Subdivision to erect fences five feet eight inches in height in front of dwellings; and to discuss a cooperative agreement bet- ween the State of Califomia,Jaepartment of Public Works,Division of Highways and the City of Gilroy with reference to the widening of ~-I Monterey Street and onstallation of certain drainage facilities. Councilman Rush,chairman of the vrdinance COillnittee,reports that his committee recommends that no fence higher than three feet be erected from the front of property to the legal set back line mn any "AlIt or "B'. district;that any fence across the front of property beyond the legal set back line be limited to five feet eight inches in height and posts be set thirty inches in the groundand set in concrete. Motion by Cougcilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Ronald and carried that Ordinance No.5Jl be amended to include recofMlendations of the Ordinance Committee. A communication and cooperati'Je agreement from the Department of """"I Public Works,Division of Highways is now presented and read. A general discussion of the agreement is now in order with Council- wtIIIfIi men the Mayor,Walter Hanna,Jr. of the City Engineers office enter~ng into the discussion. It is unanimously agreed that a paragraph should be added to the proposed Resolution accepting the cooperative agreement that prop- erty owners shall not be required to spend any money inmanging driveway approaches, building drains;a.!ld.sidewalks. RESOLUTION NO. 299 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate that RESOLUTION NO.299 be adopted. Mr. Irvin Hollister now appears before the Council to discuss ."""'\ additiona~ provisions for insuring the property owners against - any expense with reference to sidewalks, building drains and drive- VJ ay approache s . RESOktITION _NO. ~ RESOLUTION OF THE COI\'IT,ION COUlJCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AGREElJIENT B8TWEEN THE CITY OF GILROY AND THE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTrE~"'T OF PUBLIC WORKS,DIVI:3ION OF HIGHV1AYS,RELATING TO THE VnDE}n~;G ANn IhTPROVEMENT OF MONTEREY 5T3EET, TO BE KNOWN AS 1'kG ILROY COOP'f1~I\ATIVE PROJECT NO.lf'. l 1443 WHEREAS,the City of Gilroy and the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works, of the State of California,have been discussing for sometime past a cooperative project proposed to be underaaken jointly by the City of Gilroy and the said State ofCalif9rnia, for the widening of Monterey Street;and ~rc~EREAS, in the aforesaid discussions relating to said project the limit of the liability of the City of Gilroy has been fixed at the swn of $150,000.00 for its share of the ~ost of the project;and ~JHEREAS, the said State of California has nOVi submi tted to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy a proposed cooperative agreement covering the aforesaid project and vvhich project is to be known as llGilroy Cooperative Project BO.ltt,and has asked the City of Gilroy to examine the form of f! e agreement and approve the same if satisfactory to it;and .G.. " ~'lHgREAS, the said Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy have examined the said agreement as submitted by the Department of Public Works ,Division of High\!ays, of the State of California, to the said Common Council and finds that the same is sati sfactory and in accordance with the understanding heretofore Eeached by the City of Gilroy ~ld the State of California, covering the said project,'! and when the following provision is incorporated in and added to the agree- ment as presented, to-wit: "The property owners owning property situated along rV:onterey Street shall not be under any direct obligation to pay any portion of the costs of the said improvement,and it is understood that all drive- 'v'JaYs from Monterey Street across the sidewalks along the said street shall be altered or reconstructed where necessary to establish the pr~per grade and that portion of down-spouts imbedded in or extending through said sidewalks shall,where necessary,be reconstructed or al tered so that the same will be serviceable ,and such reconstruction or alte::'ation of said driveways and said portions of down-spouts shall be a part of the improvement covered by this agreement and no part of the cost of such alteration or reconstruction shall be borne by any property owner." NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: That the said Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy do 'hereby approve the said agreement,provided the aforesaid provision relating to driveways and dOVln-spouts is incorporated in and becomes a part of said agreement,and the Mayor of the said City of Gilroy is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Gilroy when said provision is incorporated in said agreement. PASSED and ADOPTED the 14th day of Septa~ber)l953, by the follovJing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSE1\'T: Attest: G.CL~ City Clerk Councilmen Pate,Kennedy,White,Ronald Councilmen Rush,Gallo Councilmen None. APproved~' , . > ~__~:'~,,- r" .) _ ayor The Mayor now declares this meeting adjourned. !' fO, r ~ (Or. , ctrf*e~r'~